Sunday, March 25, 2012

Contest Station NR5M RC9O

Contest Station NR5M RC9O

My shack is located on the shore of the lake, we call it "Siberian sea", but unfortunately there are not salt water.

I have several radios in the line. My favorite one is K3. I am using it for run. The other radio is IC 756 pro III, which very fine for mults. And the third radio is FT 1000MP MARK5 which is also very fine for search.

I love this picture very much. It's illustrate how affective my H-frames!!!!!
On the photo:
4 by 5 for 10 mtrs,
4by 5 for 15 mtrs,
4by 4 for 20 mtrs.

The canon for 15 mtrs. H-frame 4 ant, by 5 elements. Up to 45 mtrs over the planet.

Four elements for 40 meters up to 45 mtrs. Boom is 25 meters long.

There are 3 elements for 80 mtrs - rotatable. Up to 45 mtrs. and H-frame (4 ant by 5 elements) for 20 mtrs. It's really amazing system!!! Very Hi gain!!!!
The grass is burning in US in during the key down ;-)))

The magic view to: west east
Here is the highest point on my antenna Farm 70 meter over the earth. The antenna on the top point of this tower is 3 ele for 20 mtrs, 4ele for 15 mtrs, 7 ele for 10 mtrs.

The view to east from the top of 3 elements for 160 mtrs. There are very toll pine trees underneath.

It is my RADIOFARM which consist of:
160 mtrs - 3 elements Yagi, 60 meters of the ground,
80 mtrs - 3elements Yagi, 45 meters of the ground; Inverted V
40 mtrs - 4 elementsYagi, 45 meters of the ground; 3 ele + 3 ele fixed to JA and Eu; 3 ele rotatable.
20 mtrs - H-frame (4 ant by 5 ele ) to USA; H-frame (4 ant by 4 ele ) to Eu; 6 ele to JA.
15mtrs - H-frame (4 ant by 5 ele) rotatable; 6 over 6 for JA; 7 ele for USA.
10 mtrs - H-frame (4 ant by 5 ele ) rotatable; 7 ele for JA.
Multiband antenna 347 (3 for 20, 4 for 15, 7 for 10)

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