Sunday, April 8, 2012

Worked All States Award

Worked All States Award

The Worked All States (WAS) award is earned by confirming QSOs with all 50 U.S States. Confirmations can be submitted on paper cards, electronically via Logbook of the World or a combination of both. The cost of this award is $10 for the certificate alone or $15 for the certificate and WAS pin.
View the complete rules for earning the Worked All States award.

Along with the basic WAS Certificate, there are endorsements for any combination of bands or modes, (excluding 60 Meters). Specialty certificates can be issued for a variety of different bands and modes such as Satellite, 160-meters, SSTV, Digital, Phone and each VHF band. These Certificates will be dated, but not numbered. Endorsements cost $7.50 and include CW, Novice, QRP, EME and any single bands.

Cards can be checked by a volunteer ARRL HF Awards Manager affiliated with ARRL Special Service Clubs or ARRL Card Checker QSL cards can also be checked at HQ in Newington.

Special Note: Applications for the Worked All States Program (WAS) can be checked by approved ARRL DXCC Card Checkers. If you cannot locate a local WAS checker to assist you, check to see if a DXCC Card Checker is available near you. If you find one close to you contact them for an appointment, or, at least to make sure you give them a heads up that an application is coming.

To encourage on air activity and station improvements across the bands, the 5-Band WAS Certificate, is now available for working all States on 5 amateur bands (1.8, 5,10, 18 and 24 MHz excluded). Applications for the initial 5 Band WAS must contain the 5 bands of 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 Meters. After achieving the initial 5 Band WAS, it can be endorsed on the remaining amateur bands. Cards for 5BWAS can be checked by your local HF Awards Manager, ARRL Card Checker or at ARRL HQ. The cost for the 5 Band certificate is $10.00 and $15.00 for the certificate and pin.

Worked All States is supported by Logbook of The World. Please see the LoTW pages for more information.

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