Sunday, December 13, 2015

YF1AR/8 OC-271 Babar Islands


OC-271 Babar Islands, rare 9pct

OC-271 Babar Island
November  25 - 28, 2015 
129'35" E 7'52"S  PI42td CQ28 ITU54

IDO-386 Masela
OC-271 Masela Island
December  1 - 3, 2015 
129'49" E 8'12"S  PI41vt CQ28 ITU54
Nama pulau Koordinat titik terluar Perairan Wilayah administrasi Negara terdeka
Marsela 8°13′29″LU 129°49′32″BT Laut Timor Kabupaten Maluku TenggaraBaratMaluku Timor Leste

Maluku Barat Daya (English: Southwest Maluku) Regency is a regency of Maluku province, Indonesia. It comprises a number of islands and island groups in the south of the province, including (runnuing from west to east) Liran Island, Wetar Island, Kisar Island, Romang Island, the Leti Islands, the Damer (or Damar) Islands, the Sermata Islands and the Babar Islands. The administrative centre lies at Tiakur on Moa Island (in the Leti Islands), but the largest town is Wonreli (on Kisar Island).

The Babar Islands (Pulau-pulau Babar) are located in Maluku Province, Indonesia between latitudes 7 degrees 31 minutes South to 8 degrees 13 minutes South and from longitudes 129 degrees 30 minutes East to 130 degrees 05 minutes East. Tepa (population 2000 people) is the capital of the Babar Islands municipality ("Kecamatan Pulau-pulau Babar") actually now reduced in size to encompass only the western half of Babar Island, Wetang Island and Dai Island. The town of Letwurung on the east side of Babar island is the capital of the new municipality called "East Babar" ("Kecamatan Babar Timor") in the east half of the Babar Islands, consisting of the East half of Babar Island, Masela Island, Dawera Island and Dawelor Island.

The islands take their name from the large central island of Babar which is roughly 32 km (20 mi) across and a circumference of 97 km (60 mi). Babar Island has a maximum elevation of approximately 750 meters and is lightly covered with sub-tropical montane forest, although the 5 rivers and 2 large year-round springs afford tropical forest in their narrow ravine courses.

Pulau Masela
2007. Active; focal plane 43 m (141 ft); two white flashes every 12 s. 40 m (131 ft) square skeletal tower with lantern and gallery, mounted atop a large building. No photo available, but Bing has a satellite view of the station. Pulau Masela is a small island on the south side of the Babar group, halfway between the Leti and Tanimbar islands. Located at the southern end of the island. Site status unknown. Admiralty K1376.3.



Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical 43 feet 40 m band and HB9CV 20-15-10 m band
Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck



please use for Paypal account

your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX

Sponsor :

Personal Sponsor Babar Island : YB2TJVW2FB, RA6AR, AC0A, W5BOS, WB5JID, W4DKS, OK1DH, HB9DKZ

Personal Sponsor Masela Island : YB2TJVW2FB, JA5IU, W5BOS, JR0DLU/1, JA6TMU, JG4OOU


posing in elementary school at Tepa

Equipment setup
Antenna vertical dual bander 43ft n 31ft, with tuner Icom 2ah
Radio Yaesu FT450D with homemade interface 


Special Thanks,
thank you very much for hospitality grandma Ully

sunset at Babar island


posing in District Office at LTB


Equipment setup
Antenna vertical dual bander 43ft n 31ft, with tuner Icom 2ah

Radio Yaesu FT450D with homemade interface 


Special Thanks,
thank you very much for hospitality OM Nus, Village Master Uiwily, also OM Farde Distric Master and his staff


sunset at Masela island

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