Friday, January 24, 2014

OC-273 Gorong and Watubela Islands - NEW IOTA

OC-273 Gorong and Watubela Islands

YF1AR/8 and YB0AI/8 
OC-273 Gorom aka Gorong aka Goram aka Goran Island - NEW IOTA
January 25-31 extended February 2,2014
131'24" E 3'58"S  PI56qa CQ28 ITU51
Variant forms of spelling for Kepulauan Gorom (Goran) or in other languages: Gorong Islands, Pulau-pulau Gorong, Goram-Eilanden, Goram Group, Gorong-eilanden, Goram Group, Goram-Eilanden, Gorong Islands, Gorong-eilanden, Pulau-pulau Gorong.

On Thursday, February 6, 2014 3:01 AM, Roger Balister <> wrote:

Dear Budi

Many thanks for sending me the logs of your OC-273 operation and the link to the validation material on your website. I have now had time to look at everything. It is all fine and I can confirm the issue of OC-273 to the Gorong and Watubela Islands IOTA group on the basis of your operations with the calls YF1AR/8 and YB0AI/8. Congratulations on the 2,500 contacts, that’s a big score.

It was a great pleasure to have contacts with both of you. You had good signals at the time. Thank you on behalf of the IOTA community for putting these remote islands on the air.

Best regards

Roger Balister, G3KMA

On Friday, January 3, 2014 7:53 PM, Roger Balister < >; wrote:

Hello Budi

That’s great news. I am sure the IOTA Community will be very excited at another new one in Indonesia. The Spice Islands sound a very remote and beautiful area of your country.

Many thanks for the scans of the tickets. You are aware of our requirements (minimum number of QSOs etc), so I do not need to repeat them, hi!

I hope everything goes well with good radio conditions and also weather.

Take care and a safe journey and return.

Roger, G3KMA

Maluku: The Spice Islands of the East

Scattered between Sulawesi, Timor and Papua, and long known in the West as the "Spice Islands", whose once unique cloves and nutmeg drew visitors from all over the world for centuries, Maluku is made up by over a thousand beautiful tropical islands with lush vegetation and unique fauna, stunning beaches and marine life, and very friendly, hospitable people. Overshadowed by more famous and accessible Indonesian islands like Bali, Java or Sumatra, remote Maluku receives very few visitors nowadays. On my trips around the archipelago, I never met more than half dozen foreigners in a month, and sometimes not a single one in a 2 months long trip. More than any other region in Indonesia, this is the ultimate destination for those who like island-hopping well off the beaten track!

Maluku today is divided into 2 provinces. "North Maluku" province with its majority Muslim population and its capital Ternate stretches from Halmahera and Morotai to the Sulas and Obi. Confusingly named, majority Christian "Maluku" province encompasses the central and southern regions of Maluku from Buru and Seram to the Arus and Wetar, with its capital being Ambon. Both provinces are equally beautiful and share similar history, culture and attractions.

Seram: The Mother Island of Central Maluku

Seram is the largest island in southern Maluku Province, and according to local beliefs it is the "Nusa Ina" or Mother Island where all the people of Central Maluku once came from.
The island is very mountainous and includes 3027m Gunung Binaya, the highest mountain in all Maluku.
Needless to say, it offers excellent (but hard) trekking opportunities, the best known of which is a long trek right across the island through Manusela National Park.
An added bonus is the island's unique birdlife which includes several endemic species, though is not always easy to spot.
For the less energetic, Seram's main attraction is beautiful Sawai village on the northern coast, with its gorgeous setting at the foot of towering cliffs, nice accommodation, good snorkelling and interesting off-shore islands.

East of Seram: From Geser to Teur

A scattering of tiny, mainly Muslim islands stretching from the eastern tip of Seram towards the Keis form Central Maluku's most remote and least accessible corner. None of these islands has played a significant role in history, none have any outstanding attractions, and they offer almost no facilities to visitors whatsoever. To tour them you will need lots of time, a knowledge of Indonesian, and a high tolerance of filthy, overcrowded Perintis ships.

Geser is a tiny atoll island at the eastern tip of Seram. It is nevertheless an important, historic trade centre of the region. It is a very quaint place with an old-fashioned feel to the town, and decent beaches right on the atoll, however it is best used as a base for exploring the neighbouring Seram Laut islands and eastern Seram itself.

Seram Laut Islands
The Seram Laut Islands just east of Geser are a bit larger and hillier than the atoll with which they share the same language and culture. They are also inhabited, but less crowded, and have some very beautiful beaches.

Gorom Islands
Southeast of Geser and Seram Laut, the three main islands of the Gorom archipelago share the same language and culture with them - all Muslims here, too. This is another area to find fine beaches well off the beaten track. The main island, at least around its main settlement, was somewhat underwhelming though, so you must be prepared to go a bit further than that. Its only attraction was an unusual army monument, and a surprisingly good selection of shops for these remote parts.

Watubela Islands
On the border of Central and Southeast Maluku, the remote Watubelas, consisting of inhabited Kesui, Teur and Watubela islands and a few smaller uninhabited ones, hit the world headlines during the years of the conflict. Today they are as peaceful and quiet as any in Maluku.

Red Lory.

The Red Lory aka Moluccan Lory (Eos bornea bornea aka Eos rubra bornea) is endemic to the Ambon, Saparua, Buru, Seram, Goram, Seramlaut, Indonesia, Watubela and the Kai Islands (also known as Kei Islands) - found in the south-eastern part of the Maluku Islands in Indonesia.
The Black-winged or the Blue-streaked Lories are also sometimes referred to as Red Lory.

This monument to commemorate the event along with the departure of 53 members of the Pioneer 9 volunteers from the village Kataloka, Gorom Island by Anton Soedjarwo KP II, Detachment Commander Pioneers on August 8, 1962 at 17:00. The troops landed safely in Cape Fatagor, West Irian safely, after a voyage across the sea as far as 100 miles deep and fierce. OPERATION TRIKORA: Indonesia Giant Military in 1960s and Liberation of W. Papua

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YF1AR/8 Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical 43 feet 40 m band and HB9CV 20-15-10 m band

YB0AI/8  Radio Yaesu FT950 power 100W
Antenna Vertical 43 feet 40 m band and Yagi 5 bander 20-17-15-12-10 m band
Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck

QSM via Homecallsign

please use for Paypal account

your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX

Sponsor :




Special thanks for OM Safruddin, Head of Islamic HighSchool Namalean-Sikaru who host us with hospitaly and very kindness helpfull

LionAir Jakarta-Ambon, Pelni Pangrango Ambon-Geser, rent speedboat Geser-Goran, Woodship Bombana Goran-Bula, rent car Toyota Innova Bula-Ambon, LionAir Ambon-Jakarta


posing Pelni Pangrango, posing Geser harbor, posing Namlean Administrative Office, posing Islamic HighSchool Namalean-Sikaru, posing Namalua Goran harbor, posing Woodship Bombana


Antenna HB9CV 2 el for 10-15-20 m band, Antenna Vertical 43ft for 10-15-20-40 m bands, Radio set up YAESU FT450D, FC707 and Asus Netbook



YB0AI as team leader
Antenna Yagi WARC 12-17 m band, Antenna Vertical 43ft 10-15-20-40 m band, Radio set up YAESU FT950, FC707 and Acer Notebook


posing in rent speedboat, posing in home of host ( OM Safruddin, YB0AI, YF1AR, Village Head, XYL Safruddin), on the air among village people, generator 3 KVA running daytime, banner OC273 Goran Island


Friday, January 17, 2014

KIMAAM Island (OC-275)

KIMAAM Island (OC-275)
W2FB Stephanus D J Busono

Indonesia, dengan jumlah pulau lebih dari 13.000 adalah kepulauan terbesar di dunia, sayangnya belum pernah terlaksana program penghargaan untuk pulau-pulau Indonesia sampai berapa saat sebelum ini. Di tahun 2012, ajang ‘Nusantara Indonesian Islands Award’ diluncurkan, ini menghasilkan munculnya banyak operasi dari area YB dan dari berbagai IOTA berbeda yang telah berhasil diaktivasi semenjak awal peluncuran program ini.

Sampai saat ini, dua IOTA baru telah berhasil diaktivasi: OC-275 dan OC-276. Berikut adalah wawancara dengan tiga operator yang berpartisipasi dalam aktivasi OC-275 yang terjadi tanggal 10-16 September 2013: Taufan, YB0AI; Budi, YF1AR, dan Lucky, YDR9QX.

Pelaksana wawancara ini adalah Dr. Stephanus J D Busono, W2FB. Beliau mendapatkan surat ijin beroperasi di tahun 1983 sebagai YD0DBH. Pada tahun 1984, beliau dan keluarga pindah ke California, Amerika Serikat. Semenjak itu beliau mendapatkan surat ijin beroperasi sebagai N2MAU, yang pada akhirnya diubah menjadi W2FB di tahun 2001. Beliau selalu aktif dalam pencarian pulau-pulau YB semenjak taun 1991. Bersama dengan Adhi, YB3MM, pada tahun 2012 mereka mendirikan Grup Pemburu Pulau Indonesia (Indonesian Islands Hunter Group), grup ini merupakan salah satu sponsor program Nusantara Award. Steve ialah sosok manajer QSL bagi Lucky, YD9RQX/P, selama operasi pulau Kimaam ini berlangsung.

W2FB: Bagaimana mula-mula ada ide untuk ke OC-275?
YB0AI: Waktu ngobrol-ngobrol di rumah dengan Budi, YF1AR, tercetus rencana kalau mau buka IOTA baru, cuma dimana karma ada 2 di call area 9, dan 3 di area 8. Mulai cari di google beberapa pulau/rumpun pulau yang sudah memiliki nomor IOTA. Tetapi belum di gunakan untuk memancar dari pulau tersebut. Setelah melihat lokasi melalui google maka di putuskan untuk pulau-pulau disekitar kota Merauke, karena di salah satu pulau bernama pulau Yos Sudarso cukup luas dan ternyata pulau ini mempunyai beberapa nama seperti “Dolok”, “Kemaam”, dll.
Disamping itu, pulau ini ada lapangan terbang dan biasa mendarat pesawat terbang perintis seperti maskapai merpati telah lebih dulu ada jadwal rutin 2 kali seminggu yaitu senin dan rabu. Penerbangan dari Merauka ke pulau Kemaam dengan pesawat terbang perintis di tempuh dalam waktu 45 menit. Maka kita putuskan untuk membuka IOTA baru di pulau Kemaam OC-275 south papua coastal island.

W2FB: Apa langkah pertama yang dilakukan? Merekrut operator? Apa bisa berbagi cerita sedikit mengenai rapat strategi/logistik di Jakarta?
YF1AR: Kejadian begitu cepat. Pertengahan bulan Agustus, YB0AI mematangkan persiapan OC-275 dengan syarat dana cair dari proyek YB0AI di Maluku awal bulan September. Ternyata akhir Agustus dana YB0AI sudah OK, sehingga kita berdua rapat dan langsung bikin pengumuman di seluruh dx-news. Karena mendadak, saya tidak ada persiapan dana tetapi YB0AI akang mengcover dulu dan akan digantikan dari donasi yang akan didapatkan nantinya. Kita hubungi YB3MM ternyata Adhi berhalangan. Tetapi mohon dicantumkan namanya sebagai anggota team buat membantu penggalangan dana. Kemudian juga YB8XM membantu dalam hal pemberitahuan kepada Lokal Merauke, Orda Papua, dan Orpus, sehingga kami cantumkan juga sebagai anggota walaupun dari awal tidak bisa gabung karena beliau membantu pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional AR di pulau Masohi, Maluku. Demikian juga putra daerah YB9WZJ dari Sorong; YC9XOZ dari Merauke, dan YD9RQX, Jayapura kami undang, walaupun akhirnya hanya YD9RQX yang bisa hadir. YB4IR gabung pada awal September, tetapi karena ada rapat mendadak di Jakarta, akhirnya batal juga tempat QRV alternatif 1. Bandara Kimaan karena area terbuka 2 mercusuar Kimaan karena dekat pantai 3 YC9YUZ di Kabonji, yang mana ternyata jauh lokasinya dari Kimaan.

W2FB: Setelah matang dan diumumkan bagaimana perjalanan ke Merauke dan dari sana bagaimana ke Kimaam? Apa ada yang menarik dalam perjalanan ke sana?
YB0AI: Dari Jakarta awalnya direct to Merauke via Makasar, tetapi dua hair sebelum keberangkatan kita rubah beli tiket via Jayapura baru ke Merauke dengan harapan akan ketemu YD0RQX/Lucky, kita tidak ketemu tetapi Lucky ada dalam pesawat Jayapura to Merauke yang kami naiki, kami ketemu setelah tiba dan turun dari pesawat di Merauke.
Sampai di Merauke kita hubungi contact person yang akan membelikan tiket Merauke to Kemaam, ternyata contact person kita minta bantuan Kapolsek Merauke untuk carikan tiket ke Kemaam, setelah tiket dapat sambil tunggu waktu kami ngobrol-ngobrol di cafeteria dan teman-teman dari Orari Lokal Merauke datang dan ketemu teman lama pak Sami, YB9XOS, yang ternyata Wakapolres Merauke. Marilah cerita macam-macam disitu. Penerbangan ke Kemaam dengan pesawat merpati dengan waktu tempuh 45 menit.
YF1AR: Perjalan ke MKQ dilakukan mendadak sekali, karena selama 2 minggu kami mencari tiket MKQ-KMM tidak dapat karena pesawat perintis terbatas sekali, hanya 16 bangku dengan penerbangan senin dan rabu. YB0AI dan YF1AR tiba di Merauke masih belum pegang tiket ke KMM tetapi YD9RQX mennjanjikan apabila hari minggu tanggal 8 tiba dan menghadap ke merpati diusahakan akan dibantu oleh kapolsek bandara atas perintah kapolres merauke yang mana sudah dihubungi YD9RQX terlebih dahulu. Akhirnya kami dapatkan 3 tiket.

W2FB: Setiba di Kimaam apa yang dilakukan? Bagaimana setup? Dimana tempat QRV?
YF1AR: Pada saat digedung merpati Merauke, kami bertemu tentara yang akan ke kota Kepi (pedalaman Papua). Ybs merujuk ke pos militer di Kimaan. Pada saat tiba di bandara KMM, kami sudah dijemput truk militer dan langsung menuju mercusuar jarak 10km dan pada pertengahan jalan kami mampir di pos militer. Ternyata kami bertemu dengan pak ADam pemilik warung/toko satu-satunya di mercusuar dan bersedia untuk kami tinggali. Begitu sampai lokasi, melihat tower 30m dan p Adam mempunyai 2 generator 10KW serta punya panjat tower dan ditempatkan di puncaknya. YD9RQX bawa dipole 40/80m langsung saya pasang pada ketinggian 20m karena terbatasnya kabel coaxial. yB0AI bawa 3 band lagi, dipasang pada dermaga, pada alat pengaduk semen. Yang ini dirubah tinggal menjadi 2 el 20m pada saat wae contest dan dipasang pada ketinggian 20 m.
YB0AI: Tiba di pulau Kemaam contact person kami sudah menjemput dengan mobil truck membawa kami dan semua peralatan ke posko Yaled, kebetulan DanPos sedang ke Merauka, setelah berbincang-bincang dengan mobil truck kami menuju pelabuhan kapal laut Kemaam karena disana ada menara mercusuar. Setelah kamis survey kondisi menara bagian bawah layak di tempati sebagai radio room dan menaranya sendiri dengan tinggi 30m dapat kami pasang antenna vertical di puncak nya menara tsb, karena kami mau memancar bersamaan di beberapa band, antena dipole 7mc dan 3.8mc kami pasang di tengah-tengah tinggi menara mercusuar tsb kira-kira pada 17m dan antena 3 band 14mc, 18mc, dan 24mc kami pasang berjauhan kira-kira 20m dari menara mercusuar, waktu merakit antena tsb di bantu oleh Lucky, YD9RQX, satu jam selesai dengan tinggi tiang antenna 4m.

W2FB: Akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu tiba hari H dan Jam J, CQ DX new IOTA OC-275, siapa yang mulai CQ pertama dan stn apa yang pertama wkd OC-275 dan di band apa?
YB0AI: Kami QRV pada tanggal 9 jam 12.01 UTC pada 15m dengan YF1AR memanggil CQ langsung HS0ZIV langsung menjawab dan saya mohon ybs untuk spotting di cluster. YB0AI QRV pada jam 16.03 UTC pada 20m memanggil CQ dan YB1/PD1SA langsung menjawab. YD9RQX ada masalah pada kabel coax padahal baru beli di Merauke, akhirnya pada tanggal 10 jam 8.41 UTC memanggil CQ pada 40m dan YC9XAV dari Jayapura langsung menjawab.

W2FB: Bagaimana propagasi di band 40, 20, 15, dan bagaimana pileupnya?
YB0AI: Propagasi hari pertama kami buka di band 21Mc dan 14Mc sangat baik dan di 7Mc cukup baik. Pada saat big..big..pileup saya di 14Mc awalnya tanpa split, karena kewalahan akhirnya saya buka CQ DX dengan split 5 to 10 up. Disini 1 menit dapat 3-4 station. Seru Budi gak kalah serunya kita berdua saling teriak memanggil station-station yang berkerumun memanggil-manggil YB0AI/9 maupun YF1AR/9. Gemetar jari-jari mengetik station yang berhasil saya dengar dan masukan di log. Saat seperti ini tidak ada duanya dengan penuh semangat dan kesenangan penuh saya menikmati pileup ini.
YD9RQX: Sebagai pemula saya sangat bersemangat untuk bisa beroperasi pileup pertama di hidup saya. Sayangnya, saya hanya bisa berpartisipasi untuk sementara dikarenakan adanya keadaan darurat di keluarga saya yang mengharuskan saya pulang ke Jayapura.

W2FB: Bagaimana pembagian jadwal operasi?
YB0AI: Jadwal operasi siang hari Budi, YF1AR, terus memanggil di 21Mc maupun 14.150Mc sesekali ke 28Mc, hanya saja di band ini kurang baik jadi perolehan QSO tidak begitu banyak. Malam hari di 18Mc dan 24Mc tanpa splits karena bisa di handle satu persatu, QSO tidak terlalu banyak propagasi cepat sekali menutup di band ini, pengguna band ini pun terbatas, band 7Mc lebih baik Oceania, Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika dapat pada band ini, band 3.7mc tidak banyak dapat sekitar asia dan oceania.

W2FB: Bagaimana logistik selama di Kimaam, listrik, genset vs PLN, tempat tidur, makan, mandi, dll?
YF1AR: Di dermaga, mimaan tidak ada listrik, kebetulan adam, keluarga yang kami tinggali punya 2 genset 210 KW yang menyala 24 jam bergantian. Kami tidur jika tidak ada propagasi, walaupun radio nyala 24 jam. Tidur kami di operating room dibawah menara mercusuar dengan sleeping bag. Makan pada hari 1 dan 2 disediakan oleh istri P Adam, tetapi karena hari rabu istrinya ke Merauke, jadi saya menjadi koki dadakan hanya bisa masak indomie dan goreng telor mata sapi. Pada hari terakhir, kami adakan perpisahan dengan P Adam dan warga setempat dengan bakar satay dan gulai dari daginng rusa. Aur tawar sangat susah, hanya buat minum, kami tidak mandi selama seminggu, kami tidak mandi selama seminggu, hanya sikat gigi tiap hari.
YB0AI: Selama di pulau Kemaam, tempat ber QSO di bawah menara mercusuar, makan hari pertama, kedua dan ketiga dari ibu haji yang masakkan, hari ke-4 dan seterusnya sampai hari ke-6, POP Mie rebus sendiri dan goreng telur + abon sapi. Biar itu-itu aja juga gak bosen. Karena makannya pas waktu lapar aja. Genset milik pak Adam yang punya rumah dekat menara mercusuar kami sewa 24 jam selama 6 hari, sempat rusak di hari ke-4 dan diperbaiki, jalan kembali, di lokasi ini tidak ada PLN. Tempat tidur di ruang bawah menara mercusuar di alas triplek dan dengan sleeping bed masing-masing gantian tidurnya, mandi 2 hari sekali, karena sulit air tawar disana.

W2FB: Hari terakhir, siapa QSO terakhir dan berapa total QSO?
YB0AI: Hari terakhir Budi, YF1AR QSO di 14mc, setelah digabung total QSO 5147.
YF1AR: Hari minggu tanggal 15 jam 16.14 UTC dengan M0NEX pada 20m band oleh YF1AR. Total QSO lebih kurang 5000 QSO, 150 DXCC, 6 benua pada band 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, 80 mode phone semua, kecuali 30 dan 160 off karena morse.

W2FB: Lelah tapi senang dan puas saya rasa, apa kesan-kesan dari Oc-275 ini?
YB0AI: Buat saya pribadi semenjak pembukaan OC-275 di Kemaam, ada gairah kembali untuk DXing lagi dan contesting lagi (Ingin ngabung di YE2R di kota Grobogan untuk mengikuti contest CQWW 2013) setelah berhenti 5 tahun karena jenuh dan sudah dapat 5BDXCC. Karena selalu dengar noise untuk menyelesaikan phone DXCC di 80m band yang betul-betul melelahkan. Tetapi tidak dipungkiri amatir radio adalah hobby yang menyenangkan.
YF1AR: 1. New IOTA OC-275; 2.Lighthouse ARLHS IDO-148; 3. Pulau terluar- wawasan nusantara; 4. Hadiah ultah YBDXC ke-2.
YD9RQX: Saya berharap saya bisa lebih lama beroperasi tapi saya sangat bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari tim OC-275. Ini merupakan pengalaman DXepedition pertama saya dan pastinya bukan yang terakhir.

W2FB: Taufan, Budi, and Lucky, mewakili Indonesians Islands Hunter Group dan komunitas IOTA, kami sangat merasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas kerja dan usaha dalam pengaktivasian OC-275. Semoga beruntung dengan aktivasi pulau selanjutnya.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

OC-219 Tukang Besi Islands aka Wakatobi Islands

OC-219 Tukang Besi Islands aka Wakatobi Islands

YF1AR/8 and YB3MM/8
ARLHS IDO-259 Wangiwangi LightHouse
IOTA OC-219 Wangiwangi Island
March 26/28 - April 2, 2014
LAT: 05° 15' S LON: 123° 33' E  PI14sr CQ28 ITU54

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 2:44 AM, Roger Balister  wrote:

Dear Budi

Many thanks. Congratulations on the operation.

73 Roger, G3KMA

Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago and regency located in an area of Sulawesi Tenggara Province (Southeast Sulawesi), Indonesia. The name Wakatobi is an acronym of the names of the main islands that form the archipelago: Wangi-wangi Island, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. The group is part of a larger group called the Tukangbesi Islands. The Regency capital, Wanci, is located on Wangi-wangi Island.

Tukangbesi Islands is a group of islands off the coast of Sulawesi immediately east of Buton island in the Banda Sea region, and part of Sulawesi Tenggara. There is a Tukang Besi language. Separating Buton and the group is the Gulf of Kolowana Watabo.

The archipelago is located in the biodiverse hotspot known as Wallacea. It is part of the Wakatobi National Park.

Wakatobi National Park is a marine national park, south of Sulawesi island of Indonesia. The name of Wakatobi is an acronym of the four main Tukangbesi Islands: Wangi-wangi,Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko.[1] Since 2005 the park is listed as a tentative World Heritage Site.[2]

Wakatobi National Park is a marine national park
Legendary underwater explorer and conservationist, Jacques Cousteau is said to have called the Wakatobi islands – then known as the Tukangbesi islands: an “Underwater Nirwana”

Now a National Marine Park covering the entire Waktobi District, it comprises a total of 1.4 million hectares, of which 900,000 hectares are decorated with different, colourful species of tropical coral reefs. For Wakatobi is widely recognized as having the highest number of reef and fish species in the world. The islands are also famous as the largest barrier reef in Indonesia, second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Here can be found fringing, atolls and barrier reefs and offer more than 50 spectacular dive sites easily accessible from the major islands. This is the habitat of large and small fish species, the playground of dolphins, turtles and even whales. 

The island group comprises 143 larger and smaller islands where only 7 are inhabited counting a total population of around 100,000, while the others remain uninhabited. Most notable are the Bajo communities, the seafaring nomads who inhabit many of Indonesia’s remote islands.

Located right in the heart of the Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle, in the province of South East Sulawesi, the Wakatobi Islands offer crystal clear pristine waters and a rich bio-diverse underwater life, a true paradise for Divers, as this is one of 3 hearts in the World Coral Triangle that stretches from the Solomon Islands in the Pacific to Wakatobi, and North to the Philippines. Wakatobi alone is said to have 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 of world's collection, which, comparing with the two world's famous diving centers, the Caribbean Sea owns only 50 species with 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, in Egypt.

Situated at the end of the south eastern “petal’ of the orchid shaped island of Sulawesi and separated by the deep Banda Sea to its north and east and the Flores sea to its south, the name Wakatobi is in fact an acronym of its four main islands, which are : Wangi-wangi (WA), Kaledupa (KA), Tomia (TO) and Binongko (BI).

Due to its magnificent underwater life, Wakatobi is fast gaining worldwide attention for its quality dives that can be made by beginners to professionals. Small wonder, therefore, that many liveaboards make this one of their main ports of sojourn. Aside from its dive sites, Wakatobi has many superb beaches.

The conservation group “Operation Wallacea” is very active in this marine park, conducting underwater research and conservation. During the Sail Wakatobi 2011 in August, the Marine Laboratory on Hoga Beach by Kaledupa is to be officially inaugurated. (For information visit:

The District capital of Wakatobi is Wanci on Wangi-Wangi. Since the opening of the Matohara Airport on Wangi-Wangi, these remote islands are now more accessible and can be reached by flights from Jakarta or Makassar. There is also another landing strip on Tomia island, which receives charters from Bali.

Pulau Wangiwangi
Date unknown (station established 1904). Active; focal plane 150 m (492 ft); two white flashes every 12 s. 21 m (69 ft) skeletal tower, painted white. Savitri Kusuma has the photo at right, and Waode NaniKurnia has on Twitter a photo taken on the gallery of the lighthouse, but Google has only a distant satellite view of the area. Pulau Wangiwangi is an island in the Tukangbesi group, east of Buton. Located on the northern tip of the island, 35 km (22 mi) east of Tanjung Kanolanatumbi. Site open, tower closed. ARLHS IDO-259; Admiralty K1558; NGA 25348.

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YF1AR/8 Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical Dipole 40 m band and HB9CV 20-15-10 m band

YB3MM/8  Radio Kenwood TS450 power 100W
Antenna Yagi 3el monobander 20m dan 15m

Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck
please use for Paypal account

your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX
Sponsor :



Special thanks for Wakatobi Recency and Patuno Resort Wakatobi which fully support YF1AR/8 OC219 Wakatobi On The Air

Sriwijaya Air Jakarta - UjungPandang, Wings Air UjungPandang - Wakatobi, Wings Air Wakatobi - UjungPandang, Lion Air UjungPandang - Jakarta 


posing in Matahora Airport, Wakatobi  posing in front office Patuno Resort Wakatobi as main sponsor 


Antenna Vertical 43ft for 10-15-20-40 m band, Radio set up Yaesu FT450D, FC707, Asus netbook


OC 219 operator
YF1AR/8 YB3MM/8 installing vertical antenna, YF1AR/8 YB3TET/8 YB3MM/8 posing in front of operating room, Patuno resort, Wakatobi, as main sponsor