Thursday, August 11, 2011

DXpedition to Southern Sudan

DXpedition to Southern Sudan

This afternoon, the DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Group departed Juba and are now resting in Cairo before our long trips home to our respective countries.

We are very excited about how well the ST0R DXpedition went. The DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Groups worked well together and really enjoyed our three weeks together. We are already talking about our next DXpedition/Adventure!

We are quiet happy that we met our goal of 120,000 QSOs and set a record for RTTY contacts during a new country activation.

We wish to thank all of our donors and supporters. Ordinarily we thank our donors with an individual message, however the Internet in Juba was very unreliable and we were often without any connection to the outside world other than Amateur Radio.

This week, we held another meeting with the Engineering staff of the Ministry of Communications to guide them in their ITU prefix application. We are also providing them with guidance to develop and improve their Amateur Radio program and policies.

Team Co-Leader, Tony-EA5RM is also our QSL Manager. He will also investigate your “busted call” requests, if you email Tony directly.

Here are our final statistics, watch for updates to the ST0R web-page:

121.286 QSO in STØR Database.
27.994 Unique Call signs. 176 DXCC. 40 CQ Zones.
First QSO at 22/07/2011 @ 15:36 | Last QSO at 10/08/2011 @ 07:01

CW: 55.458
SSB: 47.696
RTTY: 18.132 (New world Record)

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