Tuesday, January 10, 2012


DX Code Of Conduct

I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.
I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.
I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.
I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.
I will always send my full call sign.
I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.
I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.
I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine.
I will not transmit when the DX station requests geographic areas other than mine.
When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact.
I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.

#1   I will listen, and listen and then listen again before calling.
  This seems so obvious but it is the most vital thing to do. Careful listening rather than rushing to transmit will get the DX into your log. You must listen to find out whether the DX is working split and if so, where is he listening? Then you need to listen to the calling stations in order to determine what the DX station is doing. For example, he may be working gradually up or down the pile-up frequency range – and you need to find the best spot to call. And it may be time to ask yourself: “Do I really need to work this bit of DX, right now? Can I wait a while for the pile-up to subside?”

#2   I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly. 
   You also need to listen carefully to determine how well you can hear the DX station to be sure you will hear his reply to your call and to avoid causing interference by transmitting at the wrong time. It is extremely frustrating for a DX station to return a call to a station that is unable to hear him, thereby causing incessant QRM.

#3   I will not trust the Cluster and will be sure of the DX station’s callsign before calling. 
   Cluster spots often show the wrong call sign. Before you log a station, you should hear the station’s callsign on the air – don’t trust spotting networks. The DX operator should send his call sign at regular intervals. Unfortunately, not all operators do this!

#4   I will not interfere with the DX station or anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
   Sadly, this covers a multitude of operators, employing poor operating practices. We are frequently afflicted with “Policemen,” people who repeatedly jump in to tell callers that “the DX is listening up” – often adding a gratuitous insult. The rule is quite simple: never, ever transmit on the DX frequency for any purpose whatsoever.

#5   I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before calling.
   If you transmit before a QSO is over, you are likely to interfere with the exchange of information, lengthening the QSO and slowing the process. It may seem clever to “nip in” as the previous contact is ending but many DX stations don’t like it, as such operating may break the pattern of the operator, which is what helps everyone to know when to transmit.

#6   I will always send my full call sign. 
   This is essential for CW and SSB, because incomplete calls lead to an extra transmission, slowing the operator’s progress with the pileup. If the operator is responding to partial call signs, it may appear that you should call with only several letters. Generally, this is not the case. Always use your full call sign.

#7  I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.
   Continuous calling is selfish and arrogant. With a computer or memory keyer, it is easy to send continuously. Unfortunately, it prevents you from listening and knowing what is taking place. In addition, it raises the QRM floor greatly, making life difficult for the DX station and everyone else.

#8   I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another callsign, not mine.
  Perhaps this is intuitively obvious, but it is a common occurrence. If it is clear that the station is not calling you, do not transmit.

#9   I will not transmit when the DX Operator queries a call sign, not like mine.
   In life outside amateur radio it would simply be considered rude to answer when someone else is asked a question! How do you know if the station is calling you? Perhaps the DX operator has a partial version of your call. Is it me? “The timing is right!” Yes, the timing may seem right, but it may also be “right” for many other stations. If the DX is actually calling you and hears nothing, he will call you again. Then you can call. Only one letter from your call sign is NOT enough, however. Calling when not being addressed raises the floor level of QRM and slows progress dramatically.

#10   I will not transmit when the DX operator requests geographic areas other than mine. 
   You must recognise and accept that when an operator is calling for a specific geographic area (e.g. NA for North America, AS for Asia ), you must not call until the operator’s instructions change. Even if his choice appears incorrect, you must follow his instructions. The DX operator is in control. Here’s an important point: If a DX operator is working, some area, perhaps North America , and he fails to say so between QSOs, do not begin calling immediately. Call only when it is clear that the operator’s instructions have changed. To do otherwise is impolite and simply slows the process.

#11   When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my callsign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
   If you repeat your call sign, the DX station may think that he has your call sign wrong. He might then listen very carefully – again – thus slowing the process. A DX operator will generally log what he has if you say nothing further.

#12   I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact. 
   There should certainly be a pride of accomplishment when you get a QSO with a guy in a far-away entity. But before you start basking in the glow of accomplishment, think about the help you received from your partners, perhaps Mr. Icom, Mr. Alpha, and Mr. Force 12. If your ego still feels a need to take ALL the credit, try again. But this time turn off your amplifier and connect your rig barefoot to a dipole. If you get through the pile up this time, then YOU, as the operator, can take more of the credit.
   You should also acknowledge that you would not have had the contact without the skill of the operator at the other end who undoubtedly made sacrifices to be there for you. So be thankful for all this help you received. 

#13   I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.
   Respect is about behaving well toward others. DXing is very competitive. If you operate otherwise, you may acquire a bad reputation. DXing will be the most fun for everyone if we all behave with politeness, mutual respect and even a bit of humility! 

DXpeditioners' Code of Conduct

This DXpeditioners’ Code is to help maximize the fun for all participants. As the DX operator, you play a critical role in pileups: you are "in charge”. Dealing with an unruly pileup of discourteous operators who have forgotten about ethical behavior is NOT fun. So it makes sense to plan and train ahead of time on how best to deal with the situation.

   Good operators at the DX end and courteous behavior at the other end of the QSO can greatly increase the total number of QSOs logged. It has been demonstrated that pileups can be kept reasonably under control if the DX operator follows certain ‘rules’. Luckily, some top operators have given us the benefit of their experience. Please peruse these suggestions.

   It is also important that you tell the thousands of hams who want a QSO that you expect them to operate ethically in accordance with the DX Code of Conduct.  If your DXpedition has a website or just a page at QRZ.com, please consider posting a notice on your website. 

   As a starter, consider posting our mascot with a link to this site. You may be as creative as you like. You might consider posting the Code itself on your website, just copy and paste . Whatever suits you. For further assistance, click here.     For an example of how this might look, click here.  

   We also hope that you will tell us that you have linked to us so and we can publish your DXpedition and website at this site.  More important, we hope that this initiative will play a positive role in making sure that  you enjoy your trip.

NOTE: This page is organized as a Table of Contents. Click on each topic to go to a section of the document that explains it further. Some sections have links to a third page with even more details and links to various resources we think may help. Enjoy!

Do your Homework
Keep the DX community informed
Check TX frequency AND the RX range before starting up
You are the Boss and You are in Charge
Announce Your Callsign Frequently
Use Split Operation
Establish and Maintain a Rhythm
Work and log dupes, it’s quicker
Give QSY/QRT information before leaving the pile-up
Establish a “Friendship” with the Pileup
Avoid working by numbers, continents are OK
Repeat corrected callsigns so everyone is sure of being safely logged
Be a role model

#1 Do your homework
  Edison famously said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. In DXpeditioning, success is ninety percent preparation.

   Before traveling, read "DXpeditioning Basics ” by N7NG.This freely available publication is a must read for every DXpeditioner. Another good resource is "DX-peditioning Behind the Scenes" by Neville Cheadle, G3NUG & Steve Telenius-Lowe, G4JVG. You can order directly from the author by clicking on the title.

   Study the propagation before you travel. There are three important population centers in the world: Europe, North America and Asia . From wherever you are, two are likely to be easy. The third one is the most difficult to work from your destination location so it becomes your “target area.” Make sure that you work the target area any time any band is open to that area.

   Practice your QSO technique. Pick out the weaker stations. Provide training to your less-experienced operators in the finer points of both SSB and CW operating.

#2 Keep the DX community informed
   The DX community appreciates a well organized website, some of which are works of art. If your operation is smaller and you do not plan to have a "full service" website, at least set up a QRZ.com page that states your location, dates of operation, and QSL information. Even with a complete website, a QRZ.com page with a link to your main website makes you easier to find.

#3 Check TX frequency AND the RX range before starting up
   Always check for a clear TX frequency and find a clear RX range before starting up on a band. As a DXpeditioner, you have powerful tools to control the frequencies you use. If you have previously announced your frequencies, try to stick with them. However, conditions might demand a change. You may have to select your pileup RX place in a spot other than the busiest part of the band.

#4 You are the Boss and You are in Charge
   In order to maintain control of the pileup you must operate in such a manner as to make control possible. It is easy to lose control of a pileup, and if you do, it may be your fault. Maintain good QSO mechanics. Use the same general pattern for every QSO. Select a callsign from the pile and stay with it until a satisfactory QSO results. If it is not possible to finish a QSO, solicit QSOs again. NEVER select another callsign without soliciting QSOs – QRZ, CQ, etc.

Issue clear instructions to the pileup and stick to them – always. For example, if you catch only part of someone’s call and give the partial out, do not work anyone else until you have completed with that station. If you call “NO EU,” DO NOT work any European callers. Ignore rude callers. Breaking your own rules just creates chaos. Stay in charge, but never shout to nor lecture the crowd.  

#5 Announce Your Callsign Frequently, like (almost) every QSO
   You should give you callsign often enough so that no one has to ask. If you don't give your call often enough, some callers will just log whatever callsign was last spotted on a DXcluster (right or wrong) and some will ask for your call. That wastes time, interrupts your flow, and energizes the ever present frequency cops.  Once per QSO is not too often.

   If you are blessed with a real long callsign such as SV9/ON4ZZZZ/P, that's a lot to mention after every QSO so just be alert. If you hear someone asking “QRZ” or “What’s the DX?” on your TX frequency, you have waited too long.

#6 Use Split Operation
   Assuming that you have gone to some relatively rare entity, you can start out by assuming that you will be dealing with a pileup. Don't wait until you have a large number of callers. Start out by operating split immediately. As soon as you are spotted on a DXcluster, the whole world will descend on you and you might as well be ready.

#7 Establish and Maintain a Rhythm
   Standardize your transmitted messages as much as possible. For instance send a QSL or TU message at the end of every QSO and maintain a consistent pattern to help callers synchronize with you. That reduces the amount of out-of-turn calling. This is a well established technique for controlling a pileup. It gives the callers solid guidance in determining when and when not to call.

#8 Work and log dupes, it’s quicker
   Work and log dupes: it is quicker than telling the duplicate callers that they are dupes, and it may be that they were unsure of a previous QSO. Use your website to announce your policy on duplicates, for example “Please work us only once on each band/mode slot to give others a chance for a new one.”

#9 Give QSY/QRT information before leaving the pileup
           When you are about to leave the pileup, say what you are doing. Announce if you will QSY to another band/mode, perhaps giving out your new TX frequency. If you are going QRT for a while, give out your QSL information and website address. Don’t say, “QRX 5” unless you definitely are going to come back within 5 minutes as this just extends the band pollution unnecessarily.

        if you don’t know how long you will be, it is better to say, “QRT,” but then come back on later when you are ready. When you get tired, slow down and take extra care over accuracy. If you start making too many mistakes, take a break and maybe a short sleep, whatever suits your body’s natural rhythm.

#10 Establish a “Friendship” with the Pileup 
   This is called the conversational style of pileup operating. This is perhaps one step beyond being friendly and not lecturing. It helps control the nature of the situation. Rather than have a group of antagonistic hounds, you put the callers at ease, and in the end give them confidence that you are fully interested in making a QSO with each of them. This style of operating is NOT a substitute for poor operating procedure, however.

   Also remember the many operators who are not regular CW operators.  They want a QSO too but may be able to copy code at, say, 20 wpm. DXpedition operators are sometimes whizzing along at 40 wpm. So keep an ear out for the guy who is calling at 20 wpm and respond to him at a speed he can copy easily. You will make another grateful friend.

   Also remember that many operators have 100 watts and wire antennas. After the big guns all have their QSOs, work these guys because they are the backbone of the amateur radio community.

#11 Avoid working by numbers, continents are OK
   When possible, try to avoid subdividing a pileup by numbers. Depending on propagation, try working a whole continent or several continents, or NOT working a particular continent. At times only working by numbers will work, however. Whatever method you choose, be sure to inform the pileup after every QSO.

   Don't break your own rule by working your pals in NA if you are asking for "Eu."

#12 Repeat corrected callsigns so everyone is sure of being correctly logged
   A valid QSO is when both stations have copied content and have logged it correctly. It is unrealistic to think that you will copy 100% of all callsigns the first time. On CW do not send a “question mark,” as in “ABC?” when returning to a partial callsign. For some obscure reason many (undisciplined) pileup callers take a 'question mark' as the sign to start transmitting again, although the partial callsign does not resemble their callsign.

   So when you respond to a call with a partial as “ABC 5nn” and W5ABC responds, “W5ABC W5ABC 5nn TU,” it is proper that you respond “W5ABC QSL TU” That way W5ABC knows he is in the log and does not have to call again later to make sure.

   If you made a mistake with someone’s call, he may keep calling you. Repeat his call or work them again, using “TU”, “QSL”, “CFM” or “You’re in the log” to let them know for sure that they are safely logged. This is even more important if you do not have an online log with daily updates. 

#13 Be a role model 
   Standardize your transmitted messages as much as possible. For instance send a QSL or TU message at the end of every QSO and maintain a consistent pattern to help callers synchronize with you. That reduces the amount of out-of-turn calling. This is a well established technique for controlling a pileup. It gives the callers solid guidance in determining when and when not to call.

    A number of people contributed to this document. It is thus a compendium of the work of others, here presented in a format that hopefully has included the best of what experienced DXpeditioners have had to say about this topic.

   In the end, if DXpeditioners are better prepared, insist on good operating behavior from those calling them, and if those at the other end adhere to the DX Code of Conduct, everyone will have more fun. And that’s what it’s about.

Contesters' Code of Conduct

• The primary aim of a contest QSO is to exchange only the essential QSO information (normally callsigns, reports and contest-specific information such as zones number, state or serial number) as efficiently (meaning quickly and yet accurately) as possible. In most contests, anything further (greetings, QTH or station details etc.) is superfluous, slows down the QSO rate and reduces the achievable score

• If you hear a contest in progress and want to join in, look up the contest rules to find out what information to
send and whether you are eligible to participate. Check out the contest calendar and links to contest websites at http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/weeklycont.php

• Listen carefully before calling a contest station, ensuring that you have their callsign correct and haven’t already worked them. There are good logging programs that will help eliminate duplicate QSOs that waste valuable time.

• Consciously avoid causing interference, for example by transmitting an over modulated signal or CQing on a
frequency that is already in use Remember, listen first and listen hard and try calling "QRL?" before operating.
Don’t operate ‘split’ unless it is absolutely necessary.

• Call a contest station that is CQing at just the right instant, giving your full callsign once. That is usually enough. Most stations leave only a few brief seconds between their CQ calls so it is important to synchronize your call with their listening periods. Good stations get a rhythm going and it will help if you get in tune with that rhythm.

• Stand by for a moment if they go back to someone else. You shouldn’t have to wait very long. If they are really busy, make a note of their frequency and spend a few minutes hunting for other stations to work, then come back for another call.

• If they send your correct callsign plus a report and contest information, respond with just a report and contest information. However, if they send your callsign incorrectly, hesitate briefly just in case they are working someone else, but if you are certain they are working you, respond by sending just your full callsign again, once or twice but with no report until they get your callsign correctly.

• Do your level best to log their callsign and exchange information accurately, and to ensure they have all your
information correct (e.g. - repeating the essential information if conditions are marginal). Sometimes several
repeats are needed to complete the QSO but this is necessary to claim the points and avoid penalties.

• Having met the primary aim, you will both be grateful for the efficient QSO and points. It is polite for the CQ station to send “Thank you“ or “TU” to confirm the QSO has been logged. This reduces unnecessary duplicate QSOs due to not knowing whether the QSO was complete, and is the cue to move on to the next QSO.

• Remain courteous at all times, even when you are stressed or tired. If another station encroaches onto the
frequency you are using, use your filters, turn your antenna, ask them politely to move a little HF or LF as
appropriate and/or shift your frequency a little to reduce mutual interference, or take this as an opportunity to go searching for new QSOs on the same or another band.

• Respect other amateurs who are not in the contest, for instance by obeying ‘contest-preferred' frequencies and avoiding frequencies used by beacons, nets, DXpeditions and other modes. Keep the WARC bands a contest-free safe haven for those who do not enjoy contests.

• If you are using a club or another amateur’s station for the contest, be a good guest, for example by being
careful with the equipment, tidying up afterwards and not annoying other people in the house.

• Play fair. For example, if you are using DX Cluster to find new multipliers, spot multipliers for other contestants too.

• Comply fully with the rules of the contest both in letter and in spirit. Don’t even bend them.

• Take as much pride in your station and operating techniques as in the contest certificates and plaques hanging on  your shack wall. Learn to take advantage of the propagation and make the effort to listen for weak callers.

Most of all, be polite, efficient and friendly and stick to the rules to earn the respect of your fellow amateurs.


  1. trim,s tank.s.. station DX 91 HS740 opertor M.Mawardi kal sel banjarmasin....

  2. trim,s YF1AR ... dari mana ni....slm kenal....73..cerio....

  3. Thank You

    So much for the QSO from Kimaan Island take care and 73's



  4. Sangat bagus bila kita laksanakan bersama

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You have a very interesting site. I like your ethics list! I was browsing for info on 20 meter yagis and stumbled onto you and am glad I found you. LOL Looking forward to, someday, making a QSO with you.
