Tuesday, August 30, 2011



This Antenna Is Taken From A Time Proven Design. Constructed From durable,UV Resistant Parallel Feed Line(300 Ohm) And #14 Double Coated Stranded,Insulated COPPER Wire, This Antenna Performs Extremely Well On 160 Meters Because Of its Low Angle Of Radiation. This Is An Excellent Dx Antenna! You have the optional to place a matching device at the end of the 300 ohm line(the base of the antenna) or simply use the tuner in the shack which should be sufficient for matching the coax to the antenna. An interesting note is it will Not be Necessary To Have An Extensive Wire Radial System Under The Antenna. The more the better however. As few as 4-10 1/4 Wave Radials Should Be Sufficient To Make The Antenna Really "Sing"!!!! With my modest Modest Wire Counterpoise (12 1/8th Wave Wire Radials) I Have Observed That This Antenna Is As Reliable For DX Work As My 5/16ths Wave "L", And Appears To Be 3 to 4 S Units Quieter Than The "L". This Would Probably Be an Asset In An Urban Setting. Less Noise Pick Up. This Antenna Will Do A Good Job On the The 160 Meter Band.

Another more conventional Configuration Of This Antenna Consists of #14 stranded,insulated copper wire constructed to the same specifications as the balanced feedline version. The advantage of this model is that it is not necessary to have a tuning or matching device at the base of the antenna. Matching can be accomplished by either of the previously mentioned methods. It can be easily fed with 50 ohm coax at the base of the antenna as the impedence is about 30 ohms. The mismatch can easily increased to around 50 ohms by adding a radial system or counterpoise under the antenna and then matched by a tuner in the shack.


Standard Doublet/Vertical "T" with Switch Box
Multi Wire Vertical "T"

I am happy to announce the introduction of a brand new antenna to the K4TR line of antennas. The "K4TR All-band 160-10 meter Doublet/Verical "T" antenna". This antenna has been field test by myself as well as NZ4O with great results. The focus was to construct an antenna which would work on all bands reasonably well, and would fill the need of amateur operators to have "TWO" antennas(switchable from the shack) for 160 meters. One Horizontally polarized for distances up 1000 miles(local rag chewing) and one vertically polarized with a low Take Off angle to work DX in excess of the 1000 mile mark. After more than year in the development stage and exhaustive field testing, the antenna has arrived that will fill all of these requirements. If you are looking for a really versitile antenna and have the space to put up a 60 to 70 foot vertical radiator, this is the antenna for you. The short technical description of the antenna is that antenna functions as a vertically polarized top loaded "T" when the shack activated relay is engaged and loaded up against a modest radial field (I use 36 1/8 wave radials). Deactivated the antenna becomes a horizontally polarized ladder line fed doublet for use on 160-10 meters. This is a very valuable tool, particularly on the 160 meter band. To date my log is full of contacts with Europe on SSB as well as CW, Australia,South America and Oceania, the Ural and Caspian Sea area of Russia and finally the Middle East (Turkey,Isreal and Cyprus). The antenna is constructed of the finest double coated UV resistant #14 stranded copper wire, heavy duty 300 ohm UV resistant ladder line, the K4TR Center insulator & Coax to Ladder Line connector, high quility coax connectors, relays, sockets, Zinc coated hardware and enclosures. The clickable link below will give you an idea of how the antenna functions. The switching unit is available seperatly and can be ordered below. Any other questions should be directed to to my email address listed at the beginning of this website. This is the antenna you all have been waiting for!! Get on the 160 meter band and have a really competative signal with all those so called "big guns"without the need for a high power linear in many cases!!!!! Don't let this band be a mystery any longer !!!!! Find out what you have been missing all your amateur career!! Come join us on the Band and get a multi band antenna as well all in one really neat affordable package. As all the fine K4TR products, this antenna comes with a 1 yr warantee for workmanship any other damage will be evaluated on a case by case basis.


Great way to get on the 160 meter band (or 80 meters) and start working the Dx. This classic antenna consists of a 1/4 wave(130 feet) length radiator and is connected to radials laid out on the ground or even buried under the ground. The radials can either be 1/4 wave length long or as short as an 1/8th wave length long. both will work well. This antenna is the easiest and most convenient way to discover the mysteries of the 160 meter band! I have have used this type of antenna in the past and found it to be a very good performer both locally and with dx contacts as well. Come join in on the fun on the 160 meters or even 80 meters!

The Bobtail Curtain is an excellent low angle radiator having broadside bidrectional characteristics. This antenna system uses the principle of co-phased verticals to produce the above mentioned pattern and provides (depending on who's book you read) 5/6db of gain over a dipole. The antenna performs as three phased top loaded verticals a quarter length wave high and spaced a half wave length apart. It is most effective for low angle signals and makes an excellent long-distance antenna for either 3.5 or 7 mhz. In order to have this antenna work to it's maximum an antenna tuner is a must at the feed point of the center vertical element. If this does not present a problem and if you have the space this is the primier DX antenna for 40 and 75 meters!!!!!!! We are not limited to only 40/75 meter versions of this antenna. We now offer a complete line of Bobtail Curtain antennas 80 through 10 meters as well. We now offer another configuration that is fed in the upper corner with 50 ohm coax. The advantage of this arrangement is the user does not not need a parrelel tuner at the base of the center element. The coax is then run to a standard tuner inside the shack. The need for an extensive radial field is no longer manditory. A standard ground connection shack is all that is necessary. I have to add that I have not tried this configuration and have no first hand knowledge about how well it works, but feedback from a recent customer tells how this configuration worked very well for him. Additionally this configuration models out quite well with the EZNEC computer program, so there should be no problem with the antenna. Either configuration is a great choice for a "Kick ass Low Frequency DX Antenna" . I have included two diagrams via the links below for a visual idea of the two configurations.


Gain 3.1-3.75 db Over Single Vertical With A Low Angle (21 Deg DX) Broadside Bidirectional Radiation Pattern If Mounted 1/4 Wavelength Off Of Ground. A great QRP Antenna!!!


This Antenna Is Taken From Another Time Proven Design. Constructed From durable,UV Resistant #14 Double Coated Stranded,Isulated COPPER Wire, This Antenna Performs Extremely Well On 160 Meters Because Of its Low Angle Of Radiation (Computed At 24 deg TO Angle According to the EZNEC 3 Computer Program). With The Radiation Resistance in Excess of 50 Ohms, This Is An Excellent Dx Antenna! It Will Be Necessary To Have A Tuning Device To Tune The Antenna To The Lowest Swr, Either At The Base Of The Antenna Or In The Shack. A Plus However Is That It Is Not Necessary To Have An Extensive Wire Radial System Under The Antenna. 4-10 1/4 Wave Radials (not supplied) Should Be Sufficient ( Although the more the merrier!) To Make The Antenna Really "Sing"!!!! The Antenna Is Configured With a 65 Foot Vertical Radiator With 3 65 Foot Diagonal Wires Spaced 120 deg Apart. NZ4O Indicates The "Umbrella" Is a Real "Kick Ass" Antenna on 160 Meters. If You Have A spot 60 To 70 Feet Tall This is Definately The Antenna For You!!


This Antenna Is A Solid Performer On DX And Ragchewing. It Has A High Radiation Resistance And Therefore Is Very Efficient. It Can Be Tuned With Either A Parallel Network Or A Conventional "T" Network Antenna Tuner. It Can Be Installed On A Typical 1/4 Acre Suburban Lot.

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