1. Qualifying Events
Anyone interested in operating in WRTC-2014 can attempt to qualify by operating in a variety of qualifying events between October 2010 and March 2013. Each qualifying event has a maximum point value that is factored into the qualifying score calculation. Listed below are the eligible contests for WRTC-2014, their point values, and in which years that each contest’s results will be considered:
Years in which scores can be counted Number of scores
Contest Value 2010 2011 2012 2013
CQ WW CW 1000 X X X 3
CQ WW SSB 1000 X X X 3
CQ WPX CW 950 X X 2
CQ WPX SSB 950 X X 2
IARU 900 X X 2
Russian DX Contest 900 X X 2
ARRL SS CW 900 X X X 3 – US/VE only
ARRL SS SSB 900 X X X 3 – US/VE only
ARRL DX CW – for NA 900 X X X 3 – NA includes Z6/7/8
ARRL DX SSB – for NA 900 X X X 3 – NA includes Z6/7/8
ARRL DX CW – outside NA 800 X X X 3
ARRL DX SSB – outside NA 800 X X X 3
WAE CW 800 X X 2
WAE SSB 800 X X 2
All Asian DX CW 800 X X 2
All Asian DX SSB 800 X X 2
EUHFC 800 X X 2 – EU only
NAQP CW (Jan/Aug) 800 X X X Max 1/yr – NA/KH6 only
NAQP SSB (Jan/Aug) 800 X X X Max 1/yr – NA/KH6 only
NA Sprint CW (Feb/Sep) 800 X X X Max 1/yr – NA only
Oceania DX CW 800 X X 2 – OC only
Oceania DX SSB 800 X X 2 – OC only
1) There are 55 events. The number of qualifying events varies based on geography: US/VE/KP2/KP4 = 49; other NA = 43; Pacific ARRL Section = 38; other OC = 32; EU = 30; All others = 28.
2) New qualifying contests for WRTC-2014 are All Asian DX, NAQP, and Oceania DX.
3) For ARRL DX, NA includes W/VE, plus the other countries in NA (Caribbean, Central America, KL7, etc.).
4) For NAQP CW/SSB and NA Sprint CW, one score may be used per mode per calendar year.
5) Applicants may use up to 12 published scores from the above contests to calculate their qualifying score. Details of that calculation follow later in this document.
2. Category Weighting Factor
Weighting factors are applied to compensate for differences in competitiveness and activity level in the various entry categories.
Entry Category Weight
SO HP (Single Operator High Power) (All Band or Single Band) 1.0
SO LP (Single Operator Low Power) (All Band or Single Band) 0.9
SO QRP (All Band) 0.7
SO Assisted (SO Unlimited) 0.8
SO Single Mode (in Mixed-mode contests only) 0.9
MS (Multi-operator Single-transmitter) 1.0
MS LP (ARRL DX, SS only) 0.9
M2 (Multi-operator Two-transmitters) 0.8
MM (Multi-operator Multi-transmitter) 0.8
1) Single Band scores are compared against All Band scores for the same power level.
2) Single Op Assisted scores are broken out by power level in those contests that have separate categories for them. See Section 5 for specific details.
3) Scores made from IARU HQ stations in the IARU HF Championship are not eligible. See Appendix 1 for a list of all qualifying events and available weighting factors.
3. Selection Areas and Teams
To ensure a diverse international pool of teams for the competition, the world has been divided into Selection Areas that are used for grouping and calculating the qualifying scores. Team Leaders are selected from each Selection Area as shown in the table below.
Continent Teams from Continent Selection Area Countries in Selection Area Teams from Area
Europe 27 teams(maximum 2 per country, except maximum 3 from DL) EU #1 C3-CT-CU-EA-EA6-EI-F-G-GD-GI-GJ-GM-GU-GW-ON-PA-TK-ZB 5
EU #2 3A-9H-DL-HB-HB0-I-IS0-IT9-LX-T7 5
EU #6 UA1-6, UA2 3
North America 15 teams NA #1 W1 1
NA #2 W2 1
NA #3 W3 1
NA #4E W4 (NC-SC-VA) 1
NA #4W W4 (AL-FL-GA-KY-TN) 1
NA #5 W5 1
NA #6 W6-W7(AZ-NV-UT) 2
NA #7 W7(ID-MT-OR-WA-WY) 1
NA #8 W8 1
NA #9 W9 1
NA #10 W0 1
NA #11 VE1/2/3/9/VO/VY2, OX 1
NA #12 VE4/5/6/7/8/VY1, KL7 1
NA #13 CQ Zones 6-7-8, 4U1UN, VP9 1
Asia 5 teams AS #1 CQ Zone 17, UA9 in zone 16 1
AS #2 CQ Zones 18-19-23 (except BY) 1
AS #3 CQ Zones 20 (AS portion), 21 1
AS #4 CQ Zones 22-24-26-BY/23, 9M2, 9V 1
AS #5 CQ Zone 25 (HL-JA) 1
South America 2 teams SA #1 CQ Zone 11 (PY-ZP) 1
SA #2* SA North – or – SA South 1
Africa 1 team AF* AF North/West – or – AF South/East 1
Oceania 1 team OC* OC South – or – OC North 1
Total 51 teams 51
* In order to reduce geographical and propagation differences in sparsely populated areas, the following Selection Areas are further divided for score comparison:
Selection Area Score Comparison Area
SA #2 SA North – CQ Zones 9-10
SA South – CQ Zones 12-13
AF AF North/West – CQ Zones 33-34-35
AF South/East – CQ Zones 36-37-38-39
OC OC South – CQ Zones 29-30-32
OC North – CQ Zones 27-28 (except 9M2/9V)-31
For brevity, some DXCC countries are left out of the lists above. It is obvious which area most belong to (ex: HV=EU #2; FP=NA #11). Antarctic stations use their CQ Zone to determine their selection area.
4. Special Teams
In addition to the geographically selected teams, there are other teams to be named by the WRTC organizing committee.
Team Name Quantity Description
Defending Champions 1 team WRTC-2010 champions (RW1AC/RA1AIP)
Youth Team 1 team Under age 25 at WRTC-2014
Sponsored Teams 4 teams Sponsored Team #1 – #4
Wild Card 2 teams WRTC-2014 Committee selection
Total 8 teams
The Youth Team Leader position is awarded to the applicant born after July 12, 1989 with the highest qualifying score that does not already qualify for a “regular” Team Leader slot. Scores are calculated in the same manner as for all other applicants. The Youth TL must select another youth operator as his/her Teammate.
Wild Cards are reserved for the WRTC-2014 Committee to acknowledge exceptional efforts within the pool of applicants that did not otherwise qualify.
5. Qualifying Event Score Calculation
The Event Score for each qualifying event will be calculated based on the following formula. Event Score = (Contest value) x (Category weighting factor) x (Published final score / Maximum score in applicant’s category from Selection Area*) * If the “Maximum published score in applicant’s category from Selection Area” is lower than the highest published score in any “lower” category from the same Selection Area, substitute the higher score as the reference score using the following category order and revised formula below.
Category order:
MS (only HP in ARRL DX, SS)
SO Assisted (only HP in ARRL DX, SS, CQ WPX, CQ WW)
SO HP (AB or SB)
SO Single Mode HP
MS LP (ARRL DX, SS only)
SO Assisted LP (ARRL DX, SS, CQ WPX, CQ WW only)
SO LP (AB or SB)
SO Single Mode LP
SO Assisted QRP (CQ WW only)
Event Score = (Contest value) x (Category weighting factor) x (Published final score / Maximum score in lower category from Selection Area)
Example: W1AAA has a published final score of 3,000,000 in CQ WPX CW (Value = 950) as a M2 entry (Category Weighting Factor = 0.8). The maximum score in M2 in W1AAA’s selection area (NA #1) is 4,000,000. Up to 3 operators at W1AAA may submit the following result from this contest: 950 x 0.8 x (3,000,000 / 4,000,000) = 570.0
If there was a MS (a “lower” category than W1AAA’s entry category of M2) in NA #1 that had a published score of 5,000,000, then the calculation is: 950 x 0.8 x (3,000,000 / 5,000,000) = 456.0
Event Scores made outside an operator’s home Selection Area are evaluated against the top score in the Selection Area from which the score was made. Example: W1BBB (NA #1), operating from KP2, receives points from evaluating the score against other scores from NA #13 instead of against scores from NA #1.
6. Qualification Score Calculation
The Qualification Score is the sum of up to 12 Event Scores. The maximum possible qualification score is 11,600.
1) A maximum of 6 event scores may be from multi-ops (MS/M2/MM).
2) A maximum of 6 event scores can be from outside an applicant’s home Selection Area (i.e., DXpeditions).
3) A maximum of 2 operators may submit scores for a single contest from a MS, 3 from a M2, and 5 from a MM.
4) If an operator’s callsign appears with more than one entry in a single qualifying event (e.g., from operating at more than one station), they may not use any scores from that contest.
5) In the unlikely case of a tie score for the final qualifying spot in a Selection Area, the applicants will be asked for additional scores beyond those submitted on the application until the tie is broken.
7. Team Leader (TL) Qualifications
The qualification process results in the selection of Team Leaders for each selection area based on the following:
1) To qualify, a Team Leader must apply for WRTC-2014. There are no automatic qualifiers (except the Defending Champions).
2) Applicants are strongly urged to follow all rules in all qualifying contests, including the observance of power limits, use of spotting assistance, usage of remote receivers, Skimmer, etc. Personal integrity is an integral element of a WRTC participant.
3) Any operator whose callsign is published as being disqualified from any WRTC 2014 qualifying event forfeits the right to apply. Anyone receiving 1 Red Card or 2 Yellow Cards in CQ WW 2010/2011/2012 or CQ WPX 2011/2012 forfeits the right to apply. If the entry is in a multi-operator category, all listed operators forfeit the right to apply.
4) If a TL qualifies and then declines the invitation to attend WRTC-2014, the next qualifying applicant is then invited.
5) A TL must be prepared to provide proof of valid residence in his claimed Home Selection Area at the time of submitting an application in 2013. Such proof may include passport, resident alien status document, landed immigrant status document, work permit, tax bills, and the like, and should be sufficient to demonstrate legitimate residence and presence in the Selection Area.
6) A TL must be prepared to provide proof of valid residence in his claimed Home Selection Area at the time of all contests for which results are submitted. Such proof may include passport, resident alien status document, landed immigrant status document, work permit, tax bills, and the like, and should be sufficient to demonstrate legitimate residence and presence in the Selection Area.
7) The WRTC2014 Committee has sole authority in deciding whether a TL candidate has provided sufficient proof to demonstrate residence in the claimed Home Selection Area for each contest and at the time of application. The Committee reserves the right to re-classify an applicant's Home Selection Area based on its own judgment. Any applicant providing fraudulent documents relating to residency will be declared ineligible to participate in WRTC2014 as TL, TM or referee, and will be reported to the WRTC Sanctioning Committee for possible disqualification from future WRTCs.
The application form and entry deadline (likely to be September, 2013), will be announced at a later date.
8. Teammate (TM) Qualifications
Each Team Leader may select a Teammate (TM) from anywhere in the world.
1) An operator whose callsign is published as being disqualified from any WRTC 2014 qualifying event, and/or receiving 1 Red Card or 2 Yellow Cards in CQ WW 2010/2011/2012 or CQ WPX 2011/2012 forfeits the right to participate as a Teammate. If the entry is in a multi-operator category, all listed operators forfeit the right to participate as a Teammate.
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