Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kisar Island, OC-272 NEW IOTA

OC-272 Moluccas Barat Daya Islands - NEW IOTA  

YF1AR/8 and YB4IR/8 
meanwhile YB8XM/p postponed due to new assignment 
IDO-376 Tanjung Tutunmahin
OC-272 Kisar Island - NEW IOTA  
Desember 21-27, 2013 
127'18" E 8'06"S  PI31nw CQ28 ITU54

1783 Emmanuel Church 

Old Dutch Fort

Tanjung Tutunmahin (Pulau Kisar)
2004. Active; focal plane 90 m (295 ft); white flash every 4.5 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, painted white. No photo available, but Bing has a satellite view. Located at the southeastern tip of Pulau Kisar, an island about 30 km (19 mi) north of the eastern tip of Timor. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty K1373.2.IDO-376

On Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:39 AM, Roger Balister wrote:

Dear Budi

OK, many thanks for the information. We are amending the Directory listing for OC-272 to include Kisar Island and deleting it from OC-246.
Please let me know the exact dates of your operation when they are firm.
As with your operation from OC-275, we will need validation material including evidence of presence on Kisar Island.

Wishing you all best wishes for the success of your operation.

Roger Balister, G3KMA

Correction to OC-272 Listing
With reference to the forthcoming operation from OC-272, please see the following Directory correction: On the basis of evidence recently provided it has become clear that Kisar Island was incorrectly grouped with the Leti and Sermata Islands OC-246 in the IOTA Directory. We now know that it is administratively part of the Terselatan Islands in the wider Maluku Barat Daya Islands OC-272 and not part of the Leti Islands - see various references on Google which confirm this. We have amended the website list to show Kisar Island in OC-272 and the co-ordinates boxes also for OC-246 and OC-272. The next paper Directory will say the same. Understand that in year 2000 it was not always easy to place an island that was a little separated from other islands and recognised island groups. Internet was not developed in the way it is today to give reliable information. In view of the forthcoming operation it was important that we made this correction.

G3KMA, 05 Dec 2013

On Monday, December 30, 2013 10:14 PM, Roger Balister <> wrote:

Dear Budi

Many thanks for the validation material including the pictures from Kisar Island. I understand now that you started your operation on Saturday 21 December.

Everything is OK and we can confirm the issue of OC-272 to IOTA’s Barat Daya Islands group on the basis of the operation by you, YF1AR/8 and Imam, YB4IR/8. Congratulations on making 4460 QSOs between you – that is a big score. I am sure that the IOTA Community wish to join me in thanking you for this very successful operation.

Personally, I was delighted to make contact with you both.

Best regards for 2014

Roger Balister, G3KMA

Kisar Kisar
Native name: Yotowawa

Kisar in the south of Maluku Islands as a part of theBarat Daya Islands
Geography Location South East Asia
Coordinates 8.06°S 127.18°E
Area 81.83 km2 (31.595 sq mi)[1]
Country Indonesia
Provinsi Maluku
Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya
Kecamatan Pulau-Pulau Terselatan

Kisar, also known as Yotowawa, is a small island in the Southwestern Moluccas in Indonesia.
Kisar warriors.
It is located to the northeast of Timor Island in an area of active tectonics.[2]
The Oirata language,[3] (closely related to Fataluku) and the unrelated Kisar,[4] a trade language (also locally known as Yotowawa or Meher), are spoken here.
The Timor Monitor (Varanus timorensis) is found in Kisar.

1665 the Dutch VOC built a military base and named the island after the Kisar word for white sand. From the European outpost on Kisar a relatively large Indo Eurasian community developed named the 'Mestizo from Kisar' to this day their descendants live as Rajas and chiefs on Kisar. Surviving family names include: Joostenz, Wouthuysen, Caffin, Lerrick, Peelman, Lander, Ruff, Bellmin-Belder, Coenradi, van Delsen, Schilling and Bakker.
In 1795 Kisar was under English rule, in 1803 it was under Dutch/French rule and in 1810 again under English rule. 1817 Kisar was returned to the Dutch until the outpost was abandoned in 1819. After that time Kisar upheld close ties with their Portuguese, Topasses and Timorese neighbours on Timor.
After WWII and Indonesia's independence the island was temporarily considered part of the segregated RMS, but ultimately became part of the unitary Indonesian state.

Kisar chiefs.
The current and 12th Raja (king) of Kisar, Johannes J. Bakker, succeeded his father Raja Hairmere Philipus Zacharias Bakker.[5] The first Raja Cornelis Bakker, who also ruled Wetar, Roma and Leti island via his brothers[citation needed], was crowned ca. 1665.
Nowadays the Raja is respected as a traditional dignitary, but has no political power. The present Raja is well educated and for 5 years worked as a government official in nearby East-Timor, when part of Indonesia. There he met his wife Maria Antonette Ribeiru.[5]

Academic study[edit]
In 1928 the German Professor E.Rodenwaldt published his study "Die Mestizen auf Kisar", "Mikroskopische Beobachtungen an den Haaren der Kisaresen und Kisarbastarde".[6] His work is published in two German language volumes, one volume details measurements and photographs of the observed Mestizos. It contains a family tree showing the very complicated inter-marriages between the descendants of Mestizo families, as well as indicating skin, eye, and hair colour heredity. The study shows a unique natural experiment spanning over two centuries and is considered an essential academic work in the area of human heredity.[7][8]

Southwest Maluku Regency Regency
Country Indonesia
Province Maluku
Area • Total 4,581.06 km2 (1,768.76 sq mi)
Population (2010 Census) • Total 70,372 • Density 15/km2 (40/sq mi)

Maluku Barat Daya (English: Southwest Maluku) Regency is a regency of Maluku province, Indonesia. It comprises a number of islands and island groups in the south of the province, including (runnuing from west to east) Liran Island, Wetar Island, Kisar IslandRomang Island, the Leti Islands, the Damer (or Damar) Islands, the Sermata Islands and the Babar Islands. The administrative centre lies at Tiakur on Moa Island (in the Leti Islands), but the largest town is Wonreli (on Kisar Island).

The regency is divided into eight districts (kecamatan), tabulated below with their 2010 Census population.
Name Population Census 2010 Notes
Pulau-Pulau Wetar 7,916 Wetar and Liran Islands
Pulau-Pulau Terselatan 17,899Kisar and Romang Islands
Leti Moa Lakor 7,526 Leti Island 
Moa Lakor 9,138 Moa and Lakor Islands
Damer 5,560 Damer Islands
Mdona Hiera 5,269 Sermata Islands
Pulau-Pulau Babar 7,752
Babar Timur 9,654

Southwest Maluku , before the 1823  , precisely at the time of the Dutch East Indies by the name Onderafdeeling Zuit Eilanden Wester is part of the Residency of Timor , located in Ilwaki , Wetar Island . Its territory covers Kisar Island , Wetar , Lirang , Romang , Damer , Leti , Moa , Lakor , Luang and Sermatang Island .

In 1896 , the position Onderafdeeling Zuid Eilandon Wester moved from Ilwaki to Serwaru , Leti Island . Later in 1912 , moved again to Wonreli , Kisar Island , right on the leadership Luitnan Gesegheber BH Trestege .

The breakdown in relations with the residency Timor occurred in 1925 , when Onderafdeeling Zuid Wester Eilandon transferred to Resident Maluku ( Residentie Molukken ) . Diversion , followed by changes Onderafdeeling Zuit Wester Eilanden to Assistant district officer , who ruled in 1928 beneath an Assistant Bestuurs power Plaatselyke Bestuur van Hoof ( HPB ) in Wonreli . In 1947 , then made ​​Onderafdeeling own .

Maluku Moluccas

Geography Location South East Asia
Total islands ~1000
Area 74,505 km2(28,766.5 sq mi) 
Highest elevation 3,027 m (9,931 ft)
Highest point Binaiya

Country Indonesia
Provinces Maluku, North Maluku
Largest city Ambon
Demographics Population 1,895,000 (as of 2000)
Ethnic groups Nuaulu, Manusela

The Maluku Islands within Indonesia yellow: North Maluku province red: Maluku province

The Maluku Islands or the Moluccas /məˈlʌkəz/ are an archipelago within Indonesia. Tectonically they are located on the Halmahera Plate within the Molucca Sea Collision Zone. Geographically they are located east of Sulawesi, west of New Guinea, and north and east of Timor. The islands were also historically known as the "Spice Islands" by the Chinese andEuropeans, but this term has also been applied to other islands outside Indonesia.
Most of the islands are mountainous, some with active volcanoes, and enjoy a wet climate. The vegetation of the small and narrow islands, encompassed by the sea, is very luxuriant; including rainforests, sago, rice and the famous spices—nutmeg, mace and cloves, among others. Though originally Melanesian,[1] many island populations, especially in the Banda Islands, were killed off in the 17th century during the Spice Wars. A second influx of Austronesian immigrants began in the early twentieth century under the Dutch and continues in the Indonesian era.
The Maluku Islands formed a single province since Indonesian independence until 1999, when it was split into two provinces. A new province, North Maluku, incorporates the area betweenMorotai and Sula, with the arc of islands from Buru and Seram to Wetar remaining within the existing Maluku Province. North Maluku is predominantly Muslim and its capital is Ternate. Maluku province has a larger Christian population and its capital is Ambon.
"Spice Islands" most commonly refers to the Maluku Islands and often also to the small volcanic Banda Islands, once the only source of mace and nutmeg. This nickname should not be confused with Grenada, which is commonly known as the "Island of Spice". The term has also been used less commonly in reference to other islands known for their spice production, notably the Zanzibar Archipelago.

The name Maluku is thought to have been derived from the Arab trader's term for the region, Jazirat al-Muluk ("the island of the kings").[2]

Administrative divisions[edit]
The Maluku Islands were a single province from Indonesian independence until 1999 when they were split into North Maluku and Maluku.
North Maluku province includes Ternate (the site of the provincial capital), Tidore, Bacan, Halmahera (the largest of the Maluku Islands)[3] Morotai, the Obi Islands, and the Sula Islands. The residual Maluku province includes Ambon (the site of the provincial capital) and the other Lease Islands; the much larger islands of Seram and Buru; the smaller islands lying south and east of Seram—the Banda Islands, Gorong Islands, Watubela Islands, Kai Islands and Aru Islands; and in the far south the Babar Islands, Damar Islands, Romang, Kisar, the Leti Islands, Tanimbar Islands, and Wetar.


YF1AR/8 Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical Dipole 40 m band and HB9CV 20-15-10 m band

YB4IR/8 Radio Yaesu FT950 power 100W
Antenna G5RV 40 m band and Yagi Mini Multi 20-17-15-12-10 m band

Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck

QSM via Homecallsign
please use for Paypal account

your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX
Sponsor :




Jakarta - UjungPandang using Air Asia, UjungPandang - Ambon using Lion Air and Ambon - Kisar vv using Merpati Air, Ambon - Jakarta using Lion Air 

posing in front of Pattimura Ambon Airport, in front of Merpati flight remote PK-NCX, in front of Jhon Bakker Kisar Airport, in front of Nama Kisar Seaport


homemade HB9CV 20m 2 el working 20-15-10 band, homemade vertical 5/8 20m 12.5m whip working 40-20-15-10 band, operating room with FT450D, FC707, PS30A, PC ASUS


with Mr Kisar Camat ( government highest officer ), in front of Emmanuel Church's ruin, in front of Dutch Fort ruin, in highest hill cross statue


Monday, November 18, 2013

W2FB interviews the Kimaam Island IOTA DXpedition Team

W3UR on QST Dec 2013, How's DX

W2FB interviews the Kimaam Island IOTA DXpedition Team

Thursday, October 31, 2013

YF1AR/4, OC-262 Sebesi Island

IOTA OC-262 South Sumatra Coastal Islands

YF1AR/4 OC-262 Sebesi Island
IOTA OC-262 Sebesi IslandNovember 2-5, 2013
LAT: 05° 58' S LON: 105° 27' E Grid-OI24ra CQ-28 ITU-54

Sebesi (also Sebeezee, or 'Bleezie') is an Indonesian island in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra. It rises to a height of 844 metres (2,769 ft) and lies about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) north of the Krakatoa Islands; it is the closest large island to Krakatoa, about the same area and height as the remmant of Rakata. Like Krakatoa, it too is volcanic, although there are no dated eruptions known. (A single report of an eruption in 1680 seems to be a confusion with the Krakatoa eruption reported from that year.) Unlike the Krakatoas, Sebesi has permanent streams and is inhabited.

Sebesi was devastated during the 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa. Official records give approximately 3,000 people killed, with 1,000 of these being 'non-residents'.

By 1890, Sebesi was being re-cleared. It is believed that since it lies closer to Sumatra, it has served as a 'stepping stone' for much of the flora andfauna which was re-established at Krakatoa. By the 1920s, settlers had returned, and today Sebesi is virtually completely cultivated, with only a small area at the peak and some mangrove swamps still natural.


YF1AR/4 Radio Yaesu FT 450D with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical Dipole 10m-15m-20m band and GroundPlane 40m band

Mode mainly on Phone as well as on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info :
special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued

OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck
please use for Paypal account


your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX

Sponsor :


Personal Sponsor : YB2TJV, W2FB, R7FK

ferry from Merak java to Bakauheni sumatra and small boat from Canti sumatra to Sebesi island


posing in jetty Canti and gate of Sebesi island


Verticall antenna and Operating room


fishing and sunrise