EPC Award Programme General Rules
1. Amateur radio is a hobby. It does not compete in terms of importance with one’s job, one’s safety, one’s health or wellbeing or that of one’s family. These after all are the important things in life. That said, how we spend our leisure time is critical to our happiness and quality of life.
2. The EPC international Award Programme was devised by the European PSK Club on 10th June 2006. The European PSK Club, or EPC for short, is an informal club of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on PSK modes. The EPC Award Programme's aim is to improve and expand geographical knowledge of the sovereign states world-wide, and to encourage radio amateur activity from various corners of the World on PSK modes.
3. The EPC awards are issued to EPC members only. Any EPC award may be claimed by a licensed radio amateur, club station, or DMS (SWL) eligible under these Rules who can produce evidence in a form of ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) log of having contacted or monitored amateur radio stations required for certain award on B(Q)PSK31, B(Q)PSK63, and B(Q)PSK125 modes, unless specifically stated otherwise. Credit will be given for contacts made on any of the amateur bands from 1.8 to 52 MHz.
4. Our recommended frequencies for EPC activity are listed in the EPC HF Band Plan. We would suggest to leave first 2 KHz on each band for BPSK31 contacts. The EPC has established this band plan as the way to better organize the use of our activity on PSK modes efficiently. To the extent possible, this band plan is harmonized with the IARU Regions band plans. It is suggested that EPC members promote it widely amongst each other. Please operate in accordance with your licensing conditions.
5. QSL-cards are not required. Awards are issued to the person or club. The person or club can use any legal call sign. Contacts made from club stations or special event stations count to the credit of both the club and the operator. All stations must be operated in accordance with their licensing conditions. Contacts may be made from any location in the same DXCC country.
6. Unless specifically stated otherwise, confirmations from the DMS (SWL) stations are accepted as confirmed contacts. All stations contacted must be «Land Stations». Contacts with ships and boats, anchored or underway, and airborne aircraft, cannot be counted. For the purposes of the EPC Award Programme, remote control operating points must also be land based.
7. The award manager reserves the right to spot call sign for inspection of applied contacts. The purpose of this is not to call into question the integrity of any individual, but rather to ensure the overall integrity of the EPC Award Programme. More difficult attained specialty awards are more likely to be so called. In some cases the award manager may request a QSL-card or its copy to verify a questionable QSO. Failure of the applicant to respond to such spot check will result in non-issuance of the EPC award. The decision of the award manager on this and other matters of dispute will be finals. The submission for credit of any altered or forged log extractions or, equally, bad behaviour on or off the air which is judged by the European PSK Club to bring our award programme into disrepute may result in disqualification of the applicant from the award programme.
8. All claims for the EPC awards should be made using our UltimateEPC Award Management Software written by Heinz Urban, DK5UR. The award applicant should re-submit his application when claiming for higher classes of awards. The award manager will keep all your records in our database. Please make sure before you submit your ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) log that you have checked it with the appropriate software.
9. All EPC awards are issued free of charge in a high quality PDF format, and can be downloaded from the applicant's account at the EPC Member Centre. EPC awards can be printed with the highest quality and with optimal performance by applicants themselves. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EPC executive award manager.
Item Title Hits
DXDA - The DX Discovery Award Series 5053
EPCAA-5 - EPC 5th Anniversary Award Series 1990
GIOPA - Greek Islands On PSK Award Series 1376
PSFA - Phase Shifting Field Award Series 3782
RLPA - Russian Ladies PSK Award Series 2624
RPXPA - Russian Prefixes PSK Award Series 5787
RSPA - Russian Stations PSK Award Series 3821
SHIFT - BPSK63 DXCC Award Series 5090
EPCAA-4 - EPC 4th Anniversary Award Series 3890
ROPA - Romanian PSK Award Series 6742
URPA - Ukrainian PSK Award Series 6129
OSCA - Odessa Sister Cities PSK Award Series 4445
PLPA - Polish PSK Award Series 5398
RGSPA - Russian Grid Squares PSK Award Series 7215
BENELUX - Benelux PSK Award Series 6090
WLA - World Lighthouses PSK Award Series 3912
EIPA - European Islands PSK Award Series 3807
ECC - European Capital Cities PSK Award Series 5176
SCLPA - Scottish Locators PSK Award Series 2624
KZPA - Kazakhstan PSK Award Series 4213
FPXPA - French Prefixes PSK Award Series 3909
OFA - Overseas France PSK Award Series 2594
La Corse (Corsica) PSK Award 2212
ALBA - Scottish National Grid Squares PSK Award Series 5330
WPA - Wanderer PSK Award Series 6680
NSA - North Sea PSK Award Series 4593
BSA - Baltic Sea PSK Award Series 4468
DANA - Danube PSK Award Series 3887
RRPA - Russian Regions PSK Award Series 7388
CRUMB - QRP Operator DXCC PSK Award Series 4074
SHPA - Suffix Hunter PSK Award Series 7030
ODESSA - Odessa PSK Award Series 4344
EPCRU - EPC Russia Award Series 8716
GNOME - DXCC QRP PSK Award Series 7298
YLPA - Young Ladies PSK Award Series 6940
EAMA - EPC Award Managers Award Series 5089
ITPA - Italian PSK Award Series 19264
PTPA - Portuguese PSK Award Series 7707
NLPA - Dutch PSK Award Series 8704
FRPA - French PSK Award Series 7497
OCSPA - Oceanian Stations PSK Award Series 4058
AFSPA - African Stations PSK Award Series 6230
SASPA - South American Stations PSK Award Series 4711
NASPA - North American Stations PSK Award Series 7236
ASSPA - Asian Stations PSK Award Series 9030
ESPANA - Spanish PSK Award Series 24843
MWCA - Most Wanted Croatians Award Series 10109
CESA - Croatian EPC Station Award Series 4434
CPPA - Croatian Prefixes PSK Award Series 4902
MASTER - EPC Award Master Series 8728
POGA - Peripheries of Greece Award Series 6759
GRPA - Greek PSK Award Series 7116
EPC30 - EPC 30 metres PSK Award Series 7890
EUROPA - European Union PSK Award Series 10055
ECSA - EPC Club Stations Award Series 11582
EPC-CRO - Croatian PSK Award Series 17924
UKPA - United Kingdom PSK Awards 9490
AUPA - Austrian PSK Award 8897
CZPA - Czech PSK Award 10412
WACPA - Worked All Continents PSK Awards 10796
MMPA - Maritime Mobile PSK Awards 6903
ITUPSK - ITU Zones (Land Based) PSK Awards 12981
CQPSK - CQ PSK (WAZ) Awards 13903
MGSPA - Maidenhead Grid Squares PSK Awards 16300
IOPA - Islands On PSK Awards 9860
EPCDL - EPC Deutschland PSK Awards 13173
PHPA - Prefix Hunter PSK Awards 13442
PHASE - PSK DX (DXCC) Awards 12136
BQPA - Binary and Quadrature PSK Awards 16301
BEPA - Belgian PSK Awards 9673
EPCMA - EPC Members Awards 19060
EUSPA - European Stations PSK Awards 16725
EUAPA - European Areas PSK Awards 12760
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