Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7O6T, Yemen 2012, Socotra Island

 Russian Amateur Radio Union

The scope of our Mission is to promote to the World the beauty and a uniqueness enjoyments of the Island of Socotra through Amateur Radio!

Operation Supported by:

Ministry of Interior Republic of Yemen
Ministry of Information Republic of Yemen
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology Republic of Yemen

Socotra Island (IOTA AF-028; CQ Zone 37), Yemen

Socotra - is a small archipelago of four islands. It lies 240 kilometers east of Horn of Africa and 380 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula. The island recognized by the UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage site and Environmental Heritage
Socotra is considered the jewel of biodiversity in the Arabian Sea. Isolation of Socotra archipelago and its fierce heat and drought have combined to create a unique and spectacular endemic flora. 37 percent of plant species on Socotra are found nowhere else on Earth. The entire flora of the Socotra Archipelago has been assessed for the IUCN Red List
Socotra is one of the most isolated landforms on Earth of continental origin.
Socotra is a part of Hadhramaut Governorate, Republic of Yemen.

7O6T - Plans

We plan to QRV from 10 through 160 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY with 6 stations simultaneously on different bands/modes starting 21:00Z April 30th


Station 1Elecraft K3Acom 1010TX: 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m - 3 ele Robinson, SpiderBeam, A3S, CT-HF37, BiggIR (10-40m);
30m, 40m - 2 el vertical array, BiggIR (10-40m);
80m, 160m - Verticals 18m;
RX: BVs, K98
Station 2Elecraft K3Acom 1010
Station 3Elecraft K3Acom 1010
Station 4Elecraft K3Acom 1010
Station 5Elecraft K3Acom 1010
Station 6Kenwood TS-590THP-400

Bands Plan

4070047065 / 71807035

7O6T - QSLing

More details about OQRS / Direct / Buro / LoTW will be available during the course of DX-pedition.

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