Wednesday, October 12, 2011
CQ SA SSB Contest 2011 - Rules
CQ SA SSB Contest 2011 - Rules
Mode: Phone (SSB)
Date: October 15-16, 2011 (October, third full weekend)
Start: 00:00hs UTC Saturday End: 23:59hs UTC Sunday
1 – Objective:
The contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in the South America. Everybody can work everybody.
2 – Period of Operatio: 48 hours
2.1 – Single-Operator stations may operate 36 of the 48 hours, off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes.
2.2 – Multi-Operator stations may operate the full 48 hours.
3 – Bands:
10m (28MHz), 15m (21MHz), 20m (14MHz), 40m (7MHz), 80m (3.5MHz), 160m (1.8MHz).
3.1 – No WARC bands allowed.
4 – Terms of competition for all categories:
4.1 – All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category, any irregular activity can impact your score. Note that single band stations can also work other bands, see 9 and 11.3.
4.2 – Only the entrant’s callsign can be used to aid the entrant’s score. A different callsign must be used for each entry.
4.3 – All entrants must not exceed 1000 watts total output power, or the maximum output power of their station licence, or the power limit of their entry category. 2
4.4 – The use of DX spotting nets is allowed in all categories.
4.5 – Self-spotting or asking other stations to spot you is not allowed.
4.6 – All operation must take place from one operating site. Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address, whichever is greater. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.
4.7 – Operator may be a member of a single station and can’t longer participate in any other category or another station in the same contest.
4.8 – Member of contest committee can take part in the contest, but no pretension to get any award.
5 – Categories:
5.1 – Single Operator, Single Band, High Power (SOSB-HP).
One person performs all of the operating and logging functions. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Total output power must not exceed 1000 watts..
5.2 – Single Operator, Single Band, Low Power (SOSB-LP).
One person performs all of the operating and logging functions. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
5.3 – Single Operator, All Band, High Power (SOAB-HP).
One person performs all of the operating and logging functions. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Total output power must not exceed 1000 watts.
5.4 – Single Operator, All Band, Low Power, (SOAB-LP).
One person performs all of the operating and logging functions. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
5.5 – Multi Operators, Single Transmitter (MULTI-SINGLE) All-Band.
Only one transmitted signal is permitted per band. No power subcategories. Total output power must not exceed 1000 watts. A multiplier station cannot call CQ.
Running staition: Observe the 10 minutes rule.
* The 10 minutes rule means that only one transmitter and one band are permitted during any 10 minutes period, defined as starting with the first logged QSO on a band. However, one-and only one other band may be used during any 10 minutes period if and only if the station worked is a new multiplier.
5.6 – Multi Operators, Multi-Transmitter (MULTI-MULTI) All-Band.
No limit to the number of transmitters, but:
only one signal allowed per band and
only one running transmitter allowed per band.
No power subcategories. Total output power must not exceed 1000 watts per band.
6 – Exchange:
RS report plus a progressive contact serial number starting with 001 for the first contact.
All categories must use a single serial number sequence for the complete log. 3
(for example 59 001)
7 – QSO Points.
Each station can be credited only once per band.
7.1 – For South American stations:
One (1) point for contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country.
Two (2) points for contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries.
Three (3) points for contacts between stations on different continents.
7.2 – For non-South American stations:
One (1) point for contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country.
Two (2) points for contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries.
Three (3) points for contacts between stations on different continents.
Ten (10) points for contacts with stations in South America.
8 – Multipliers:
A multiplier of one (1) for each different continent contacted on each band.
A multiplier of one (1) for each different South America DXCC Country contacted on each band.
Stations are permitted to contact their own continent for multiplier credit.
Maritime mobile stations are not the multipliers, but worth three (3) points for any participant.
9 – Scoring: Scoring is the same for all stations.
The final score is the sum of QSO points from all bands multiplied by the sum of multipliers from all bands. Scoring = (The total of the QSO points) x (The total of the multipliers)
A Single-Band log will be eligible for a Single-Band award only. If a log contains more than one band, only contacts made on the band specified in the Cabrillo header will be considered for scoring purposes.
10 – Awards:
10.1 – First place certificates will be awarded in each category in each DXCC country, including the South American countries.
10.2 – A participation certificate will be awarded to every station that makes at least 100 contacts. 4
All certificates will be available at the website for downloading.
11 – Log Instructions:
11.1 – All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
11.2 – All logs must be Cabrillo format. The Contest Committee accepts logs in the Cabrillo format only. Logs in the Cabrillo format CQ WPX model created by all major logging programs. The Cabrillo specification can be found at
11.3 – Every participant must declare their entry in one category only, any remaining QSO’s will be used as check logs.
11.4 – All entrants must indicate the output power (HP or LP) in the Cabrillo log. If no power is mentioned in the log the participant's score will be moved to High Power category automatically.
11.5 – Entries from MULTI-SINGLE and MULTI-MULTI stations must be merged into a single chronological Log, and must also indicate which transmitter made each contact.
11.6 – Filename must be the stations callsign.
(for example: PS2Y.cbr or PS2Y.log).
11.7 – Portable callsigns should use a hyphen.
(for example: PW2P-PY0.log for PW2P/PY0)
11.8 – Maritime mobile stations append a “MM” to end of their call sign.
(for example: PX2T-MM.cbr for PX2T/MM)
11.9 – Submitted Logs will be confirmed with the receipt log protocol number by an email sent to entrants email address (the one informed in the upload page). After 12 hours should access the site and verify that the Cabrillo file is in the list of logs received. If present error in Cabrillo format, a new file can be sent.
All logs received via upload will be confirmed via email. A listing of logs received can be found at
12 – Disqualification:
Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the contestant, or the rules of the contest; unsportsmanlike conduct; taking credit for excessive unverifiable contacts or unverifiable multipliers will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly logged calls will be counted as unverifiable contacts.
Any use by an entrant of any non-amateur means including, but not limited to, telephones, email, Internet, Instant Messenger, chat rooms, VoIP, or the use of DX cluster to solicit, arrange, or confirm any contacts during the contest is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to disqualification.
An entrant whose log is deemed by the Contest Committee to contain a large number of discrepancies may be disqualified from eligibility for an award.
13 – Declaration:
By participating in the CQ SA SSB Contest you agree that: 5
a) You have read and understood the rules of the contest and agree to be bound by them, as well as all rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation;
b) your log entry may be made open to the public, and
c) all actions and decisions of the CQ SA SSB Contest Committee are official and final.
14 – Log Deadline
: November 16, 2011
Logs must be submitted to the Contest Committee no later than 2011/NOV/16
Logs received after the deadline may be listed in the results but will be ineligible for any award.
15 – Log Submission:
We will accept logs only through our Log Submit Page. We do not accept paper logs and summary.
Contact Information:
Contest Committee, e-mail: (Do not send logs via e-mail)
Official website CQ SA SSB Contest:
- It is forbidden to disclose (open) Log publicly before the final determination of the competition. This is a rule for every amateur contest.
CLUB: Cantareira DX Group
NAME: Augusto Reis
ADDRESS: 03658-970
SOAPBOX: This is a CQ SA SSB Contest Cabrillo log format example.
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0034 PY2EB 59 001 PS2Y 59 004 0
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0047 PY2EB 59 002 PW2B 59 1 0
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0057 PY2EB 59 003 PY2XAT 59 004 0
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0112 PY2EB 59 004 ZV2C 59 007 0
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0113 PY2EB 59 005 PW2P 59 003 0
QSO: 28450 PH 2009-09-07 0124 PY2EB 59 006 ZX2T 59 010 0
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