Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 160 m
Antenna 160 METERS
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height 82 meters. Traverse the upper rotating multiband antenna is used as the basis for the range of the dipole160 meters.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

The upper rotating multi-band antennas: a dipole in the range of 160 meters, combined with a 4-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 80 m and 5-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

The upper rotating multi-band antennas: a dipole in the range of 160 meters, combined with a 4-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 80 m and 5-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

To work in a range of 160 m is used as an antenna: GP and two inv V. As GP uses grounded emitter antenna mast height of 35 m upper point inv V antennas placed at the height of the towers 45 and 82 meters.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 80 m
Antenna 80 METERS
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a direction to the USA, as well as individually. The upper range of the antenna stack to 80 meters spinning.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yag" the range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters.

Multiband antenna system.

A stack of two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters in the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

In the foreground is a second, rotating, full-size 3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 meters with remote switching stations range (tlg / phone only).

3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 m

3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 m
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 40 m
Antenna 40 meters
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The top antenna is a new stack of antennas on a range of 40 meters is also rotating.
Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (2x4 element) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.
Third, the two rotating antenna element "Yagi", can (in some cases) with a large work more efficiently with correspondents in nearby areas of communication.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yag" the range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters.

Multiband antenna system.

A stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters in the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

From left to right: a} 2-element antenna for the range of 40 m 12 rotating antenna element Yagi 10-15-20-40 meters, and b) a stack of 2x4 element Yagi antenna on a range of 40 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation.The upper antenna is rotating the stack. It is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

2-element antenna for a range of 40 m

2x4 element Yagi antenna stack to a range of 40 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation.

The upper rotating antenna Yagi antenna stack to a range of 40 m
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 20 m
Antenna 20 METERS
In 2006, contests the position was put into operation a new antenna system in the range of 20 meters, mounted on a free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Four 7-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 20 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is rotating in the stack. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3x6 elements) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions. Third, the rotating three-element antenna "Yagi", can (in some cases) with a large work more efficiently with correspondents in nearby areas of communication.

A stack of four 7-element antennas "Yagi on the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

Rotating the upper antenna stack is located at an altitude of 85 meters.There is the possibility of including antennas stack in any combination.

A stack of three 6-element antennas "Yagi" on the direction with an azimuth of 55 degrees.

Rotating the upper antenna stack is located at an altitude of about 40 meters (bottom view). There is the possibility of including antennas stack in any combination

Rotating 3-element antenna "Yagi" is used mainly for working with reporters in the nearby areas of communication.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 15 m
Antenna 15 METERS
In 2006, the position of contests were put into operation the new antenna system at ranges of 15 and 10 meters. Antenna systems mounted on free-standing tower height of 45 meters. Three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 15 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is on the stack, combined with an antenna 10 m range - rotary. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3x7 elements) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.

A stack of three 8 antenna element "Yagi" on a range of 15 m with an azimuth of 315 degrees of radiation (1-3-5 antenna below). . Outerwear antenna stack (16-element, combined with a range of 10 m) rotating, it is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

A stack of three 7-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 15 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation. The upper antenna is rotating the stack, you can enable remote antenna stack in any combination.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 10 m
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height 82 meters. Traverse the upper rotating multiband antenna is used as the basis for the range of the dipole160 meters.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

The upper rotating multi-band antennas: a dipole in the range of 160 meters, combined with a 4-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 80 m and 5-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

The upper rotating multi-band antennas: a dipole in the range of 160 meters, combined with a 4-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 80 m and 5-element antenna "Yagi" on a range of 40 m

To work in a range of 160 m is used as an antenna: GP and two inv V. As GP uses grounded emitter antenna mast height of 35 m upper point inv V antennas placed at the height of the towers 45 and 82 meters.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 80 m
Antenna 80 METERS
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a direction to the USA, as well as individually. The upper range of the antenna stack to 80 meters spinning.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yag" the range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters.

Multiband antenna system.

A stack of two 4-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 80 meters in the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

In the foreground is a second, rotating, full-size 3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 meters with remote switching stations range (tlg / phone only).

3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 m

3-element Yagi antenna on a range of 80 m
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 40 m
Antenna 40 meters
In December 2009 the position was put into operation a new system of multi-band antennas mounted on free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The top antenna is a new stack of antennas on a range of 40 meters is also rotating.
Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (2x4 element) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.
Third, the two rotating antenna element "Yagi", can (in some cases) with a large work more efficiently with correspondents in nearby areas of communication.

Multiband antenna system: the dipole in the range of 160 meters, a stack of two 4-element antennas "Yag" the range of 80 meters, a stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters.

Multiband antenna system.

A stack of three 5-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 40 meters in the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

From left to right: a} 2-element antenna for the range of 40 m 12 rotating antenna element Yagi 10-15-20-40 meters, and b) a stack of 2x4 element Yagi antenna on a range of 40 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation.The upper antenna is rotating the stack. It is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

2-element antenna for a range of 40 m

2x4 element Yagi antenna stack to a range of 40 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation.

The upper rotating antenna Yagi antenna stack to a range of 40 m
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 20 m
Antenna 20 METERS
In 2006, contests the position was put into operation a new antenna system in the range of 20 meters, mounted on a free-standing tower height of 82 meters. Four 7-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 20 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is rotating in the stack. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3x6 elements) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions. Third, the rotating three-element antenna "Yagi", can (in some cases) with a large work more efficiently with correspondents in nearby areas of communication.

A stack of four 7-element antennas "Yagi on the direction with an azimuth of 315 degrees.

Rotating the upper antenna stack is located at an altitude of 85 meters.There is the possibility of including antennas stack in any combination.

A stack of three 6-element antennas "Yagi" on the direction with an azimuth of 55 degrees.

Rotating the upper antenna stack is located at an altitude of about 40 meters (bottom view). There is the possibility of including antennas stack in any combination

Rotating 3-element antenna "Yagi" is used mainly for working with reporters in the nearby areas of communication.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 15 m
Antenna 15 METERS
In 2006, the position of contests were put into operation the new antenna system at ranges of 15 and 10 meters. Antenna systems mounted on free-standing tower height of 45 meters. Three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 15 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is on the stack, combined with an antenna 10 m range - rotary. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3x7 elements) has been refocused on Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.

A stack of three 8 antenna element "Yagi" on a range of 15 m with an azimuth of 315 degrees of radiation (1-3-5 antenna below). . Outerwear antenna stack (16-element, combined with a range of 10 m) rotating, it is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

A stack of three 7-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 15 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation. The upper antenna is rotating the stack, you can enable remote antenna stack in any combination.
Antennas poses. RA3 - Antennas span. 10 m
Antenna 10 METERS
In 2006, the position of contests were put into operation the new antenna system at ranges of 10 and 15 meters. Antenna systems mounted on free-standing tower height of 45 meters. Three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 10 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is on the stack, combined with an antenna 15 m range - rotary. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3h8 elements) was reoriented to Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.

A stack of three 8 antenna element "Yagi" on a range of 10 m with an azimuth of 315 degrees of radiation (2-4-5 antenna below). . Outerwear antenna stack (16-element, combined with a range of 15 m) rotating, it is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

A stack of three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 10 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation. The upper antenna is rotating the stack, you can enable remote antenna stack in any combination.
In 2006, the position of contests were put into operation the new antenna system at ranges of 10 and 15 meters. Antenna systems mounted on free-standing tower height of 45 meters. Three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 10 meters can be remotely controlled to operate as a stack with a focus on the United States, or separately. The upper antenna is on the stack, combined with an antenna 15 m range - rotary. Previously used for this direction the stack antennas "Yagi" (3h8 elements) was reoriented to Japan, which allowed simultaneous efficient operation of stacks of antennas on the two most preferred destinations - "US-Japan", and if necessary, by rotating the upper antenna stacks, work in one or two extra ways, depending on the specific conditions of competition and propagation conditions.

A stack of three 8 antenna element "Yagi" on a range of 10 m with an azimuth of 315 degrees of radiation (2-4-5 antenna below). . Outerwear antenna stack (16-element, combined with a range of 15 m) rotating, it is possible to enable remote antenna stack in any combination.

A stack of three 8-element antennas "Yagi" on a range of 10 m with an azimuth of 55 degrees of radiation. The upper antenna is rotating the stack, you can enable remote antenna stack in any combination.
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