Saturday, October 15, 2011

Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest rules

Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest rules

The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) has the honor to invite amateurs all over the world to participate in the annual Worked All Germany Contest.

1. Contest periods:
October, third full weekend,
1500 UTC Saturday to 1459 UTC Sunday
2011: 15./16. October, 2012: 20./21. October

2. Modes and bands:
SSB, CW: 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz
According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside contest-preferred segments. To reduce interference with the participants of JOTA contest operation is not allowed in the following contest-free sections:
80m: CW - 3560 - 3800 kHz, SSB – 3650 – 3700 kHz
40m: CW - 7040 - 7200 kHz, SSB – 7080 – 7140 kHz
20m: CW - 14060 - 14350 kHz, SSB – 14100 – 14125 kHz and 14280 – 14350 kHz
15m: SSB – 21350 – 21450 kHz
10m: SSB – 28225 – 28400 kHz

3. Categories:
Single operator, CW, low power
Single operator, CW, high power
Single operator, mixed, low power
Single operator, mixed, high power
Single operator, mixed, QRP
Multi operator
SWL, single operator
Output power: QRP = up to 5 watts, low power = up to 100 watts,
high power = more than 100 watts
For Multi operator Band changes are allowed every ten minutes; Exception: working of new multiplier (other transmitters may be used in parallel to the main station to work multipliers on other bands, this means, several signals may be on the air on different bands at the same time).
Transmitters, receivers and antennas used in the contest must be located within a 2 km diameter circle
DX cluster support is allowed for all categories
Only one signal permitted at any time (exception: multi operator for working new multipliers)

4. Exchange:
A contest QSO can only be established between non-German and German stations and also between German stations. Non-German stations give the usual RS/RST + serial number. German stations give RS/RST + DOK (local area code).
Single operator participants from Germany (inhabitants and visitors, irrespective of the used callsign), who are not member of the DARC will send “NM” (non member) and will be no multiplier. A station may be worked once per band per mode.

5. Multipliers:
The multiplier for Non-German stations is determined by the number of German districts worked on each band regardless of mode. The German district is indicated by the first letter of the DOK. From special DOKs (two or more letter/figure or figure/letter combinations) only the first letter counts. Thus a maximum of 26 multipliers per band is possible (letters A ...Z). German stations use the current DXCC-entity-/WAE-country-list. Each entity/country counts one multiplier per band regardless of mode.

6. Scoring:
Each complete exchange counts 3 points for non-German stations. German stations get one point for QSO with an other German station, 3 points for an European station and 5 points for a DX-station. The final score is computed by multiplying the total number of QSO points by the sum of multipliers from all bands.

7. Contest awards:
The 3 highscorers from Germany, irrespective of category, whose first licensing date is no older than 3 years will be awarded with a “Cup”. Certificates will be awarded to every participant as PDF-file for self-printing.

8. Disqualification:
Violation of the rules of the contest, or unsportsmanlike conduct, or taking credit for excessive duplicate contacts will be deemed sufficent cause for disqualification.

9. Logs:

The log-file is to be submitted in the DARC-STF or in the Cabrillo format by E-Mail to the following address: Be sure to put only the station callsign in the subject line of the message. The receipt of the log will be automatically confirmed by an email with a message of possible errors in the log and the password for the access to your UBN-file.
The logs will be part of the DCL (DARC Contest Logbook).
By submitting the log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest.

10. Special regulations for SWLs:
All SWLs get one point (SSB) or three points (CW) for logging each new German station with the sent RS/RST + DOK and the call of the station working with the German station. The multiplier is determined by the sum of German districts (first letter of DOK - see point 5) heard on each band. Each German station may be counted once in SSB and once in CW on each band.

11. Deadline for log entries:
Log deadline is always two weeks or, more specific, the third Monday after the end of the contest.
2011: October 31st, 2012: November 5th

12. Addresses:
for logs:
for questions:

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