Sunday, October 16, 2011

Contest Station KH6YY

Contest Station KH6YY

A Bit of background
In 1976 Randy, KH6XX, acquired a large country lot on Pupukea Ridge overlooking Oahu's famous North Shore, once the vacation spot of Hawaiian royalty and today a draw to the world's best surfers, recreational divers, and visitors from around the world. Randy built an elevated one-story cedar home and erected four radio towers to start his station.

The Radio Room
In the early 1980's he expanded the house by adding a large lower level, with additional bedrooms and bath, plus a custom radio room of over 650 square feet. Two more towers sprouted and the Pacific's most famous, reliably strong multi-operator contest station came into full glory.
Randy eventually relocated due to job requirements selling the property to a would-be Japanese ham who left it vacant for five years.
In 1992 the property was acquired by Marty Woll, N6VI, who undertook numerous projects to update the house and grounds and to restore the antenna farm. Just as many of the projects were nearing completion, Marty found himself having to relocate back to the mainland for work.
In late 1996 the property was acquired by Ken, KH7R and the work to restore and upgrade continued for the next four years. During the latter part of 2000, KH7R found the need to move to the mainland leaving behind a world class contest station never to be duplicated again due to zoning restrictions.
In late 2003 the property was purchased by Alex, KH6YY.....
Many a visitor has dropped his or her jaw at their first glimpse of this one-of-a-kind facility. Many an experienced contester has commented that they had never seen such a fantastic setup.
Lining the walls are six identical custom made operating desks, each with lighting, chairs and room to accommodate two operators comfortably. Behind each desk is transmission line ingress, a 230 volt AC twist lock receptacle and banks of 115 volt AC outlets.
Four big windows allow for enjoyment of the beautiful surroundings while enjoying the station. At one end of the room is a custom 10 ft. wrap-around desk with shelves and cabinets down below and 33 square feet of working surface area.

The Grounds
Outside is impressive. The lot sits about 850 ft above sea level. The far-field horizon is negative in nearly all directions, and the view from atop any of the six Rohn 45 towers is breathtaking no matter which way you look. Check out the Visual 360 Degree Tour. Each tower is fed with a combination of hardline and RG/213 type cables. Towers have been recently re-guyed with combinations of Phillystran and 3/16 and 1/4 ehs steel cable. The antenna configurations are as follows:

Tower 1 - 3 ea. 8 element Telrex 15 meter monoband yagis, one rotatable with WXOB Stackmatch and Wilson WR-1000 rotor.

Tower 2 - 3 ea. 5 element KLM 20m monoband yagis, one rotatable with WXOB Stackmatch and Wilson WR-1000 rotor. 1 ea. 80m half square.

Tower 3 - 1 ea. 5 element 15 m monoband fixed yagi. 1 ea. 4 element 6 m fixed yagi 1 ea. 7 element 6 m yagi rotatable 300 degrees (sidemounted) w/Ham IV 1 ea. 6 meter omnidirectional loop 1 ea. 10-30 mhz. M2 log-periodic rotatable yagi antenna with Wilson WR- 1000 rotor 1 ea. WXOB Stackmatch unit for 6m antennas.

Tower 4 - 4 ea. 10m 5 element Telex/Hy-Gain monoband yagi, one rotatable with WX0B StackMaster and Telex/HyGain Tailtwister rotor with RS-232 rotor control box. 1 ea. 5 element 6m M2 rotatable yagi 1 ea. KLM dual polarized 2m rotatable yagi.

Tower 5 - 1 ea.75/ 80 m Telrex rotatable dipole with Wilson WR-1000 rotor 1 ea. 40m delta loop 1 ea. 160m vertical elevated radial ground plane antenna.

Tower 6 - 1 ea. 3 element full-sized 40m DX Engineering rotatable yagi with Dunestar Stackmatch and ProSistel Big Boy Model 61 rotor 1 ea. 2 element 40m Cushcraft yagi 1 ea. 160 m half-sloper.

Equipment and Furnishing
In addition to six towers and six full operating positions, the station also includes a remotely controllable HF/Six Meter station that can be used over the internet.

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