Thursday, July 23, 2015

Not A Lid, But What?

Not A Lid, But What?

What do you call frugal, freeloading, whiny, crying Ham Radio Operators? Can’t call them Lids because they don’t fit the definition. So how do we address Mr. Frugal, Freeloading, Whiny, Crying Ham?

You know the type.

They don’t donate to DXpeditions. They don’t QSL but want yours for free. Better yet, they don’t QSL but they want a DXpedition to digitally upload their logs to Logbook of The World (LoTW) and Club Log before the DXpedition is even over. They want that digital confirmation, and they want it NOW! The cheap bastards fill up forums and blogs complaining that a half a million dollar DXpedition is asking for a $5 QSL Card (per callsign) donation. Didn’t they learn simple math back in elementary school? 100,000 QSO’s amongst 20,000 unique Callsigns at $5 (per Callsign request) raises all of $100K (and that doesn’t subtract outbound postage). That’s less than 1/5th of $500K Mr. Frugal, Freeloading, Whiny, Crying Ham.

Look, everybody knows money is tight for some. We here at Lid List get that. But where and when did Mr. Frugal, Freeloading, Whiny, Crying Ham get his sense of entitlement that a DXpedition (or a rare DX station) owes him anything at all?

“Pay to play” is not in their vocabulary.

So how do we address these moochers? Let’s hear’m!

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