Sunday, November 25, 2012

DXpedition Video

DX Expedition Aitutaki

DX Expedition with Norm at Ginas Garden Lodges Aitutaki Cook Islands. Christmas 2012. Sorry about the audio drop outs, must have been a faulty tape.

 VP6T Pitcairn Island 2012 DXpedition

VP6T Pitcairn Island 2012 DXpedition by F6BEE Jacques, F4BKV Vincent, FM5CD Michel, G3TXF Nigel, VE2TZT Gilles.


Team Leader Tommy vk2ir working the 20mtr pile up

T30PY&T30SIX - 2012 Western Kiribati DXpedition official video (IOTA OC-017)

Official video of the 2012 Western Kiribati DXpedition on Tarawa Atoll (IOTA OC-017) Oct. 16th to 25th

IOTA DXpedition EU044 Mageroya isl. 1080p HD

Waldi SP7IDX and Mek SP7VC will be active as LA/SP7IDX and LA/SP7VC from Mageroya isl. EU-044,QTH locator KQ21VC ,area Nordkapp -Barents Sea -- between 20.07-29.07.2012.
Activity will holiday style (we also big fishing).We plans to use 2 stations.One HF band second for the 50Mhz.Operation will be 80-6m using ssb,rtty also in IOTA Contest 2012.
Our equipment consist of IC746,TS480sat+Heil headsetHC6,antenna farm-HEX-BEAM by SP7IDX TECHNOLOGY 20-10m,R-7 vertical 20-10m,6el. yagi for 6m,2x inv L 80-40m,PA for HF and 6m.Software Win-Test sending qsos to Clublog in real time and Mixw.
During the travel to Mageroya isl. possible activity with Seskaro isl EU-139 in the evening or at night 19.07 and the next day 20.07 in the morning.QTH locator KP15VR. as SM/SP7VC and SM/SP7IDX. QSL also OK via home call,the log will be uploaded in LoTW.

GB2BLE Lundy Island DXpedition 2010

September 2010 South Bristol Amateur Radio Club mounted its annual DXpedition to Lundy Island operating as GB2BLE.
This years team consisted of Julia, Matt G0ECM, Mike G0MEM, Steve G0UQT, Peter G0DRX, Norman G4NFS and Andy G7KNA.
We operated a FT847 on SSB and a FT857 on PSK31 from Government House. Quite a good week radio wise we managed to work into the United Arab Emirates with just 100W into a long wire.
We spread our time on Lundy between operating, playing computer, long walks and meals in the Marisco Tavern. The weather was good for the time of year, improving as our week went on but fog and high winds stopped the MS Oldenburg supply ship from making its scheduled Tuesday voyage leaving those guests due to depart on Tuesday stranded until the helicopter came in on Wednesday once the fog had lifted.

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