Tuesday, May 29, 2012

40th SEANET Convention, Kuala Lumpur, November 23-27,2012

What is SEANET

The South East Asia Amateur Radio Network (SEANET) as established in 1964 on 20m (14.320 MHz plus or minus QRM).

The objective of this Net is to promote international understanding and fellowship among hams and to relay emergency, medical, urgent or priority traffic.

This on-the-air meeting which has taken place without fail daily at 1200 UTC has strengthened unity and co-operation among Hams around the world, especially those within the region.

The net also provides Hams a facility for testing their equipment and propagation conditions on the 20m band.

Technical Paper Presentation

In conjunction of the 40th SEANET 2012, the organizing committee is pleased to announce the Technical Presentation session during the conference.

Lists of speakers and presenters is as follows:
No Presentation Title Speaker Confirmation

1 HF on Link Establishment (ALE) YD0OXH
Ionospheric & Telecommunication Div. Center of Space Science Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space LAPAN
2 Introduction (History & Development of KIWISAT)
Amateur Radio Satellite Comm. Amateur Satellite Communication Corp. (AMSAT-ZL)
3 Introduction to UHF,VHF & SHF contest.
Amateur Radio Television (ATV)  Wellington VHF Group
4 Amateur Radio Emergency Comm. : Role of RAST during 2011 flood.
Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST)
5 Role of JARL in 2011, Tohuku Tsunami & Earthquake
Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL)
6 EmComm.: Role of ORARI during disaster in Indonesia
Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI)
7 Disaster Comm
International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 (IARU-R3)
Radio Society Great Britain (RSGB)

SEANET 2012 Itinerary

The following are the programme line up for SEANET 2012. More coming soon.
* This is a tentative schedule, subject to change from time to time.

1 Friday, 23 November 2012 0900 - 1800 2030 - 2200
- Arrivals & Registration
- Welcome Dinner
Dynasty Hotel
2 Saturday, 24 November 2012 0800 - 1200 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1700 2030
- * Technical Paper Session #1
- Lunch
- * Technical Paper Session #2
- Gala Dinner at the hotel
* Accompany person may opt for Kuala Lumpur site seeing tour (Lunch not included)
Dynasty Hotel
3 Sunday, 25 November 2012  0830 - 1200 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1700 2030 - 2230 
- Kuala Lumpur City Tour
- Lunch
- Kuala Lumpur City Tour (continue)
- Dinner
Kuala Lumpur
4 Monday, 26 November 2012  0800 - 1700 2030  
- Selangor Eco Tourism Tour
- Farewell Dinner at hotel Selangor
Dynasty Hotel
5 Tuesday, 27 November 2012  0800 1200 1330
- Closing Ceremony (Flag hand-over)
- Lunch
- Check out
 Dynasty Hotel

SEANET 2012 Registration

To all SEANET 2012 Participants,

Please be informed that the REGISTRATION FORM is now ready for your perusal. You may download the registration form, by clicking the image below. 

Kindly submit the COMPLETED registration form to This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it'>REGISTRATION@2012SEA.NET .

Conference fee are as follows:- Participant Type Fee
International Participants
Package inclusive of conference fee, twin sharing accommodation, meal, and tours.
USD $ 420.00 per person

Local participants
Package inclusive access to Gala Dinner,Technical presentation session, and Closing Ceremony. Accommodation NOT INCLUDED.
RM500.00 per person Early Bird: RM400.00  (full payment before 31 May 2012)

MARES Malaysia Members (with VALID and ACTIVE membership)
Package inclusive access to Gala Dinner, Technical presentation session and Closing Ceremony. Accommodation NOT INCLUDED.
 RM350.00 per person  (full payment before 31 May 2012)

For payment, you may pay the conference fee via the following method:-

Credit Card via PayPal Bank Transfer
Account Name:MARES Secretariat
Email Account: registration@2012sea.net

Account Name: MARES Secretariat
Account Number: 2141-3800-1303-09
Bank Name: RHB Bank
Branch: KLCC Branch, Kuala Lumpur
Swift code No:RHBBMYKL

For any enquiry, kindly contact the conference secretariat at secretariat@2012sea.netor call Program Director, Mr Issac Husin, 9W2RI at +60 17-733 8676.

Thank you and we wish to welcome you to 40th SEANET 2012, Kuala Lumpur.

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