Thursday, May 19, 2011



1 - Date and Time for 2010

From Saturday July 03th, 0600 UTC to Sunday July 04th, 1200 UTC

2 - Classes

A – Expeditions on a WLOTA lighthouse LH xxxx - up to 6 hours of contesting.
B – Expeditions on a WLOTA lighthouse LH xxxx - more than 6 hours to 30 hours of contesting.
C – Single operators 30 hours.
D – Multi operators 30 hours.
Those who compete on Lighthouses, use an only one Lighthouse reference. If it’s a team and if it go to another Lighthouse with a WLOTA™ "L" reference, during the contest, an other callsign mut be used. The same team , in such case, cannot compete for more than 4 expeditions. Returning on a Lighthouse after activation of an other is allowed, but it’s an other activation and must be done also under another callsign.

3 - Modes

Digital, SSB,CW.

4 - Bands

10, 15, 20, 40 & 80 meters.

5 - Exchanges

RS(T) + number of the QSO starting from 001 + Reference WLOTA™ (L xxxx) (Classes A and B).
RS(T) + number of the QSO starting from 001 ( Classes : C, D and E.)

6 - Points

- 3 point per QSO between stations on the same continent.
- 5 points per QSO between stations on different continents.
- 15 points per QSO with a Lighthouse - reference WLOTA™ L xxxx, anywhere
The same station may be contacted once per mode on the same band (1 time digital, 1 time SSB, 1 time CW).
For exemple :
- L 001 contacted on 20 meters on RTTY, SSB and CW counts is worth 45 points .
- L 001 contacted on 20 meters in RTTY, PSK31, SSB and CW is worth 45 points and a dupe QSO (two times digital).
- W1XYZ contacted on 20 meters by F8XXX in SSB and CW is worth 10 points.

7 - Multipliers

All WLOTA™ Lighthouses (references L xxxx) in CW + all WLOTA™ Lighthouses (references L xxxx) in SSB + all WLOTA™ Lighthouses (references L xxxx) in Digit mode (RTTY, PSK31, etc.) of all the bands
For exemple :
- WLOTA™ 0001 contacted on 20 meters on RTTY, SSB and CW is worth 45 points and 3 multipliers.
- W1XYZ contacted on 20 metres by F8XXX in SSB and CW is worth 10 points, but no multiplier.

8 - Final score

The sum of the points of all bands by the sum of all the WLOTA™ references of all the bands as defined in the sections 6 and 7 of the rules

9 - Logs

The log sheets can be downloaded from the WLOTA™ web page at : Logs sheets can be asked too to the Contest checker (address below) (etsa + postage).
Each logger of the expeditions (Classes A and B) must send to the checker, with the log, the pictures and all the material mandatory for the validation of the expedition if necessary. (See Article 2.2. in the WLOTA™ Award rules, on the WLOTA™ web page)

10 - Sending the logs

The logs are due up the 01 of August 2010.
Checker address : WLH award – 18 Allée Roch-Bihen 44510 Le Pouliguen – France
or via contest10 [at] Log in Cabrillo (.cbr) are welcome

11 - Rewards

- Gold Medal for the winners of each class A, B, C and D.
- WLOTA Contest Award for the second and third of each class A, B, C and D.
- Award for First, second and third of Class E
- Award for the Best record in each category for World, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania

12 - SWL’s

Swl’s report as if they will be licenced hams. They report their own RS(T), and the complete information sent by the station heard. They count the points, multipliers and final score as defined in the sections 6, 7 and 8, of these WLOTA™ contest rules. For 2010 we don't open a special category for SWL's. Not more log in 2009. This category is closed.

13 - Decision for 2009 by WLOTA Contest HQ

The logs data-processing will have to be under Cabrillo (.Cbr) Results will be displayed if it has a minimum of 25 logs receive to the WLOTA Contest HQ - Minimum of 50 Qsos for receive Medals and Awards

ATTENTION : Alone WLOTA reference are accepted. ARLHS & TWLHF References are not accepted for this contest. The logs having reference TWLHF or ARLHS references will have a 10% penalty of the total of the points.

The WLOTA™ Award is copyrighted by INPI

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