Thursday, May 31, 2012

Visual assembly guide for the G3TXQ Hexbeam by MW0JZE

Visual assembly guide for the G3TXQ Hexbeam by MW0JZE

Checking the package contents and familiarizing yourself with the the parts


The spreaders

Preparing the Hex for installation of the spreaders

Fitting the radius cords

Fitting the circumference cords.

Fitting the circumference cords part 2

Wire Elements

Fitting the Wire Elements

Adjusting the wire element fixings.

Making a 1:1 Balun with split coax feed-point.

Fitting the feed-point to the Hexbeam.

Real time video of Ant MW0JZE assembling his own version of the G3TXQ Hexbeam while out portable for the 2010 IOTA contest off the Welsh coastal island of Ramsey

Ant MW0JZE assembling his G3TXQ Hexbeam

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

CQ Announces 2012 Hall of Fame Inductees

CQ Announces 2012 Hall of Fame Inductees

CQ magazine announced its 2012 Hall of Fame inductees at the Dayton Hamvention, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the CQ DX Hall of Fame with three new members, along with two new inductees into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame and 16 new members of the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.

The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honors those individuals, whether licensed hams or not, who have made significant contributions to amateur radio; and those amateurs who have made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on our planet. The 2012 inductees (listed alphabetically) are:

George Badger, W6TC (SK), expert in tubes and tube circuit designs; executive of Eimac and later President of Svetlana
Bill Brown, WB8ELK - "Father" of amateur radio high-altitude ballooning
Robert Brown, NM7M (SK) - Expert on 160-meter propagation, author and retired physics professor
Evelyn Gauzens, W4WYR - Chair of the Miami "Tropical Hamboree" hamfest for 45 years; ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director, Honorary Vice President
Richard Garriott, W5KWQ– Younger half of first U.S. father-son team to travel in space. (His father is Owen Garriott, W5LFL, the first astronaut to operate amateur radio from space, and a 2001 Amateur Radio Hall of Fame inductee.)
William W. Hansen (no call)(SK), "Father of Microwave Electronics"
Richard Kirby, ex-W0LCT/HB9BOA (SK) - Director of the ITU's International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) from 1974 to 1995
Fred Maia, W5YI (SK) - One of the architects of VE program, first FCC-designated VEC; editor/publisher W5YI Report; long-time CQ columnist
Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML - Communications Director, New York City Marathon, 1976-present; former ARRL First Vice President, Director (W2ML became a Silent Key on May 23; see story below and in the July issue of CQ -- ed.)
Larry Mulvehill, WB2ZPI - Photojournalist who has covered major news events around the world for more than 50 years; CQ cover photographer for over 30 years
Rowley Shears, G8KW (SK) - Founder of KW Electronics in UK; helped re-establish amateur radio in Germany after World War II
Mike Staal, K6MYC - Antenna expert, co-founder of KLM and M2 Antennas
Frederick Terman (ex-6FT, W6AE, W6XH) (SK) - Microwave pioneer, partner with William Hansen (see above)
Patrick Tice, WA0TDA - Manager, Courage HandiHam System; for more than 20 years
Louis Varney, G5RV (SK) - Inventor of the G5RV antenna
William A. Wilson, K6ARO (SK) - First U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican after formal diplomatic relations were re-established in 1984 after more than a century

CQ DX and Contest and DX Halls of Fame

The CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame honor those amateurs who not only excel in personal performance in these major areas of amateur radio but who also "give back" to the hobby in outstanding ways. The CQ DX Hall of Fame, founded in 1967, celebrates its 45th anniversary this year.

The 2012 inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame are:
Don Chesser, W4KVX (SK) - Pioneering DXer and DXpeditioner; founder of DX magazine
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ - A leading DXpedtioner, leading many teams, often to very rare countries; personally responsible for restoring amateur radio in Bhutan in 2000
Carl Smith, N4AA - Editor and publisher of DX magazine and the weekly "QRZ DX" bulletin. Also CQ's DX Editor and leader of effort to create Southern Appalachian Radio Museum.

The 2012 inductees to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame are:
Jim Reisert, AD1C - Maintains and constantly updates the country and prefix files that are depended upon by virtually all of the major contest and general logging programs, as well as software for the major DX clusters.
Lothar Wilke, DL3TD (SK) - Leading contester and promoter of contesting in Germany; under his leadership, DA0HQ won the IARU World Championship 11 times.

Formal inductions to the CQ Contest and DX Halls of Fame were made at the Dayton Hamvention.® More detailed descriptions of inductees will appear in the official announcement in the July 2012 issue of CQ magazine.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

40th SEANET Convention, Kuala Lumpur, November 23-27,2012

What is SEANET

The South East Asia Amateur Radio Network (SEANET) as established in 1964 on 20m (14.320 MHz plus or minus QRM).

The objective of this Net is to promote international understanding and fellowship among hams and to relay emergency, medical, urgent or priority traffic.

This on-the-air meeting which has taken place without fail daily at 1200 UTC has strengthened unity and co-operation among Hams around the world, especially those within the region.

The net also provides Hams a facility for testing their equipment and propagation conditions on the 20m band.

Technical Paper Presentation

In conjunction of the 40th SEANET 2012, the organizing committee is pleased to announce the Technical Presentation session during the conference.

Lists of speakers and presenters is as follows:
No Presentation Title Speaker Confirmation

1 HF on Link Establishment (ALE) YD0OXH
Ionospheric & Telecommunication Div. Center of Space Science Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space LAPAN
2 Introduction (History & Development of KIWISAT)
Amateur Radio Satellite Comm. Amateur Satellite Communication Corp. (AMSAT-ZL)
3 Introduction to UHF,VHF & SHF contest.
Amateur Radio Television (ATV)  Wellington VHF Group
4 Amateur Radio Emergency Comm. : Role of RAST during 2011 flood.
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST)
5 Role of JARL in 2011, Tohuku Tsunami & Earthquake
Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL)
6 EmComm.: Role of ORARI during disaster in Indonesia
Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI)
7 Disaster Comm
International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 (IARU-R3)
Radio Society Great Britain (RSGB)

SEANET 2012 Itinerary

The following are the programme line up for SEANET 2012. More coming soon.
* This is a tentative schedule, subject to change from time to time.

1 Friday, 23 November 2012 0900 - 1800 2030 - 2200
- Arrivals & Registration
- Welcome Dinner
Dynasty Hotel
2 Saturday, 24 November 2012 0800 - 1200 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1700 2030
- * Technical Paper Session #1
- Lunch
- * Technical Paper Session #2
- Gala Dinner at the hotel
* Accompany person may opt for Kuala Lumpur site seeing tour (Lunch not included)
Dynasty Hotel
3 Sunday, 25 November 2012  0830 - 1200 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1700 2030 - 2230 
- Kuala Lumpur City Tour
- Lunch
- Kuala Lumpur City Tour (continue)
- Dinner
Kuala Lumpur
4 Monday, 26 November 2012  0800 - 1700 2030  
- Selangor Eco Tourism Tour
- Farewell Dinner at hotel Selangor
Dynasty Hotel
5 Tuesday, 27 November 2012  0800 1200 1330
- Closing Ceremony (Flag hand-over)
- Lunch
- Check out
 Dynasty Hotel

SEANET 2012 Registration

To all SEANET 2012 Participants,

Please be informed that the REGISTRATION FORM is now ready for your perusal. You may download the registration form, by clicking the image below. 

Kindly submit the COMPLETED registration form to This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it'>REGISTRATION@2012SEA.NET .

Conference fee are as follows:- Participant Type Fee
International Participants
Package inclusive of conference fee, twin sharing accommodation, meal, and tours.
USD $ 420.00 per person

Local participants
Package inclusive access to Gala Dinner,Technical presentation session, and Closing Ceremony. Accommodation NOT INCLUDED.
RM500.00 per person Early Bird: RM400.00  (full payment before 31 May 2012)

MARES Malaysia Members (with VALID and ACTIVE membership)
Package inclusive access to Gala Dinner, Technical presentation session and Closing Ceremony. Accommodation NOT INCLUDED.
 RM350.00 per person  (full payment before 31 May 2012)

For payment, you may pay the conference fee via the following method:-

Credit Card via PayPal Bank Transfer
Account Name:MARES Secretariat
Email Account:

Account Name: MARES Secretariat
Account Number: 2141-3800-1303-09
Bank Name: RHB Bank
Branch: KLCC Branch, Kuala Lumpur
Swift code No:RHBBMYKL

For any enquiry, kindly contact the conference secretariat at secretariat@2012sea.netor call Program Director, Mr Issac Husin, 9W2RI at +60 17-733 8676.

Thank you and we wish to welcome you to 40th SEANET 2012, Kuala Lumpur.



The organisers of the SEANET Convention 2012 invite all radio amateurs and short-wave listeners to participate in the SEANET 2012 Contest. This contest is associated with the 40th annual SEANET Convention to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, over the period 23 to 27 November 2012.

To promote two-way amateur radio communications within the SEANET region and between the SEANET region and the rest of the world. Special SWL rules: see section 13. 

From 1200UTC Saturday to 1200UTC Sunday on the first full weekend in June each year. In 2012, the dates are:
Starts: 1200UTC on 2 June 2012,
Ends: 1200UTC on 3 June 2012 (duration 24 hours).

80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands (no WARC bands).

Frequencies should be used as appropriate to the mode and station licence but it is suggested that activity should be centred around the following frequencies where possible, so that it is easy to find SEANET Stations:

CW: 3525, 7025, 14025, 21025, 28025.
SSB: 3540 (for Thailand), 3790, 7090, 14320, 21320, 28320.
RTTY as per international assignments.

CW, SSB and / or RTTY may be used. There are no single-mode sections.


5.1. Single operator (SEANET)
5.2. Multi-operator (SEANET)
5.3. Single operator (Rest of the World)
5.4. Multi-operator (Rest of the World).

Both single-operator and multi-operator stations may use any or all bands (10 – 80m) and any or all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY). All stations may use Internet or Packet Cluster ‘spotting’. Any number of transceivers or receivers may be used, but only one signal may be transmitted at any one time (there is no ‘Multi-Two’ or ‘Multi-Multi’ category).

As stipulated in the regulations governing the licence of the station.

RS(T) report plus serial number starting with 001.

8.1. SEANET Stations may contact Rest of the World stations and SEANET Stations, including those within their own country.
8.2. Rest of the World stations may only contact SEANET Stations.
For the purpose of this contest a “SEANET Station” is defined as one operating from the following DXCC entities:
4S, 4W, 8Q, 9M/DX0 (Spratly), 9M2, 9M6/8, 9N, 9V, A5, BS7, BV, BV9P,BY, DU, H4, HL/DS, HS/E2, JA, JD1/M, JD1/O, KH0, KH2, P2, P5, S2, T8, V6, V8, VK, VK9C, VK9X, VR2, VU, VU4, VU7, XU, XV/3W, XW, XX9, XY, YB.

These are all the DXCC entities in CQ Zones 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Note: The definition of a SEANET Station is based on its DXCC entity, not the CQ Zone, therefore VK stations located in Zone 30 and BY stations located in Zone 23 also count as multipliers. Not included as multipliers are Antarctica in Zone 29, or other DXCC entities that happen to be in Zones 23 and 30.

9.1. Points:
All valid QSOs count 1 point per QSO.
Note: Only one contact is allowed on each band with the same station (not one contact on each mode).
9.2. Multipliers:
SEANET Stations claim one multiplier for each DXCC entity worked on each band, including those in the SEANET region and in their own country.
Rest of the World stations can only claim multipliers for DXCC entities within the SEANET region: see the entity list above.
Each multiplier counts once on each band (not mode).
9.3. Score:
The total number of QSO points multiplied by the total number of multipliers worked.

10.1. Contacts on cross modes or cross bands will not count.
10.2. Operators are not allowed to transmit more than one signal at any one time.
10.3. Entries which contain errors or unmarked duplicates are liable to a reduction of points.
10.4. Any entrant who uses methods contrary to the spirit of the contest may be subject to disqualification.
10.5. The decision of the SEANET contest organisers shall be final.

11.1. Entries may be in the form of hand-written logs with a summary sheet or, preferably, by computer log also with a summary sheet.
11.2. Information required for each claimed contact is:
Date Time (UTC) Band Mode (CW / SSB / RTTY) Report sent (RS[T])serial number Report received (RS[T]) serial number Claimed multipliers.
Duplicate contacts should be logged but marked clearly as duplicates (“Dupe”) and scored at zero points.
11.3. Both hand-written and computerised logs must be accompanied by a Summary Sheet listing the claimed multipliers on each band, the number of claimed contacts and multipliers per band, the final claimed score, and a declaration that the station was operated within the terms of the station licence and the rules and spirit of the contest.
11.4. Computer logs can be in any ASCII (text) format, including ‘Cabrillo’. Please do not send binary (.bin) files. The Summary Sheet should also be in ASCII / text format.

Note: It is recommended that entries be made using any standard contest logging program in ‘ARRL DX Contest’ mode as if you were a North American station and then scored manually. Manual scoring is very easy: it is simply the number of valid QSOs multiplied by the total number of multipliers. Almost every contest logging program supports the ARRL DX Contest and using this contest format allows the received serial number to be easily logged in place of the received power level. If you do not already have a contest logging program you may download CT by K1EA free of charge from
11.5. Computer logs must be sent by e-mail by 31 July 2012 to email to : '>
11.6. Hand-written logs should be sent by air-mail post to:

P.O.Box 8124,
Pejabat Pos Kelana Jaya,
46782 Kelana Jaya,

Entries should be received not later than 31 July 2012.

A certificate will be awarded to the highest-scoring entry in each category. If the level of entries warrants it, runner-up certificates will also be presented. Additional awards may be made at the discretion of the SEANET contest organisers. The results will be announced at the SEANET 2012 Convention and will be published on the SEANET 2012 website.

Single operator SWL only. Only stations taking part in the Contest may be logged for scoring purposes. Logs should show in columns:
Date; Time (UTC); Mode; Band; Callsign of ‘Station Heard’; Complete exchange sent by this station; Callsign of ‘Station Worked’; RS(T) report of ‘Station Heard’ at SWL’s QTH; Points and multiplier claimed.
If both sides of a contest contact are heard they may both be claimed. Both callsigns should be logged in the ‘Station Heard’ column. A station may only appear once per band per mode as station heard. In the ‘Station Worked’ column the same station may not be logged more than 10 times per band.
Licensed radio amateurs are invited to submit an entry in the SWL section of the contest if they do not enter in the transmitting section.
The future existence of the SWL section will be re-examined unless the number of logs received warrants its inclusion.



The first YF prefix getting double strike for MIXED multiband DXCC Award & Phone mode DXCC Award
Thank you for all ham radio around the world to supporting, hi hi

My DXing notes

I got my first amateur radio license in 1987. My first hobby was actually as an SWL and then after listening to the QSO:s on the ham bands, I became very interested in becoming a ham. Working DX is my major activity as well as working on homemade antenna projects.
In 2002, I upgraded my ham license to have the privilege to make long distance QSO:s. During the peak of solar cycle 23, I have made over 30,000 QSO:s using a manual paper log. A lot of the hams I have met on the bands have become close friends; one of them is my best friend from France who is coming to Indonesia and I will accompany him traveling around my country.
Making homemade antenna especially from wires is very interesting. Luckily enough, there is a lot of space behind my home to make experiments. I have built many kinds of poor-man style antennas as well as beam antennas.
In the meantime, I am busy at the office, and for several years, I was not on the air. In 2011, I meet N2OO Bob and asked him if he would like to be my QSL manager. My QSL-card is the first one which has the logo as an attribute. Since I became active on the air again, I have put over 10,000 QSO:s using logging software in the log during solar cycle 24 and I am still going on.
I also enjoying DXing as an IOTA chaser as well as looking for new entities, finally in 2012 via LOTW, I have got my DXCC on Mixed multi-band and Phone mode. Participating in major contests is another part of my DXing.
Now, I am active in my DX club, handling Lately, I have been preparing my contest club where we already have 5 antenna towers with some good contest operators.

See you in the iota pile-up!




Sunday, May 27, 2012

14MHz 4el OWA Yagi

A 4 element OWA Yagi for 14MHz with a 9.828mtr boom

Revised September 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 20m band with an SWR of less than1.1:1. It has options with both UK/USA and European sized tube and has a 4 section taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollars of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require for the element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have. 

Also read 'An intro to OWA Yagis' and 'Creating a Balun'

Built by IK4UQA

'Is a honor and a pleasure for me the send you some photos of my realization of your project !!
The OWA worked "as is" as soon as elevated on the support, with great results on air (i'm not a big gun, but is nice to break throw some pile-up --also ST0R-- in one or two calls with only 90 watts  from my old FT1000MkV-Field !!)'

Antenna Layout and Construction:

8.87dBi @ 14.175MHz
17.21dB @ 14.175MHz
SWR: Below 1.1:1 from 14MHz to 14.350MHz

Construction details

Refer to the above drawing.

Antenna Dimensions for UK/USA and European sized tubing
Taper: inner Section, 1.25 inch or 30mm tube (total length 2.2m). Mid Section 1 inch or 25mm tube,  Outer section 3/4 inch or 20mm tube. End sections as per below schedule ( 5/8 inch or 16mm tube).

                            Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                              2.022
DE1                      3.515                       1.885
D1                        5.416                        1.615
D2                        9.828                         1.340

14MHz 5el OWA Yagi

A 5 element OWA Yagi for 14MHz with a 15.668mtr boom

Revised September 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 20m band with an SWR of less than1.25:1. It has options with both UK/USA and European sized tube and has a 4 section taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollars of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require for the element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have. 

Also read 'An intro to OWA Yagis' and 'Creating a Balun'

Antenna Layout and Construction:

10.34dBi @ 14.175MHz
24.42dB @ 14.175MHz
SWR: Below 1.25:1 from 14MHz to 14.350MHz

Construction details

Refer to the above drawing.

Antenna Dimensions for UK/USA and European sized tubing
Taper: inner Section, 1.25 inch or 30mm tube (total length 2.2m). Mid Section 1 inch or 25mm tube,  Outer section 3/4 inch or 20mm tube. End sections as per below schedule ( 5/8 inch or 16mm tube).

                           Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                              2.022
DE1                      3.277                        1.905
D1                        4.926                        1.678
D2                        9.353                         1.550
D3                       15.668                       1.260

14MHz 7el OWA Yagi

A 7 element OWA Yagi for 14MHz with a 24.831mtr boom

Revised September 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 20m band with an SWR of less than1.25:1. It has options with both UK/USA and European sized tube and has a 4 section taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollars of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require forthe element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have.

Also read 'An intro to OWA Yagis' and 'Creating a Balun'

Antenna Layout and Construction:

12.05dBi @ 14.200MHz
23.86dB @ 14.200MHz
SWR: Below 1.25:1 from 14MHz to 14.350MHz

Construction details

Refer to the above drawing.

Antenna Dimensions for UK/USA and European sized tubing
Taper: inner Section, 1.25 inch or 30mm tube (total length 2.2m). Mid Section 1 inch or 25mm tube,  Outer section 3/4 inch or 20mm tube. End sections as per below schedule ( 5/8 inch or 16mm tube).

                            Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                              2.030
DE1                      3.255                        1.935
D1                        4.313                         1.653
D2                        7.197                         1.634
D3                       12.041                        1.544
D4                       18.509                        1.477
D5                       24.831                        1.299

21MHz 6el OWA Yagi Print

A 6 element OWA Yagi for 21MHz with a 14.785mtr boom - 6OWA21OS

Revised September 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This antenna was designed for 9A3OS

This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 15m band with an SWR of less than1.1:1 from 21-21.45MHz. It is a non-crtical antenna so both metric and imperial sized tubing can be used with the same dimensions. This antenna has a three stage taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollars of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require for the element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have.

The 6OWA21OS by Eantennas of Spain (produced under license)

2 x 6el 21MHz G0KSC OWA Yagis installed at 9A7A contest station

'Onyl tried 15m stack, because we were to tired being out on the field all day long.
If I say a 15m is fenomenal, that would simply be an understatement. I've worked a tone of NA,they where calling and calling ... :-)
The pile up was really huge.'
Sam 9A3OS

Also read 'An Intro to OWA Yagis' and also 'Creating a Balun'

Antenna Layout and Construction:

11.71dBi @ 21.225MHz
20.88dB @ 21.225MHz
SWR: Below 1.1.1 from 21MHz to 21.450MHz

Construction details / Taper schedule
Refer to the above drawing.
European version tube diameter
Mid Section: 25mm, Outer Section: 20mm, End Sections (as per details below)
UK/USA version tube diameter
Mid Section: 1 inch, Outer Section: 3/4 inch, End Sections (as per below schedule)

Antenna Dimensions For either UK/USA sized tubing or European/metric sized tubing

                              Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                             1 .303
DE1                      2.062                       1 .225
D1                        3.281                        1.055
D2                        6.366                         .996
D3                      10.888                        .930
D4                      14.785                        .862

21MHz 7el OWA Yagi

A 7 element OWA Yagi for 21MHz with a 16.3mtr boom

Revised August 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 15m band with an SWR of less than1.1:1. It has options with both UK/USA and European sized tube and has a 3 section taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollar of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require for the element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have.

Also read 'An intro to OWA Yagis' and 'Creating a Balun'

Antenna Layout and Construction:


11.89dBi @ 21.200MHz
23.86dB @ 21.20MHz
SWR: Below 1.1.1 from 21MHz to 21.450MHz

Construction details

Refer to the above drawing.

Antenna Dimensions for UK/USA sized tubing - European version below
Taper: Mid Section, 5/8 inch tube (total length 4.8m). Outer section 1/2 inch 2.4m long. End sections as per below schedule

                          Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)              
Reflector                0                              1.201                                         
DE1                      2.064                        1.133                                          
D1                        2.798                           .964                                         
D2                        4.881                           .948                                          
D3                        8.150                           .879                                         
D4                        12.452                        .820                                          
D5                        16.835                        .666                                          

Antenna Dimensions for European sized tubing
Taper: Mid Section, 16mm tube (total length 4.8m). Outer section 13mm tube 2.4m long. End sections as per below schedule

                         Spacing                      End Section Length  (All below sizes in Metres)         
Reflector                0                              1.199                                           
DE1                      2.064                         1.130                                            
D1                        2.798                          .962                                            
D2                        4.881                         .946                                            
D3                        8.150                         .877                                            
D4                      12.452                         .818                                            
D5                      16.835                         .664          

28MHz 5el OWA Yagi

A 5 element OWA Yagi for 28MHz with a 5.97mtr boom - 5OWA28SEK

Revised August 2010 v1.0
Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas


This antenna was designed for GM3SEK

This is a high-gain, wideband OWA (Optimised Wideband Array) Yagi which covers the whole of the 10m band with an SWR of less than1.1:1 from 28-29MHz. It is a very noncritical antenna so both metric and imperial sized tubing can be used with the same dimensions. I have included both SWR plots below and as you will see they are both very similar. This antenna has a two stage taper.
This Antenna has been modelled using NEC4 and confirmed by FEKO. This is thousands of dollars of the very latest antenna design software available and the results are highly accurate. When loading into your software, you will see similar SWR but not the same. Please do not alter the model, build to these dimensions for the best results.
Contact me if you are unsure what correction (if any) you require for the element holders/stand-offs you will use or any other questions you may have.

Also read 'An Intro to OWA Yagis' and also 'Creating a Balun'

Built by VK4NDX

Built by V85TX

The 5el 28MHz OWA at IT9BLB

The 5OWA28SEK and a 6el 7.3m LFA for 50MHz at VK4DDC

The 5OWA28SEK at ZL1RS

'..only at 6 meters high but SWR still flat from 27.9 to 29.1'

Bob, ZL1RS

The 5OWA28SEK installed at ON6AB with his comments below

'Hi Justin,

I finished the antenna this weekend and it is really working extremely well (and with a flat SWR).
I put it up on my tilting mast at 15m up.
Attached you'll find some pictures.

I used anti-skid tape between the boom and the elements to be able to align them perfectly and prevent them from twisting.

Thanks again for designing!



The 5OWA28SEK at LY2W above a full-sized 3el 40M Yagi

'Hi Justin,

I send photos with done 5owa28sek antenna in ly2w position.
The SWR are 1.0 at 28000kc to 1.2 at 29000kc !!! :-)
The balun made simple 7 cable turns.
img-2833  your antenna under fool size 40m 3 el.beam elevated.
img-0203 antenna under ground , img-0200 some turbo elements :-) for fan

73! sincerely

Richard LY2FN'

2 x 5el G0KSC OWAs at EA2EA / EE2W Contest Station

'Hi Justin,
there is a little present for you: Some photos of the antennas we used
at EA2EA / EE2W  (M/M) in the CQ WW contest.

The antennas used for 28 Mhz were 2 x 5 el. OWA vertical stacked.
They showed an outstanding performance that permitted us to make
almost 700 QSO's in that "dead" band in the CW contest.'

73 de Iñaki, EB1RL.

Antenna Layout and Construction:

9.74dBi @ 28.500MHz
20.76dB @ 28.500MHz
SWR: Below 1.1.1 from 28MHz to 29MHz

Construction details

Refer to the above drawing.

Antenna Dimensions For either UK/USA sized tubing or European/metric sized tubing
Taper: Mid Section, 5/8 inch or 16mm tube (total length 1.473m). End sections as per below schedule in either 1/2 inch or 13mm tube.

                            Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                              1.9325
DE1                      1.173                        1.8705
D1                        1.687                         1.7355
D2                        3.531                         1.7025
D3                        5.967                         1.5745

Second version using 20mm/15mm tubing designed for LY2FN

Antenna Dimensions For either UK/USA sized tubing or European/metric sized tubing
Taper: Mid Section, 3/4 inch or 20mm tube (total length 1.473m). End sections as per below schedule in either 5/8 inch or 15mm tube.

Spacing                  End Section Length   (All below sizes in Metres)
Reflector                0                              1.9255
DE1                      1.053                        1.8885
D1                        1.533                         1.7475
D2                        3.511                         1.7015
D3                        5.967                         1.5965