Monday, June 11, 2012

160 Meter Inverted-L Bazooka Antenna

160 Meter Inverted-L Bazooka Antenna

A DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna is an extremely broad-banded Half Wave Antenna that can operate efficiently across an entire Ham band with little change to the SWR.
The DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna design was first conceived as a radar antenna in the early 1940's for use by the U.S. Government. It was modified for amateur radio use in the 1950's.
Home-brew DOUBLE BAZOOKA rarely survive harsh elements and wind-load stresses. The weak points were typically at the feed point and coax twin lead connection. The IAC design is culmination of a three-year development program, including state of the art materials and encapsulation techniques, to provide the amateur radio operator with an antenna that will endure such harsh elements. Construction methods and components used are of government Mil-Spec quality.
The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L antenna combines the features of a horizontal and a vertical antenna to provide constant signal levels to stations from near-in to more than 1,000 miles. The folded part of the antenna adds a horizontal radiation component to the vertical radiated signal, which enables more reliable contacts closer in than a pure vertical antenna would. This is due to the horizontal and vertical mixture of radiated energy giving higher angle of radiation to the signal, yet enough vertical radiation for DX work.
  • IAC has taken the same high performance, Mil-Spec quality construction and applied this into a quarter-wavelength INVERTED-L antenna.
  • Antenna construction centers around 50 Ohm coax in combination with 300-Ohm transmission line end section. The result is an end feed broadband quarter-wavelength inverted-L antenna.
  • Provided for the operator's 50 Ohm feed line is an SO 239, a silver plated connector having Teflon insulation and a gold plated socket.
  • The features of the proprietary design anchor the connector in high shear UV resistant molding. The coax element is sealed in this molding, which exhibits high adhesion to the PVC Jacket.
  • Mil-Spec heat shrink tubing, with a melting inner liner, is utilized to seal and strain relieve the transition area between the coax and the twin lead. A heat shrink cap is applied to the outer most end of the twin lead completing antenna construction.
  • This unique design eliminated the need for antenna matching baluns and can be fed directly with 50-Ohm coax. The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L typically provides SWR readings of less than 2:1 over the entire amateur band.
  • Since this antenna has no exposed metal wire static charges can not build up thus reducing noise by 6 dB over antennas constructed of exposed bare wires.
  • The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L antenna will handle full legal limit power with no effect to performance.
  • The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L is recommended to be mounted close to the base of a tower. The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L should run parallel to the tower approximately 24 inches away. The DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L can also be run parallel to a tree or wooden pole for equally good results. See installation instructions page for more details.
  • All DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L antennas will operate on other bands with the aid of an antenna tuner.
The following chart gives overall antenna length and recommended vertical and horizontal lengths for the DOUBLE BAZOOKA INVERTED-L.

40 meters
36 FT
15 - 20 FT
16 - 21 FT
80 meters
72 FT
30 - 40 FT
32- 42 FT
160 meters
138 FT
60 - 80 FT
58 - 78 FT

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