Tuesday, July 14, 2015

YF1AR/0 OC-177 YBFF-025 Kelapa & Harapan Island


YBFF-025  Seribu Islands Marine National Park, New WWFF
OC-177 Kelapa Island - Seribu Islands, New Island
OC-177 Harapan Island - Seribu Islands, New Island

July 16 - 21, 2015
5'35"S  106'33E OI34gi CQ28 ITU54
5'34"S  106'32E OI34gi CQ28 ITU54

An area of 107,489 hectares of land and sea was declared by the Minister of Agriculture in 1982 and designated by a Forestry Ministrial Decree in 2002 as the Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands Marine National Park). Public access is prohibited on two of the islands, Panjaliran Barat and Panjaliran Timur, where sea turtles are conserved.[8][9]

The Thousand Islands Marine National Park is located 45 km (28 mi) north of Jakarta. It is mostly located on the Kecamatan of Kepulauan Seribu Utara (Subdistrict of North Thousand Islands) which is the northern part of the Thousand Islands). The complex contains 342 reef platforms, with 110 formes an island larger than half an acre. There may be as many as 700 individual reefs in the complex.[10]

The dominant animals in the Park include 54 sea biota species which form part of the coral reef ecosystem, 144 species of fish, 2 species of giant clam, 6 species of sea grass, sea worms of various colours and 17 species of coastal bird.[9]

Most coastal areas of this Park are surrounded by mangrove forest, where monitor lizards, golden ring snakes and reticulated pythons can be found.[9]

Seribu Islands District Administration is an administrative district in the Region of Jakarta, Indonesia. Its territory covers an archipelago in the Bay of Jakarta.

The county seat is located at Pramuka Island who started work as the county seat since 2003. There are two District in the Seribu Islands District of South Seribu Islands and the District of North Seribu Islands.

South Seribu Islands sub-district oversees three villages namely Tidung Island Village, Pari Island Village , and Untung Java Island Village . Sub-district of North Seribu Islands are also in charge of three villages namely Kelapa Island Village , Harapan Island Village , and Panggang Island Village.

Seribu Islands district has a population of approximately 20,000 inhabitants spread over eleven small islands uninhabited. Among the eleventh island of Untung Java Island, Pari Island, Lancang Island, Tidung Large Island, Tidung Small Island, Pramuka Island, Panggang Island, Harapan Island, Kelapa Island, and the Sebira Island. In addition to the uninhabited islands, there are also several islands that serve as tourist island, such as Bidadari Island, Onrust Island, Kotok Large Island, Puteri Island , Matahari Island , Sepa Island, and so on.

In the district there is also a conservation zone in the form of a marine national park called the Seribu Islands Marine National Park (TNKS). As an area that most of the area is water and in it there is also a conservation zone, it is not surprising when the development of the district is more emphasis on the development of marine aquaculture and tourism. These two sectors are expected to be the prime-mover of development of society and Administrative District Thousand Islands region


YF1AR/0 Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical 43 feet 40 m band and HB9CV 20-15-10 m band

Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck

please use yf1ar@yahoo.com for Paypal account

your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX

Sponsor :



Personal Sponsor Harapan Island : YB2TJVW2FB, KD3CQ, KD1CT, JA5IU, K3EST, G4MFX, N1WC, W5BOS, JG4OOU, VK7BC, G4VMXDL7UXG, JR0DLU/1, DL3APO

Personal Sponsor Kelapa Island : YB2TJVW2FBKD3CQ, IN3VZE, JA2AYP, KD1CT, W5BOS, K3EST, VK7BCJA5IU, JG4OOU, DL7UXG, JR0DLU/1, N4WW, G3TXF

speedboat Kerapu still in docking, so using traditional boat, where they are pick up the money on the boat without ticket, hihihi

Harapan Island antenna and radio
using 43ft vertical antenna and FT450D

Kelapa Island antenna and radio
using 43ft vertical antenna and FT450D

YBFF0025 Seribu Islands Marine National Park 

sunset at Seribu islands

Special Thanks
thank you very much for hospitality for Mr Khayat @ Harapan Island, Mr Robby @ Kelapa Island, also Mr Hendra, Kerapu speedboat Captain

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