Friday, May 18, 2012

The 9th EU PSK DX Contest 2012

The 9th EU PSK DX Contest 2012

The European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the EU PSK DX Contest 2012. The contest starts at 12:00 UTC 19.05.2012 and ends at 12:00 UTC 20.05.2012. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Europe by using the BPSK63 mode. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit.

We recommend the following frequencies - 80 meters (3.580 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.070 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.070 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.070 – 28.080 MHz). All entrants must clearly indicate the output power (watts) in the Cabrillo log. If no power is mentioned in the log the participant's score will be moved to High Power category automatically.

All EU stations should send signal report plus EU Area Code (example for the County of Sisak and Moslavina, Croatia: 599 EUHRSM). Please note that "dots" should not be sent! 599 EU.HR.SM or 599 EU HR SM - are not correct reports. There should be no "dots", no "spaces" between the letters, all 6 letters should be sent together. Those who don't follow this rule will be disqualified immediately! DX stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001. The full EPC EU Areas List can be downloaded at our website .

Read full contest rules by clicking here . Please send your Cabrillo log to contest(at) within 15 days after the contest. Good luck to all the participants.

1. Date and Time: 
12:00 UTC 19.05.2012 - 12:00 UTC 20.05.2012
12:00 UTC 18.05.2013 - 12:00 UTC 19.05.2013
12:00 UTC 17.05.2014 - 12:00 UTC 18.05.2014
12:00 UTC 23.05.2015 - 12:00 UTC 24.05.2015

2. Objective: 
The European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the EU PSK DX Contest. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Europe by using the BPSK63 mode. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit.

3. Bands: 
We recommend the following frequencies - 80 meters (3.580 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.070 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.070 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.070 – 28.080 MHz).

4. Type of Competition: 
Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address, whichever is greater. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant. Only the entrant’s call sign can be used to aid the entrant’s score. A different call sign must be used for each EU PSK DX Contest entry. There are two separate groups of entrants - EU Stations and DX Stations. All categories of entrants are allowed to use packet and web clusters.

5. Categories:
SOAB-HP-24 [Single operator, all bands, high power, 24 hours. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator must operate all 24 hours.]
SOAB-LP-24 [Single operator, all bands, low power, 24 hours. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator must operate all 24 hours.]
SOAB-HP-12 [Single operator, all bands, high power, 12 hours. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator must operate 12 hours only. The total of 12 hours off time may be taken in one part but not more than three parts. The off times must be shown in the SOAP box of the Cabrillo log. If operation is interrupted for more than 12 hours the three longest off time periods must be a minimum of 12 hours.]
SOAB-LP-12 [Single operator, all bands, low power, 12 hours. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator must operate 12 hours only. The total of 12 hours off time may be taken in one part but not more than three parts. The off times must be shown in the SOAP box of the Cabrillo log. If operation is interrupted for more than 12 hours the three longest off time periods must be a minimum of 12 hours.]
SO80-HP [Single operator, high power, 80 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 80 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO80-LP [Single operator, low power, 80 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 80 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO40-HP [Single operator, high power, 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 40 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO40-LP [Single operator, low power, 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 40 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO20-HP [Single operator, high power, 20 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO20-LP [Single operator, low power, 20 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO15-HP [Single operator, high power, 15 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 15 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO15-LP [Single operator, low power, 15 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 15 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO10-HP [Single operator, high power, 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 10 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SO10-LP [Single operator, low power, 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 10 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SOLF-HP [Single operator, high power, 80 and 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 80 and 40 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SOLF-LP [Single operator, low power, 80 and 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 80 and 40 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SOHF-HP [Single operator, high power, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20, 15 and 10 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
SOHF-LP [Single operator, low power, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20, 15 and 10 meters only. The output power shall not exceed 10 watts. The operator may operate up to 24 hours.]
MOST-OM [Multi operator, single transmitter, old men operators, all bands. Only one transmitter and one band permitted at any one time. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The station must operate all 24 hours. There is no restrictions on operators age.]
MOST-YM [Multi operator, single transmitter, young men, all bands. Only one transmitter and one band permitted at any one time. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The station must operate all 24 hours. All operators must be 18 years old or younger.]
MOMT-OM [Multi operator, multi transmitter, old men operators, all bands. Two or more operators with two or more transmitters on the air at one time is allowed. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The station must operate all 24 hours. Only one signal (and running station) allowed per band at any time. There is no restrictions on operators age.]
MOMT-YM [Multi operator, multi transmitter, young men operators, all bands. Two or more operators with two or more transmitters on the air at one time is allowed. The output power shall not exceed 100 watts. The station must operate all 24 hours. Only one signal (and running station) allowed per band at any time. All operators must be 18 years old or younger.]

All entrants must clearly indicate the output power (watts) in the Cabrillo log. If no power is mentioned in the log the participant's score will be moved to High Power category automatically.

6. Number Exchange: 
All EU stations should send signal report plus EU Area Code (example for the County of Sisak and Moslavina, Croatia: 599 EUHRSM). Please note that "dots" should not be sent! 599 EU.HR.SM or 599 EU HR SM - are not correct reports. There should be no "dots", no "spaces" between the letters, all 6 letters should be sent together. Those who don't follow this rule will be disqualified immediately! DX stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001. MOMT DX stations should use a separate serial number sequence for each band.

7. Points: 
7.1 Points for EU Stations: 
Contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries are worth 2 points. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points.
7.2 Points for DX Stations: 
Contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries are worth 2 points. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points. Contacts with EU stations are worth 5 points.

8. Multiplier:
 A multiplier of one for each different DXCC Country contacted on each band. A multiplier of one for each different EU Area contacted on each band. Maritime mobile stations are not the multipliers, but worth 3 points for any participant.

9. Scoring: 
Scoring is the same for all stations. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of your EU Area and DXCC Country multipliers.

10. Certificates: 
Certificates will be awarded in all categories. First, Second and Third place certificates will be awarded in the World and every Continent (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania). First place certificates will be awarded in every participating DXCC country. All scores will be published on the EPC website. In DXCC Countries where the returns justify, second and third place awards will be made. All certificates will be issued to the licensee of the station used. The certificates will be issued in a high printing resolution PDF format, and will be available at the EPC Member Centre for downloading. Any radio amateur, radio club or commercial organization can act by the official sponsor of the EU PSK DX Contest. If someone is interested in sponsoring a Special Trophy for the contest, please contact the Contest Committee.

11. Log Instructions: 
All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. The Contest Committee accepts logs in the Cabrillo format ONLY. Name your Cabrillo file as your call sign (for example – mm0epc.cbr, mm0epc.txt or mm0epc.log). You should send your log via e-mail to Be sure to put the station call sign and your category in the «Subject» line of the message (for example – MM0EPC MOST-OM). Electronic submission implies a signed declaration that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have been observed. All logs must be sent no later than 15 days after the contest. Use our Cabrillo sample file as a standard entry log file for the EU PSK DX Contest.
Check your log before you submit it. Better if you check it twice.
Never create your «own» category. The only allowed categories are those listed in the Rules.
Take few minutes to understand how the Cabrillo header must be filled.
Don’t trust blindly to the generated log that your software provides.
Please contact us if you do not receive our confirmation within 48 hours after the log submission.

12. Disqualification: 
Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the contestant, or the Rules of the contest; unsportsmanlike conduct; taking credit for excessive unverifiable contacts or unverifiable multipliers will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly logged calls or numbers will be counted as unverifiable contacts for culprit only. The use by an entrant of any non-amateur means such as telephones or telegrams to solicit contacts during the contest is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification. Actions and decisions of the EU PSK DX Contest Committee are official and final.

13. EU Areas List: 
Please check carefully the appropriate section of our website to find out your correct EU Area! 

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