Friday, December 2, 2011

What is Logbook of The World? Instruction

What is Logbook of The World? Instruction

Step 1 - Download and install the software
Logbook of the world uses software called TrustedQSL.
The software is free to download and use.
Trusted QSL contains two programs TQSL Certificates and TQSL.
Trusted QSL works with MS Windows and there is a version for Mac OSX.
Download the software for Windows here.
** Windows Vista and Windows 7 (64 bit) users must download and save the TQSL 113.exe program then run the installation program as administrator.

Step 2 - Request a certificate for your callsign
Requesting a certificate is a simple process of entering some basic information and saving a file that you will send to LoTW.
At this point you have received an e-mail from LoTW with your TQ6 file.  This e-mail also contains your username (your call sign) and a password to log onto the LoTW userpage.  This information is lower in the text of the e-mail message.
These instructions will show you how to load the TQ6 file and more importantly how to save the certificate.  The TQ6 file by itself is not your complete certificate so please be sure to use the instructions to load and save your certificate.
Note: If you receive a "certificate or private key not found" messeage when loading the TQ6 file click OK and continue the installaion.

Step 3 - Authenticate your location (non-USA)
Non US stations will have to send a copy of your radio amateur operator permit and a copy of another identification such as a driver's license, passport or utility bill.
Send to:
ARRL LoTW Administrator
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111

Step 4 - Load your certificate (TQ6 file)
At this point you have received an e-mail from LoTW with your TQ6 file.  This e-mail also contains your username (your call sign) and a password to log onto the LoTW userpage.  This information is lower in the text of the e-mail message.
These instructions will show you how to load the TQ6 file and more importantly how to save the certificate.  The TQ6 file by itself is not your complete certificate so please be sure to use the instructions to load and save your certificate.
Note: If you receive a "certificate or private key not found" message when loading the TQ6 file click OK and continue the installaion.

Step 5 - Create a station location
The station location contains all of the geographic information for your operation.  This includes ITU and CQ zones, grid square, US State and county and IOTA number if you operated from an IOTA island.
Please be accurate and complete when entering the information in this step because this is how the other station will receive credit for your geographic positions from a QSO with you.

Step 6 - Sign upload your log files
Logbook of the world accepts digitally signed files call Trusted QSL files.  You have already used these type of files in the certificate process - TQ5 and TQ6.
When you digitally sign an ADIF or Cabrillo log file you are making a new file called a TQ8 file.  The information in this new TQ8 file is much like what is on a QSL card.  Your call sign and DXCC entity is taken from your certificate, the QSO information comes from your ADIF or Cabrillo log file and all the geographic information is in your station loaction in TQSL.
Some logging programs feature a shortcut for signing and uploading your log.  Check with your logging program developer's page for information on features like this.
Signing logs only takes a few mouse clicks.

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