Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Draft Rules Released For 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship; Concept is M2

Draft Rules Released For 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship; Concept is M2

Organizers of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship have released a draft of the rules for that competition, which include one significant change, making it into more of a Multi-Two operation with two signals allowed on the air at all times.

"The rules are very similar to those used at WRTC 2010 in Russia," stated a release from Randy Thompson K5ZD.

"The most significant change is in rule 16.2.4 that allows both radios to transmit at any time."

"With competitors from around the world and different interpretations of the English text, we felt it was important that everyone get a chance to review the rules and provide comment before the final version is released," said Andy Blank N2NT.

"We look forward to feedback from the contest community."

The rules can be found on the WRTC 2014 website.

The period for comments by interested parties will close on June 18, with the goal of organizers to then release the final rules by July 1 of this year.

As referenced above, the biggest change seems to be the issue of allowing both radios to transmit at the same time. The exact language reads:

"Both Radio A and Radio B are allowed to transmit. The contest is a full Multi-Operator Two-Transmitter type operation. The only limitation is that each radio must transmit on a different band regardless of mode( e.g., If Radio A is on 15M SSB, Radio B is not allowed on 15M SSB or 15M CW during the same time period)."
Initial reaction was mixed from familiar names in the contest community.

"I'm happy to see WRTC organizers innovating in the format giving strategists more options," said Jose Nunes CT1BOH, who said the new rule would "change things completely into a M2 operation."

But Nunes argues it won't be as easy as just staying on the air and running two stations for 24 hours.

"The winning strategy will come for sure with One station RUN all the time and the other station alternating RUN with S&P. The correct mix and when to do it will be pivotal towards winning," Nunes wrote on the CQ-Contest reflector.

But there were others who weren't so sure about the change.

"WRTC has now gone from a skillset event to (potentially) a pure run fest for both radios," said Rich DiDonna NN3W.

DiDonna cited what he labeled a "Decreased emphasis on S&P; no true multi-single decision making; no interlock and hand off skills."

"I'd like to understand the rationale for this from the committee."

"I like the change," wrote Willy UA9BA on the CQ-Contest reflector.

"Now the team leaders will have to solve a real problem of making the right choice between the all time friend and a real good op," UA9BA added. "Certainly not an easy task!"

Some though noted that the WRTC 2014 qualifying criteria had downplayed points from Multi-Two operations - and now - WRTC 2014 will actually be a Multi-Two type event.

"To limit Multi-2 submissions and then turn it into a M2 contest is ironic," said Ed Sawyer N1UR.

"If you will do M2 in WRTC why penalize M2 in the qualifying events?" asked Jorge Diez CX6VM/CW5W

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