Sunday, July 10, 2011

Contest Station K5ZD

Welcome to the K5ZD/1 Station Tour

As of October 2006 the station consists of the following:

Station 1 - Yaesu FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA
Station 2 - Yaesu FT-1000D + Ameritron AL1200
Logging software WriteLog by W5XD
WX0B SixPak for antenna selection

Tower 1 - 100' Rohn 45G
160m elevated GP
80m inverted vee
Cushcraft 40-2CD at 110'
Hygain 205CA at 100'/50' in upper/lower/both stack
Hygain 155CA at 66'/33' in upper/lower/both stack

Tower 2 - 90' Rohn 25G
LTA 6-el 10m at 90' rotary
Cushcraft 10-4 at 60' fixed NE
Cushcraft 10-4 at 30' fixed NE
(All of above can be combined through WX0B StackMatch.)
40m Sloper toward West
80m wire 4 square hanging from ropes off tower
Tower shunt fed on 160m.

Tower 3 - 38' Rohn 25G
Hygain TH7DXX at 40' rotary
5-ele 6m at 46'

500' Beverage to NE

Far View

The view looking south toward my station. The antennas are on a granite hill in a river valley. There is about 100' (30m) of vertical drop within 500' (160m) of the towers in all directions.

(Photo January 10, 2005 by K5ZD)

From the same spot zoomed in as far as my digital camera will allow.

(Photo January 10, 2005 by K5ZD)

Tower 1 - 100' Rohn 45G

(Photo January 2005 by K5ZD)

100 feet Rohn 45G containing:

Cushcraft 40-2CD @ 110'

Stack of Hygain 205CA @ 100'/50' (bottom one fixed NE)

Stack of Hygain 155CA @ 70'/35' (bottom one fixed NE)

Inverted Vee for 75/80m with apex at 95'

160m elevated vertical (wire from top of tower)

Looking up Tower 1 from the bottom.

(Photo January 2005 by K5ZD)

Tower 2 - 90' Rohn 25G

Supporting the following antennas:

6-el 10m Yagi @ 90'
4/4 Cushcraft 10-4CD @ 60'/30'
80m wire 4 square
Shunt feed tower for 160m
40m sloping dipole to West

The three 10m antennas can be fed together through a WX0B StackMatch.

(Photo January 2005 by K5ZD)

View of Both Towers

Here is one of the few shots that can show both towers. Tower 2 (90' Rohn 25G) is on the left and Tower 1 (100' Rohn 45G) is on the right.

K5ZD View of both towers
(Photo January 2005 by K5ZD)

The two towers sit on top of a small hilltop. Spacing is about 130 feet (40m).

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