Tuesday, February 14, 2012



From 2011 the organizer of contest is the Russian section of European PSK club. The Russian contest on radio short waves communications Russian WW PSK Contest by using the BPSK mode is conducted according to the present Rules annually to penultimate week-end of February.

We invite all fans of digital modes to take part in contest from 21.00 UTC on Friday 17th February till 21:00 UTC on Saturday 18th February, 2012. Types of modulation: BPSK31, 63, 125. The output power should not exceed 10 watts on 160 meters and 100 watts on other bands. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Bands: 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 20 m, 15 m, 10 m.

The First Russian PSK WW Contest took place in 2003. MSSTVs Club was the initiator of that contest. The contest passed in PSK31 mode and only 64 participants sent the reports. The first contest was not prepared technically. There was neither Contest Committee nor proper working software. All that appeared only two years later in 2005. Viktor Kosobokov R3BB managed to write DLL under MixW, afterwards contest committee program was developed. The First winners were: 1st place - RX9SN, 2nd place - UA4FCO, 3rd place - UU4J. Later on the contest became popular and it entered all contest calandaries.
In 2011 the Russian section of European PSK Club has carried on MSSTVs Club's work to organize Russian WW PSK Contest. We invite all amateurs of digital modes and our club-mates in particular to struggle for prizes, awards and contest certificates, and just simply work in your pleasure, having gained at the same time the points to radio amateur EPC Awards.
See you later in Russian WW PSK Contest 2012!

Date and Time:
Starting time is at 21:00 UTC on Friday 17.02.2012 and ending time is at  21:00 UTC on Saturday 18.02.2012.

- popularization of the digital modes of amateur contacts in Russia;
- determination of the most stronger sportsmen of the country and the world;
- increasing the skill of the participants.

BPSK31, 63, 125.
The output power should not exceed 10 watts on 160 meters and 100 watts on other bands. Only one signal is allowed at any one time.

Contest participants are allowed to work on 160 meters (1.8 MHz), 80 meters (3.5 MHz), 40 meters (7 MHz), 20 meters (14 MHz), 15 meters (21 MHz) and 10 meters (28 MHz). EPC recommends the following frequencies - 1.840 - 1.843 MHz, 3.582 - 3.590, 7.040 - 7.050 MHz, 14.072 - 14.080 MHz, 21.072 - 21.080 MHz, 28.072 - 28.080 MHz.

SOAB  - Single operator, all bands.
MOAB  - Club stations.
SOSB  - Single operator, one band.
Note: The participants can be declared as in SOAB subgroup as well as in any other subgroup but not more than one (for example, R3BB SOAB and SOSB-3,5). There is no need to send herewith an additional report.

Note MOAB: One - three operators with their personal or SWL callsigns can form a team. Personal callsigns should be necessarily specified. Each participant younger than 20 years in subgroup MOAB will be awarded a certificate for participation in the contest.

Note to air monitoring: Observers and participants of the contest can assist the Contest Committee in terms of monitoring and recording of air possible violations. For more information, please visit epc@epc-ru.ru.

Number Exchange:
The Russian participants should send RST(Q) plus 2-letter abbreviation of Russian Area (oblast) Code (example for Moscow region – 599 MA).  Foreign participants should send RST(Q) plus QSO number, starting 001 (example - 599 001). The numeration on bands is current. General call - "CQ RUTEST".
The repeated contacts are permitted on different bands and different modes providing that a contact will be made not earlier than in 3 minutes. The contact with correspondent who has not sent the report can be accepted if the callsign of the correspondent can be met not less than in three different reports.

Each contact between stations on 20, 15 and 10 m is worth:
- inside the country - 1 point;
- with other country - 3 points;
- with other continents - 5 points.
The points on 160, 80 and 40 m are doubled.

The multiplier are the countries according to the list of DXCC and Russian areas on each band.

The final score is the result of the total points multiplied by the sum of multipliers.

Cups and Awards:

- the Plaque will be awarded to the 1000th participant of the contest among all radiosportsmen (participants) who sent their reports on condition that Contest Committee will receive 1000 and more Logs (except for Checklog and those got in the DQ);
- the Winners and prizewinners in subgroups, at their will, can book and pay the Plaques not later than 10 days, since the date of publication of contest results.

Awards in electronic type will be awarded to:
- top five places in SOAB;
- top five places on each continent in SOAB under condition of reception not less than 10 reports from continent.
Only the winner on the continent will be rewarded in case of smaller quantity of participants.
- by the countries in list of DXCC (except Russia):
the first place on every country regardless of the number of participants;
top three places provided that at least 10 participants available in the subgroup of the country.
- across Russia only (all participants in overall standings from SOAB and SOSB subgroups):
the first place in each federal districts of Russia regardless of the number of participants;
top three places in each federal districts provided that at least 10 participants available in the subgroup.
- top five places in SOAB on each band under condition of reception not less than 20 reports.
Only the winner in the subgroup will be rewarded in case of smaller quantity of participants.
- all participants in MOAB subgroup;
- each participant younger than 20 years will be rewarded the personal certificate for participation in the contest,
for this purpose it is necessary to specify full Name, Surname and date of birth in the report;
- all participants who will work for the first time in PSK Contest should specify "My first PSK Contest" in SOAPBOX of the report for this purpose. At checking of the given statements ex-callsigns will be taken into account.
Participants who got in DQ will not receive the awards, as well as those who sent reports for check (checklog). Therefore, we advise you to be necessarily declared in subgroups and not break the rules of our contest.
All prizewinners will be sent only one award (in jpg format) for the higher of occupied rewarded places by e-mail.

Log Instructions: 

The logs are accepted in the Cabrillo format ONLY: contest@epc-ru.ru.
PSK modes in Cabrillo file must be identified as follows:

BPSK31   - PS

BPSK63   - PM

BPSK125 - PO

Name your Cabrillo file as your callsign (for example – r3bb.cbr). You may send your log via e-mail to contest@epc-ru.ru Be sure to put the station callsign and your category in the «Subject» line of the message (for example – R3BB SOAB). All logs must be sent no later than 15 days after the contest. The logs received after specified date will be considered only as "check log" (for control)





CLUB: EPC#21345

CONTEST: Russian WW PSK Contest


NAME: George Weston

ADDRESS: Lovesville 22

ADDRESS: Sundsvall Sweden


EMAIL: sj3az(AT)qrz.net

SOAPBOX: ICOM-7400, 5-el Yagi 20-10 m, dipole 80-40 m

QSO:  3584 PO 2012-02-17 2103 SJ3AZ      599 001     RM9DAZ        599 SV

QSO:  3582 PO 2012-02-17 2105 SJ3AZ      599 002     UT1I          599 002

QSO:  3587 PS 2012-02-17 2112 SJ3AZ      599 003     RV3DYZ        599 MO

QSO:  3582 PS 2012-02-17 2115 SJ3AZ      599 004     UR4XAX        599 010

QSO:  3584 PM 2012-02-17 2125 SJ3AZ      599 005     YL2PTS        599 011

QSO:  3584 PM 2012-02-17 2126 SJ3AZ      599 006     RC3QU         599 VR

QSO: 14072 PO 2012-02-18 1123 SJ3AZ      599 007     G3SSS         599 105

QSO: 14073 PS 2012-02-18 1457 SJ3AZ      599 008     RL9ANJ        599 CB

QSO: 14074 PM 2012-02-18 1509 SJ3AZ      599 009     EB3VF         599 131

QSO:  3586 PS 2012-02-18 1912 SJ3AZ      599 010     PE3BJH        599 086

QSO:  3583 PM 2012-02-18 1915 SJ3AZ      599 011     SP1XC         599 121

QSO:  3584 PO 2012-02-18 1916 SJ3AZ      599 012     UX8MDL        599 363


Address of Log report:

E-mail: contest@epc-ru.ru
 Last date of Log report:
06th March 2012.

Allowed correspondents:
Amateur radio operators from Russia and other countries of the world may participate in the competition.

The Contest Committee will use the mechanism of monitoring of air for the purpose of revealing of the participants who operate with exceeding of admissible IMD norms, creating considerable QRM and breaking the Rules of the given competitions.

The basis for disqualification can be:

1. The operation with excess of admissible bandwidth of BPSK31,63,125 signal  due to overloads, intermodulation, harmonics of a sound card and other reasons. The Contest Committee will declare DQ to participants who will be recorded twice in a time interval not less than 15 minutes with quality of transmitting signal on scale Q<7: http://www.rsq-info.net/RSQ-Reporting-Table.html and worth, with inadmissible bandwidth of signal in Hz visible on “waterfall” and under condition of presence of a level of air noise on the time-and-frequency diagram.
2. The excess of the output power stipulated by given Rules.
3. The use for transmitting of a control number not corresponding to the Rules of contest.
4. Unsporting behaviour during contest.

The results of the infringers will be cancelled. The appeals are not accepted!

Software for working in contest:

Russian WW PSK Contest is supported with the following software:
- MixW от UT2UZ  www.mixw.net .
  DLL for this contest to download here: http://www.digitalrus.ru/Files/StatsRusDxPsk.zip  

   Adjusting MixW for Russia WW PSK (eng): http://www.epc-ru.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=568&Itemid=192

- RCKLog от DL4RCK  www.dl4rck.de
- N1MM  www.n1mm.com
- UR5EQF_log от UR5EQF  www.ur5eqf.com
- AATest от RZ4AG  www.dxsoft.com
- 5MContest от UT7MA  http://5mcontest.qrz.ru

When preparing to the contest read the items of Russian WW PSK Contest 2012 Rules attentively and do not make mistakes when you work on the air or make up a report. Before sending a report file in Cabrillo format, please compare it to the sample and check the identity of modes to PS, PM, PO.

Please check up whether "head" of the report is made properly, if there are test subgroup or subgroups, your address, e-mail and all other data in it. At reception of the report you receive the standard answer from the post robot.

We wish you great success and enjoyable participation in our contest!

Designation of territories of Russia and distribution of figure of a prefix and the first letter of a suffix in call signs
Combination figure-letter in call signs The Designation of area (oblast)
The Name of area (oblast)
Territory of Northwest federal district
1A, 1B SP Saint Petersburg
1C, 1D LO Leningrad Oblast
1N KL Republic of Karelia
1O AR Arkhangelsk Oblast
1P NO Nenets Autonomous Okrug
1Q VO Vologda Oblast
1T NV Novgorod Oblast
1W PS Pskov Oblast
1Z MU Murmansk Oblast
2F, 2K KA Kaliningrad Oblast
8, 9X KO Komi Republic
Territory of the Central federal district
(Except for prefixes RA2 and UA2-UI2)
2,3.5A; 2,3,5B; 2,3,5C MA Moscow
2,3,5D; 2,3,5F; 2,3,5H MO Moscow Oblast
2,3,5E OR Oryol Oblast
2,3,5G LP Lipetsk Oblast
2,3,5I TV Tver Oblast
2,3,5L SM Smolensk Oblast
2,3,5M YR, JA
Yaroslavl Oblast
2,3,5N KS Kostroma Oblast
2,3,5P TL Tula Oblast
2,3,5Q; 2,3,5O; 2,3,5K VR Voronezh Oblast
2,3,5R TB Tambov Oblast
2,3,5S RA Ryazan Oblast
2,3,5U IV Ivanovo Oblast
2,3,5V VL Vladimir Oblast
2,3,5W KU Kursk Oblast
2,3,5X KG Kaluga Oblast
2,3,5Y BR Bryansk Oblast
2,3,5Z BO Belgorod Oblast
Territory of Southern federal district
4A, 4B VG Volgograd Oblast
6,7A; 6,7B; 6,7C; 6,7D KR Krasnodar Krai
6,7I KM Republic of Kalmykia
6,7L; 6,7M; 6,7N RO Rostov Oblast
6,7U AO Astrakhan Oblast
6,7Y AD Republic of Adygea
Territory of the North-Caucasian federal district
6,7E KC Karachay-Cherkess Republic
6,7H; 6,7F; 6,7G ST Stavropol Krai
6,7J SO Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
6,7P,R CN Chechen Republic
6,7Q IN Republic of Ingushetia
6,7W DA Republic of Dagestan
6,7X KB Kabardino-Balkar Republic
Territory of the Volga (Privolzhsky) of federal district
2,3,5T NN Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
4C, 4D SA Saratov Oblast
4F PE Penza Oblast
4H, 4I SR Samara Oblast
4L, 4M UL Ulyanovsk Oblast
4N KI Kirov Oblast
4P, 4R, 4Q TA Republic of Tatarstan
4S (T) MR Mari El Republic
4U MD Republic of Mordovia
4W UD Udmurt Republic
4Y (Z) CU Chuvash Republic
8,9F; 8,9G PM Perm Krai
8,9S; 8,9Т OB Orenburg Oblast
8,9W BA Republic of Bashkortostan
Territory of the Ural federal district
8,9A; 8,9B CB Chelyabinsk Oblast
8,9C; 8,9D SV Sverdlovsk Oblast
8,9J HM Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
8,9K YN, JN Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
8,9L TN Tyumen Oblast
8,9Q; 8,9R KN Kurgan Oblast
Territory of the Siberian federal district
8,9H; 8,9I TO Tomsk Oblast
8,9M; 8,9N OM Omsk Oblast
8,9O (P) NS Novosibirsk Oblast
8,9U (V) KE Kemerovo Oblast
8,9Y AL Altai Krai
8,9Z GA Altai Republic
ØA, ØB, ØH KK Krasnoyarsk Krai
ØO BU Buryat Republic
ØR IR Irkutsk Oblast
(ех: Ust Ordyn Buryat Autonomous Okrug)
ØS, ØT IR Irkutsk Oblast
ØU ZK Zabaykalsky Krai
(ех: Chita Oblast)
ØV ZK Zabaykalsky Krai
(ех: Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug)
ØW HA Republic of Khakassia
ØY TU Tuva Republic
Territory of Far East federal district
ØC HK Khabarovsk Krai
ØD EA Jewish Autonomous Oblast
ØF (Е) SL Sakhalin Oblast
ØI MG Magadan Oblast
ØJ AM Amur Oblast
ØK CK Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
ØL (М, N) PK Primorsky Krai
ØQ YA, SH Sakha Republic
ØX KJ Kamchatka Krai
(ех: Koryak Autonomous Okrug)
ØZ KT Kamchatka Krai
(ех: Kamchatka Oblast)

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