Sunday, April 1, 2012

YJ0VK, Vanuatu DXpedition 2012

DXpedition to Vanuatu 2012

An ODXG team of 6 amateur radio operators from Australia will once again be activating YJ0VK from Port Vila on Efate Island, Vanuatu from the 21st of April till the 5th of May.


To work as many stations as possible, have some fun and enjoy a bit of a break on a beautiful Pacific Island
We plan to operate three stations as often as possible. 
We gratefully acknowledge our logistical and financial supporters for all their assistance.  If any organisation or individual would like to contribute to help alleviate our freight costs etc please use the link on our Support page.  Any donation will be gratefully accepted.
Our main goal is that you are successful in making a contact with us while we are there. 
73 and see you on air!
The YJ0VK 2012 Team

Team Information

YJ0VK is a dxpedition mounted by 6 operators from Australia.

Team Members

  • Chris Chapman - VK3QB (Team Leader)
  • Luke Steele - VK3HJ
  • Lee Moyle - VK3GK
  • Michael Van Den Acker - VK3GHM
  • Benton Vowles- VK3CBV
  • Allan Meredith - VK2CA (QSL Manager/Webmaster)


  • Radios: 
    • Kenwood TS-480X * 3 (200w)
  • Antennas:
    • Verticals, dipoles and an inverted L for 160 metres.
    • Fritzel FD4 80m-10m Multiband Wire Antenna


  • At present we plan to operate on all HF Bands 160-10 metres, with emphasis on WARC.  Modes will be SSB, CW and RTTY/PSK31

Operating Location

Nirvan Resort Port Vila - our QTH and operating location

QSL Information

QSL either LotW, Direct or via the VK QSL Bureau to VK2CA


Direct QSLing rules (please):
  1. All Direct to VK2CA only - please do not send to other team members!
  2. At least 1 new version IRC (preferred if possible) or US$2 (in good condition if possible) for return postage.
  3. Please do not send stamps (even Australian) as it just makes things hard to manage. (I do collect stamps so if you have some from your own country I would be very happy to receive some - even used ones - for my collection)
  4. Please include a self addressed envelope.
  5. Please try to supply a self-sealing envelope as licking hundreds of them is not that much fun :-)
  6. Please do not use envelopes that do not seal at all! (strange but true)
  7. Make sure your return envelope, if folded, has the fold to the bottom of the sending envelope.  This saves it being cut in half when the original is opened.
  8. Please mark your return envelope as "Air Mail" or use a pre-printed Air Mail envelopes
  9. It would be helpful if your QSL card had your callsign on both sides
NoteNo, or insufficient, postage QSLs will be returned via the Bureau system. (We dont mind paying for our trip....but we don't think we should have to pay for your card as well!)
Note: VK QSLs need only supply SSAE (Stamped Self Addressed Envelope)

Direct Address:

Direct QSL Mailing address
A. Meredith
PO Box 890
NSW 2850

Electronic QSL

ARRL Logbook of the World (LoTW) updates will be available on completion of operation.

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