Tuesday, September 27, 2011


TRC DX CONTEST - 2011 Organized by: TRC Headquarters - Bulgaria

Date and period: The first full weekend of October ( 1-2 October 2011 ) from 12:00 UTC on Saturday till 12:00 UTC on Sunday
Band and mode: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m ; CW, SSB and DIGITAL MODE ( PSK63 ). It is necessary to observe IARU band plan.
Same station may be worked once on CW and once on SSB on each band.
* Single operator can take part in several categories (e. g. SOAB CW & SOAB SSB & D20, D40....).
* Separate logs for each category ! or main category for place, others for check log.
Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any given time.

NON TRC members
A - SOAB MIX (CW&SSB) - Single Operator - All Bands - Mixed
B - SOAB CW - Single Operator - All Bands - CW
C - SOAB SSB - Single Operator - All Bands - SSB
DM - SOAB DM - Single Operator - All Bands - PSK63
D80 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
D40 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
D20 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
D15 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
D10 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
E - MOAB ST MIX - Multi Operators - All Bands - Single Transmitter - Mixed

TRC members
TRCM A - SOAB MIX (CW&SSB) - Single Operator - All Bands - Mixed
TRCM B - SOAB CW - Single Operator - All Bands - CW
TRCM C - SOAB SSB - Single Operator - All Bands - SSB
TRC DM - SOAB DM - Single Operator - All Bands - PSK63
TRCM D80 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
TRCM D40 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
TRCM D20 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
TRCM D15 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
TRCM D10 - Single Operator - Single Band - Mixed
TRCM E - MOAB ST MIX - Multi Operators - All Bands - Single Transmitter - Mixed

For non TRC stations : RS(T) + ITU ZONE ( 5928 or 59928 )
For TRC Stations: RS(T) + TRC ( 59TRC or 599TRC )

10 points for each QSO with TRC station
1 point for other stations
* Contacts between TRC members - 1 point

- ITU zones + DXCC countries on each band ( just if you have worked TRC patricipators from these countries in the contest ) regardless of the mode - see examples bellow.

Final score:
The sum of QSO points multiplied by final multiplier
* If you are TRC member: - LZ1YE
QSO: Freq. Mode Date Time HC sent callsign rcvd mult points
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:01 LZ1YE 599TRC LZ1QZ 59928 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:02 LZ1YE 599TRC LZ3ZZ 599TRC 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:03 LZ1YE 599TRC LZ1DQ 59928 - 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:04 LZ1YE 599TRC LZ2VP 599TRC - 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:05 LZ1YE 599TRC G3XXX 59927 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:06 LZ1YE 599TRC M3TRC 599TRC 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:07 LZ1YE 599TRC G4YYY 59927 - 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:08 LZ1YE 599TRC G0GFQ 599TRC - 1
Score: 8 QSO's - 8 QSO points X 4 mult = 32 points
* If you are not TRC member:
QSO: Freq. Mode Date Time HC sent callsign rcvd mult points
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:01 LZ1MBU 59928 LZ1QZ 59928 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:02 LZ1MBU 59928 LZ3ZZ 599TRC 1 10
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:03 LZ1MBU 59928 LZ1DQ 59928 - 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:04 LZ1MBU 59928 LZ2VP 599TRC - 10
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:05 LZ1MBU 59928 G3XXX 59927 1 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:06 LZ1MBU 59928 M3TRC 599TRC 1 10
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:07 LZ1MBU 59928 G4YYY 59927 - 1
QSO: 14000 CW 1/10/2011 12:08 LZ1MBU 59928 G0GFQ 599TRC - 10
Score: 8 QSO's - 44 QSO points X 4 mult = 176 point

Plaque Sponsors - TRCDX Contest - 2011
* If you wish to be one of the plaque sponsors or you have idea for other categories ( by continents, zones, countries... ), or you want to help bit our club about depending your possibilities.... just call us for additional info....Tnx.

Contact us
* Sponsors can receive special certificate about
Skype: lz1ye_trc
+359 431 876 07
+359 887 006 079

NON TRC members
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/MIXED - Donated by: UN9L - Pavel - TRC#101 - KAZAKHSTAN
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/CW - Donated by: LZ1ONK - Ognian - TRC#032 - BULGARIA
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/SSB - .................................................................................
DM - SOAB DM - Single Operator - All Bands - Digital modes - ..........................................
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/80M - Donated by: LZ1OJ - Don - TRC#002 - BULGARIA
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/40M - Donated by: LZ1NY - Victor - TRC#040 - BULGARIA
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/20M - Donated by: LZ4GL - George TRC#110 - BULGARIA
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/15M - Donated by: JI3UVB - Kazushi Tada - TRC#006 - JAPAN
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/10M - .................................................................................
Plaque for 1-st place MO/AB/ST/MIXED - Donated by: LZ3NO - Vencislav - TRC#007 - BULGARIA
TRC members
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/MIXED - Donated by: OR2F - Leo - Non TRC member - BELGIUM
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/CW - Donated by: LZ1GL - Krasimir - TRC#023 - BULGARIA
Plaque for 1-st place SO/AB/SSB - .....................................................................................
DM - SOAB DM - Single Operator - All Bands - Digital modes - ..........................................
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/80M - .....................................................................................
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/40M - ......................................................................................
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/20M - Donated by: W8ARE - Larry- TRC#018 - U.S.A.
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/15M - .Donated by: JI3UVB - Kazushi Tada - TRC#006 - JAPAN
Plaque for 1-st place SO/SB/10M - .....................................................................................
Plaque for 1-st place MO/AB/ST/MIXED - Donated by: LZ3ZZ - Aleko - TRC#008 - BULGARIA
*Plaque for maximum number of worked TRC stations - Donated by: LZ1YE - Nasko - TRC#001
Plaques: if minimum 100 valid contacts
Contest award for country winners: if minimum 100 valid contacts
* Contest award ( via e-mail in .pdf format ) to all participants – by request !
* Contest QSO’s can be valid for all TRC awards

Paper LOGs:
Separate logs for each band + summary sheet are required.
Please, send your log to:
Atanas Kolev, POBox 49, 6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Electronic LOGs:
Please, send your e-log ( preferably in CABRILLO format ) to:
Be sure to put the station call sign and the category in the "Subject:" line.
Deadline: 30 days after the contest - November 2, 2011 (post seal being decisive)
Advisable logging software:
GenLog - update gen325upd
N1MM - update N1MM-newexeV10.9.0
UcxLog by DL7UCX: http://www.ucxlog.org/
SD - http://www.ei5di.com/

The final score of TRC contest will be announced on TRC Web Site immediately after checking.

General Log Submission Requirements
1. Submit your log in the CABRILLO format created by all major logging programs.
2. We need electronics logs! The TRC Contest Committee requires electronics log for every possible high-scored entry.
3. All times must be in GMT.
4. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
5. Filename for the log should be yourcall.log.
6. In the header part of the electronic log submission you MUST specify a category of entrance and the full postal address for dispatch to the participant
trophies & awards .
7. Hand-written log can be made in chronological order or have separate sheet for each band. Each QSO must contain call sign, time, band, RS(RST),
exchange number (both sent and received - even for check logs).
8. Points and final score calculations are not necessary, calculations are done by our software.
9. Dupes should not be marked or deleted.
10. TRC Contest Committee decisions are final.
TRC Contest Committee invites all TRC members and all HAM radio operators all over the World to take part in the " TRC DX Contest " - 2011 !

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