Monday, February 13, 2012

QRP Amateur Radio Club International

QRP ARCI Operating Awards Program

The objective of the QRP ARCI Operating Awards Program is to demonstrate that "power is no substitute for skill". It encourages full enjoyment of Ham Radio while running the minimum power necessary to complete a QSO and thereby reducing QRM on our crowded bands.

QRP is defined by the club as 5 watts output CW and 10 watts PEP output SSB.

Awards are available, free of charge, to any QRP ARCI member with a current subscription to QRP Quarterly (otherwise $4 for USA applicants and $6 elsewhere)

Applications must be made on the GCR Form 
N.B. does not apply to KMPW Award - see award details for more information.
Please 'Read more' for full rules.

All awards offered by the QRPARCI are available free of charge to active QRP ARCI members (an 'active' member has a current subscription to QRP Quarterly). Awards are available to SWL members on a 'heard' basis. All contacts must have been made running a maximum of 5 watts CW/DATA or 10 watts SSB/Voice.
Confirmations, in the form of QSL cards or other electronic logbook data, such as EQSL or LOTW, are not required for all Awards offered by QRPARCI. 

With your application please include a listing of claimed stations complete with log data and a GCR Form signed by 2 amateurs attesting that they have examined your logs and verify your qualifications for the Award. Your list should conform to the individual format of each Award as listed.
Endorsement stickers are no longer available. Depending upon the award, a new certificate will be issued with the updated info on it. For example, if you have WAS20, and move up to WAS 30, a new certificate will be issued. A Natural Power certificate may be claimed for any award when using a power source other than Household Electricity, Motor Driven Generators or Batteries.
Awards may be issued and endorsed for QSOs made via amateur satellites (the exceptions being the KMPW and 5-band awards)
A note on multiple band awards. The 5 Band WAS, DX100 and WAC Awards can be for any 5 of the HF amateur bands including 30, 17, and 12 meters. Please note that if you include 30 Meters as one of your 5 bands and you are claiming one mode (CW or Data), the other 4 bands must also be all CW or all Data. Please remember that no SSB/FM operations are permitted on 30 meters.
Send Applications to:

Paul Stroud, AA4XX 
1318 Alderman Circle
Raleigh, NC 27603

Or send an email using Contact Us

Please include your e-mail address or an SASE with any correspondence or applications

1000 Miles Per Watt (KMPW)

This award is issued to any Amateur transmitting from, or receiving the transmission of, a QRP station such that the direct Great Circle Bearing distance between the two stations, divided by the QRP stations power output equals or exceeds 1000 Miles per Watt. Contacts made via amateur satellite are ineligible for this award.

Additional certificates can be earned for contacts on different modes and bands.See NOTES below about applying.

QRP Contest Survey

Our contest manager Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV is on a drive to boost participation in QRP ARCI contests.

He has set up a survey to get some feedback from contestors and non-contestors alike. Please take 5 minutes to let us know what works and where we need to change -
                      take the survey

Click on Read more for Jim's personal message to QRPers . . .  

"As the QRP ARCI Contest Manager, I recognize that the only reason for me to be involved with managing the contests is that you. the user/customer take the time to participate in the contests sponsored by QRP ARCI.

In the context of the number of participants versus number of members, for the QRP ARCI contests over the past five years, the minimal number(s) of participants reflects, I believe, the need for some changes. However, one can't "make it better" and improve participation until one knows what the user/customer wants; thus, the reason for us developing a survey that we are anxious to see you participate in.

The goal of the survey is:

Contribute to an overarching goal - establishing QRP ARCI as THE premier QRP support organization - by collecting, analyzing and using the survey results to increase participation in contests sponsored by QRP ARCI.

The survey's focus is:

a) discover or reinforce our notion(s) of what drives QRP ARCI members and non-QRP ARCI members, the user, to participate in contest
b) uncover what turns the member and non-member users on or off regarding our contests

The questions are designed, hopefully, to find out: -

why you participate in contests
the quality and quantity of communications between the contest manager and the user
the value of certificates and "prizes"
the type(s), lengths and numbers of categories
your opinion on the current from a “which one(s) scratch your itch”
the addition of or more focus on SSB and/or digital modes
how QRP ARCI contests compare to contests sponsored by ARRL, CQ, North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC), Adventure Radio Society (ARS), etc

You're encouraged to visit the below URL link and take the survey. We've kept it as simple as possible so that you don't have to invest a lot of time in completing the survey and we want to reinforce that notion that we can't improve the current state or expand, as necessary, if we don't hear from you, the customer.


Thank you, in advance, for participating ! 
Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV QRP ARCI Contest Manager"

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