Friday, August 2, 2013

YF1AR/1, Cikoneng - Anyer LightHouse, Banten

OC-021 Java Island

ARLHS IDO-081 Cikoneng - Anyer LightHouse
OC-021 Java Island - Banten
August 7-11, 2013

LAT: 06° 04' S LON: 105° 53' E
Gridsquare OI23ww CQ28 ITU 54

ARLHS IDO-081 Cikoneng - Anyer LightHouse

Cikoneng (Tjikoneng, Anyer, Fourth Point) {Vierde Punt} (2)

1885 (station established 1855). Active; focal plane 60 m (197 ft); two white flashes every 20 s. 58 m (190 ft) 12-sided cast iron tower with lantern and gallery. Entire lighthouse painted white. David Howell's photo appears at right, Unian Husien has a 2010 photo, Köhler has a 2011 photo, a closeup, a second closeup, and a more distant view are available, the Tropenmuseum has three historic photos, and Bing has a satellite view. The lighthouse was prefabricated at The Hague in the Netherlands by Enthoven and Co. It is one the very few Indonesian lighthouses readily accessible to tourists. The original lighthouse was destroyed by tsunami waves triggered by the catastrophic explosion of the Krakatoa volcano on 27 August 1883. These waves were at least 30 m (100 ft) high, obliterating all traces of the original light station. Located on Tanjung Cikoneng near Anyer Kidul on the east shore of Sunda Strait, overlooking the still-active Krakatoa. Accessible by road. Site open, tower open for climbing. ARLHS IDO-081; Admiralty K1050; NGA 23336.

Another of the world's tallest lighthouses is Indonesia's Cikoneng lighthouse, which is located on Tanjung Cikoneng in Banten province, west Java. Standing at 60 meters (190 ft) tall, it was a very tall lighthouse for its time. It is officially Indonesia's second oldest lighthouse.
The original Cikoneng lighthouse was built in 1806 by the Dutch colonial government in Indonesia. When the Krakatoa volcano erupted in 1883, the original Cikoneng lighthouse was completely annihilated by the tsunami waves triggered by the massive volcanic eruption, which were at least 30 meters (100 ft) high!
The current Cikoneng lighthouse was built two years later.
Today the Cikoneng lighthouse is one of a small number of Indonesian lighthouses that offer easy access to visitors. However, across the Sunda Strait from the Cikoneng lighthouse is the still-active Krakatoa volcano, which is rapidly reemerging from the ocean after it completely destroyed itself that day in 1883

OC-021 Java Island - Banten

In the 5th century, Banten was part of the Kingdom of Tarumanagara. The Lebak relic inscriptions, found in lowland villages on the edge of Ci Danghiyang, Munjul, Pandeglang, Banten, were discovered in 1947 and contains 2 lines of poetry with Pallawa script and Sanskrit language.[citation needed] The inscriptions speak of the courage of king Purnawarman.[citation needed] After the collapse of the Tarumanagara kingdom, due to an attack by Srivijaya, power in the western Java fell to the Kingdom of Sunda. The Chinese source, Chu-fan-chi, written circa 1200, Chou Ju-kua mentioned that in the early 13th Century, Srivijaya still ruled Sumatra, the Malay peninsula, and western Java (Sunda). The source identifies the port of Sunda as strategic and thriving,pepper from Sunda being among the best in quality. The people worked in agriculture and their houses were built on wooden poles (rumah panggung). However, robbers and thieves plagued the country.[4] It was highly possible that the port of Sunda mentioned by Chou Ju-kua was probably refer to the port of Banten.

According to the Portuguese explorer, Tome Pires, in the early 16th century the port of Bantam (Banten) was an important port within the Kingdom of Sunda along with the ports of Pontang, Cheguide (Cigede), Tangaram (Tangerang), Calapa (Sunda Kelapa) and Chimanuk (estuarine of Cimanuk river).[5]

In 1527, just as the Portuguese fleet was arriving off the coast, newly converted Javanese Muslims under Sunan Gunungjati captured the port of Banten and the surrounding area from the Sundanese leaders and established the Sultanate of Banten. The center of this sultanate, according to J. de Barros, was Banten which was a major port in Southeast Asia rivaling Malacca andMakassar. The city of Banten was located in middle of the bay which is around three miles across. The city was 850 fathoms in length while the seaside town was 400 fathoms in length. Through the middle of town there was a clear river which ships and gale junks could sail into. There is a small tributary of the river extending to the edges of the town. Today, the river is not so large and only small boats can enter. There was a fortress very near to the town whose walls were made of brick and was seven palms wide. There were wooden defense buildings consisting of two levels and armed with good weapons. The middle of the town square was used for military activities and folk art, and as a market in the morning. The king's palace was located on the southern side of the square. Beside the building was an elevated and flat-roofed, called Srimanganti, which was used by the king when meeting the people. To the west of the square was a great mosque.

In the early 17th century, Banten was an important commercial center on international trade routes in Asia. At the time, the administration and governance of port were very supportive of economic growth. Its territory included the area which is now the province of Lampung in southern Sumatra.

When the Dutch arrived in Indonesia the Portuguese had long been in Banten. The English established a representative site in Banten, a "factory", and were followed by the Dutch. In addition, the French and Danes also came to trade in Banten. In the ensuring competition between the European traders, the Dutch emerged as the winners. The Portuguese fled Banten in (1601) after their fleet was destroyed by the Dutch fleet off the coast of Banten.


Ethnically the Baduys belong to the Sundanese ethnic group. Their racial, physical and linguistic traits bear much resemblance to the rest of the Sundanese people; however, the difference is in their way of life. Baduy people resist foreign influences and vigorously preserve their ancient way of life, while modern Sundanese are more open to foreign influences and a majority areMuslims.

The Baduy are divided into two sub-groups; the Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy), and the Baduy Luar (Outer Baduy). No foreigners were allowed to meet the Inner Baduy, though the Outer Baduy do foster some limited contacts with the outside world. The origin of the word Baduy may come from the term "Bedouin", although other sources claim the source is a name of a local river.[1]

The religion of the Baduy is known as Agama Sunda Wiwitan, a combination of traditional beliefs and Hinduism. However, due to lack of interaction with the outside world, their religion is more related to Kejawen Animism, though they still retain many elements of Hindu-Buddhist religion influences, like the terms they use to define things and objects, and the rituals in their religious activities.

According to kokolot (elder) of Cikeusik village, Kanekes people is not adherent of Hinduism or Buddhism, they follow animism, the belief that venerated and worshiped the spirit of ancestors. However in its development this faith is influenced and incorporated Hindu, and to some extent, Islamic elements.[2]

A certain amount of Islamic influence has also penetrated into the religion of a few of the Baduy Luar in recent years (especially in Cicakal Girang village), with some original ideas thrown in for good measure. The ultimate authority is vested in Gusti Nu Maha Suci, who according to the Baduy sent Adam into the world to lead the life of a Baduy.

The Baduy also observe many mystical taboos. They are forbidden to kill, steal, lie, commit adultery, get drunk, eat food at night, take any form of conveyance, wear flowers or perfumes, accept gold or silver, touch money, or cut their hair. Other taboos relate to defending Baduy lands against invasion: they may not grow sawah (wet rice), use fertilizers, raise cash crops, use modern tools for working ladang soil, or keep large domestic animals.

There is evidence that they were originally influenced by Hindu, but retain much of their native animism ancestral veneration beliefs. They have adopted this many centuries before foreign influence including Arab (Islam), European (Christianity) etc.

Generally, the Baduy are divided into two groups: The Baduy Dalam and The Baduy Luar. The community of villages in which they live are considered mandalas, derived from the Hindu/Buddhist concept but referring in the Indonesian context to places where religion is the central aspect of life.

The population of about 400 Baduy Dalam consists of 40 families Kajeroan who live in the three villages of Cibeo, Cikertawana, and Cikeusik in Tanah Larangan (forbidden territory) where no stranger is permitted to spend the night. They are probably the purest Baduy stock. The Dalam follow the rigid buyut taboo system very strictly,(see Religion and Beliefs for more information about their taboos) and thus they have made very few contacts with the outside world as they are considered as "People of the sacred inner circle". The Dalam are the only one of these two major clans that have the Pu'un, the spiritual priest of the Baduy. The Pu'un are the only people that visit the most hallowed and sacred ground of the Baduy which lies on Gunung Kendeng, in a place called Arca Domas. Unlike the Luar, the Dalams are hardly influenced by Islam.

The Baduy Luar make up the remainder of the Baduy population, living in 22 villages and acting as a barrier to stop visitors from entering the Sacred Inner circle. They do follow the rigid taboo system but not as strictly as the Dalam, and they are more willing to accept modern influence into their daily lives. For example, some Luar people now proudly sport the colorful sarongs and shirts favored by their Sundanese neighbours. In the past the Baduy Luar only wore only their homespun blue-black cloth, and were forbidden to wear trousers. Other elements of civilization (toys, money, batteries) are rapidly infiltrating especially in the villages to the north, and it is no longer unusual for an outer Baduy to make a journey to Jakarta, or even to work outside as a hired hand during the rice planting and reaping seasons. Some even work in big towns and cities like Jakarta, Bogor andBandung. Animal meat is eaten in some of the outer villages where dogs are trained for hunting, though animal husbandry is still forbidden.


Radio Yaesu FT 450 with tuner FC 707 power 100W
Antenna Vertical Dipole 10m-15m-20m band and GroundPlane 40m band 
Mode mainly on Phone and spare time on CW n Digital
QRV 10m - 40m band

QSL Info
OQRS via YF1AR Clublog
QSM via N2OO Bob Schenck

special qsl card design for dxpedition will be issued


your donation is welcomed, the fund will be also used for the next DXpedition, TNX



YF1AR/1 and his grandson in statue of Cikoneng - Anyer LH

YF1AR/1 in front of Cikoneng - Anyer LH

YF1AR/1 Operating Room

YF1AR/1 using multiband Vertical Dipole

YF1AR/1 on the air untill mid-nite

1 comment:

  1. Hi radio guy! I am writing an article about Fourth Point (Cikoneng) Lighthouse for the U.S. Lighthouse Society journal. It's mostly about the loss the lighthouse during the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Would you be willing to send me some pictures of the lighthouse and allow me to use your logo? If so, you would get credit for the images and the society would send you a PDF copy of the journal. You can email me at Pictures need to be 300 dpi, good quality digitals. thanks for considering my request.
    Elinor DeWire, Volunteer
    U.S. Lighthouse Society
    Hansville, Washington, USA
